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Everything posted by typhoon

  1. RVF-171EX ... Nice!! Maybe Bandai can include a few "extra" NUNS triangles... Just in case.
  2. Wrong topic...sorry
  3. Great! Just received my shipping notification on my two Ozma's. I must say I was getting a touch worried, especially after seeing the last batch of posts. Certainly not the best experience I have had, but they (NY) came though in the end!
  4. I had the delayed shipping email from NY a few days ago. When I first read the email it was almost as if they wanted a cancellation, I honestly think their motivation is "lost in translation". I was a little ticked off at the wording, but a sent them a quick email via the ticket system. About two hours later they replied stating it's only a delay and they apologised in a sincere way. Not excusing their lack of reply to those of you still waiting, hopefully everyone gets their desired outcome.
  5. I wouldn't say I "hate" bandai. I have a few of the metal build Gundams, and while they don't have any breakages some of the series suffer from loose joints, poor paint application (some more than others - freedom). Overall I'm happy with my bandai VALKS, with the exception of the canon VF-171. I don't believe in the "perfect" toy, as good as they get there is ALWAYS something that could have been done better.
  6. I think I managed to get one....just it's on my account, I'm just waiting for the email.
  7. No, you can pay later at NY
  8. I missed out, but I'm not really stressed. I had one in the cart at AMIAMI but lost it, and I then missed NY all together. I will keep an eye on NY, hopefully it doesn't get jacked up too much.
  9. Yeah, I would need three sets.
  10. Nice shots! Ozma's rifle looks good with any of the 25's, pity they didn't all didn't come with that dark grey colour.
  11. I have had both my copies for a while, transformed them both a number of times and I have to say I'm happy with the YF-19. I thought the transformation was straightforward and the entire toy feels solid (except for the wings, don't like that high speed mode gimmick) Not sure about the plastic comments, I think the Toy feels really solid. Although the smaller tabs, flaps and thin hollow areas (wings) are where it feels...fragile. For the price point it should have been covered with decals, I think that's where I'm most disappointed. Cool, it has stickers but factory applied decals should be mandatory.
  12. I received the latest Variable fighter master file from HLJ, it has some great renders of the SDF-1. .....it's been a few weeks since I last posted about a TV SDF-1 so here I go again....lol, sorry if you are sick of hearing about it! Please Arcadia, TV SDF-1!!
  13. Based on the small issues with the YF-19, I'm more interested to see how the Arcadia VF-19KAI stacks up against the Yamato version. I was never a massive fan of the "McValk" but I can take it off my shelf, transform it, pose it and it feels as good today as when I first took it out of the box. The VF-1 release was pretty much a carbon copy, except for the slightly odd color choice for the plastic (pinkish). I hope they get it right, (VF-19) add a few things and maybe change the color and I will most likely buy one, provided that the price does not skyrocket.
  14. Wow, this is looking so impressive. I paid up, NY and AMI at about the same time - curious to see who's parcel gets here first. Both were EMS, now it's just a few more days to go........
  15. I don't think you can down play the levels of production so easily. You can walk into virtually and Kmart style of store almost anywhere in the world and find a collection of transformers. When the factory produces literally tens (maybe hundreds) of thousands of pieces of the same design that's going to play a HUGE part in keeping the costs down on a per unit basis. Macross is a unique obsession, enjoy it - stop trying to compare it.
  16. Sorry no picture, but I finally tracked down a bandai VB-6 SP version. I have been trying to get one for a while and missed out on a number of occasions. First impressions are that it is VERY cool.
  17. ...there will always be something else to spend your money on.... So true!
  18. If memory serves, didn't the destroids come out during the peak of the 1/60 Yamato launch period? I mean that's got to put a dent in sales, people were focusing on VALKS and at that time I seem to remember thinking - damn there is so much macross available at the moment, so you cut your least favourite items for the shopping list. I preordered the two standard releases but passed on the khaki versions - and skipped the weathered editions as well. I can't be certain, but I do have a decent disposal income and if I was thinking about cutting back purchases I'm sure many others were as well. I hope we get to see the last two destroids some day.....
  19. I haven't personally heard of any knock offs, but to be fair - that doesn't mean they don't exist. The DX Valks all suffer from loose joint syndrome, even if they are simply transformed once and left on display - they will become loose. Good news is that they are relatively easy to tighten up. I think the biggest trap on eBay would be the accidental purchase of a V1 which is inferior to the renewal versions. There are a number of topics on this forum to help you with that. I would suggest looking through the forsale section on this forum. In my experience they are always helpful and honest with their descriptions. Good luck and strap yourself in for some fun times ahead!
  20. Damn!! Totally forgot about this today. Just decided to check up on the forum news and bang, I saw an additional 2 pages under the YF-25 banner....I grabbed my two, the price hike sucks - but at least I can relax. Funnily enough, forgetting was almost a blessing - no stress. (Until I realised I forgot)
  21. At first glance they appear to include the extra add ons. I had the V1 Alto and I had to buy the additional missile "up-grade" separately to the tornado pack. Not sure if the 25G tornado release came with extra add ons. Glad these are being released, will most likely grab both.....
  22. Like most here, I have changed the "Grail" piece over time, usually because they get built as a 1/60 toy and I buy them! I think the one that continues to play out in the back of my mind is the VF-2SS. I'm not sure if it will ever get produced, but it certainly seems to be a "dream" at this stage...... Oh yeah, TV SDF-1 is right up there as well!
  23. Lol..."Enemy of the Earth", almost brings a tear to my eye....poor SDF-1
  24. Cool, I thought I must have missed something...
  25. Not sure if that was directed at me....I know some websites restrict the purchase order amount but I had no issues with NY and grabbing two. This has to be one of my favourite releases for the YF-29!
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