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Everything posted by typhoon

  1. Every time I see that sequence from "the final countdown" I get goose bumps!! I remember the first time I saw it, back in the late 80's - loved it and spent a long time tracking it down on VHS.
  2. I have often wondered about temperature variation and it's long term effects. While I'm at work my house can reach about 33 degrees Celsius indoors, (rare but it does happen). I then get home and crank up my aircon and the house drops to a much more reasonable 22 degrees. Over summer that can happen 4 or 5 times a week. I'm sure other people expierence even greater degrees of temperature variation, then there's humidity.... Luckily I have a well sealed cabinet and after 4 years of constant display I haven't had any problems ( knocks on wood).
  3. I think that there is a degree of scalping going on. While its great to get these Valks at retail, as a fan and a collector I pay the additional mark up from NY. Hell before I knew about them (NY) I was guilty of paying an inflated price for the 25 renewals. I have not snagged a single Bandai release at retail or from any of my usual net shops (Amiami and HLJ). So my point is, only on sellers would have a problem with the additional mark up as it eats into their potential earnings. That's pure speculation but i think it makes sense. Each new release seems to have more and more online (ebay) attention, with one or two eBay sellers showing quantities of 10 available. Lastly, both Amiami and HLJ had stock available once the items were on hand. That has to be those retailers protecting themselves and not taking too many pre-orders and failing to deliver. NY still has stock of the 25g and the 171ex ready to ship while everyone else is sold out. They gradually increase their price, but everyone has the option of grabbing them at pre order stage before the price hikes kick in. At the end of the day I hope everyone is able to get what they really want.
  4. Yeah it's due fairly soon, it was shown around the same time as the VF-171 canon fodder which is just up for pre-order now.
  5. Damn Loop, I have just about the same gear coming through as well, minus one VF-17 super pack. The sad thing is, I'm back to work tomorrow and just about everything is slated to arrive that same day.... Luckily the wife can make a stop at the post office, otherwise I would be waiting for another week. Awesome way to start the New Year!!
  6. I agree, it does look awesome but I don't think it looks more advanced than the YF-29. I guess that's all down to personal opinion, but I like it when the Valks jump ahead in design. The VF-17 or VF-19 as main stream fighters looked great but when the VF-25 rolled out you could really see the evolution of the design. You can still see the 25 in the 29 no doubt about it, but the YF-30 looks closer to the YF-24 rather than an evolutionary step forward. This doesn't account for design specs, weaponry and so forth - purely a few comments based souly on the visual design. I still like it....
  7. Good bye....Devastator! Purely from a Macross perspective.
  8. Same here. got to say, my two cant get here soon enough!!
  9. Thanks for posting that Mommar. I had been waiting for a response from NY for a couple of days when I saw your post, sure enough went in and paid the invoice and it popped up at the lower price.
  10. That looks outstanding!!
  11. There is a lot coming, but I have just been setting aside the funds that were going towards the VF-17d and the VF-19p. Yeah sure it will be a huge bill when everything is ready in December (including 2x VF-4) but I should have put aside more than enough to cover them. Hopefully I can even save a little on shipping.
  12. NY came through for me, I received it today. Took a while to ship out but only in transit for four days. Packaging was on the light side, so there are a couple of creases and dents in the box - otherwise all good. I really like the color scheme, but you just get a sense that it could have been better....real VF-1s scheme or the OZMA version..... The Valk seems really well put together (much tighter than my other 29's, everything fits together really well), no QC issues on this copy...
  13. No need to worry, have not even heard a whisper about the VT-1. Although most people on this forum feel its not too far away... I'm sure it won't be too long before we are looking for the best deal from the usual suspects.
  14. You just need to be careful as the Valks are a limited run, whereas the parts are made to order. I'm not certain but I wouldn't be surprised if there were more parts than Valks getting around next year. Good luck either way....
  15. I think I will make sure I can get the Valk itself, before I push the button on the parts....
  16. Thanks for the heads up, can't believe the difference from the first one I bought just a couple of months ago...
  17. I think it depends on what they have in stock at the time of ordering. I wanted a few of the mixed sets about 6 weeks ago and I could only order the 2.5 and 6 inch versions. I don't believe they accept back orders, so just send them an email and ask about production times.
  18. Received my invoice as well, just having trouble paying through the link they sent. I sent them a quick email asking to send a fresh link, fingers crossed.
  19. Totally agree with you on that. If the canon schemes are limited by the license, I would rather see totally non canon designs that stay far away from the VFX max and milia schemes. Hell, even a canon fodder livery would look sweet on the VF-4.
  20. I had one Valk damaged by the tips, but it was in direct contact with paint. I now make sure the tips do not touch any paint apps on the Valk. No problems with cracking on the stand base or further damage to any Valks.
  21. That is amazing!!
  22. I hear what you are saying, on the other hand there is plenty of time to set aside some cash. There are plenty of releases due in the next 4 months but the VF-4 is the only MUST have in my opinion.
  23. How about a VF-25...that you can actually get.... I joke....no sersiously
  24. I guess Gamlins 22 was handled like a conventional release, regardless of what Yamato launched it as. In other words they decided to make a run of 1000(I think that was the number), they went ahead and produced it and sure enough it didn't sell all that well. The VF-4 takes the risk out of it for yamato by producing to meet orders only. I think the only problem we have on MW is that we get this skewed vision of it selling like a dynamo based on a few pages of thankful fans, but in the wider market this release is very obscure and don't forget it's not exactly a cheap addition for general collectors. Don't get me wrong, I hope the VF-4 gets a few follow up releases, but I wouldn't bet money on the VF-4 being a readily available Valk.
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