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Everything posted by BadTroll

  1. I see, be sure to bring anything up if it has an interesting impact on the chronology of 7 or anything really. I won't get my hopes up though. Thanks Gubaba.
  2. It's still official though. And who the hell actually writes the script then I wonder? Maybe they have some kind of frontier notes/guidelines to go by when adapting it or people to check it and approve? Someone mentioned Macross Chord or something before that happens in 2052, what exactly is it?
  3. Official Creator is listed as Kawamori and it's advertised as an official adaption. Of course, I don't know how much he was involved either, but it's official material never the less. And incase I'm confusing anyone, they don't say anything regarding her status... just that her name is still Jenius.
  4. The hell did it go? I put the scan on my post. http://www.mangafox.com/manga/macross_fron...01/c001/14.html
  5. They have gotten better. The Duets are much crisper.
  6. Then he gave his approval? I did a quick check but the author and creator turned up as Kawamori. I guess it could mean in general, though. It's still official though, right? I don't see why we wouldn't take it as such unless he said not to.
  7. I'm not saying anything about development. Just responding to his question of the time between series.
  8. I was asking if it's official before remeber? Edit- Nvm, Kawamori wrote it. Perfect chance to hint whether or not she was married there so I'm going with no. Why not check out the subbed version? A dub will never come out. It would cost an arm and a leg to get the writes with all the music and stuff involved in the series. Macross 7 has the best music in the series. I don't remember a song I didn't love. Check out Angel's Voice, definitely.
  9. Unless I'm mistaken there hasn't been anything about Fire Bomber's fate besides this(Which could use a Translation) and an obscure manga mention/homage of Mylene. If there was anything suggesting any of the characters are involved I'm sure someone would have brought it to our attention by now. Kawamori is a Good Troll. His series is excellent, but he still incites rage and leaves us hanging on things. 15 years and we're still wondering about this. I could hear an audible /facepalm from the frontier fanbase when the triangle was left unresolved. We still don't got a better answer about wtf happened to Megaroad-1, beyond 'a wizard did it'. Him using the meta-fiction idea to get by with not remembering his input for consistencies sake is another thing (Although in the end that doesn't matter so much since the stories are still true/based on the history of the world. He just has less to worry about in keeping scenes consistent or coming up with answers to his rabid fans.) I like his trolling better than Tite Kubo's. Kubo doesn't know what the hell he's doing anymore.
  10. Isn't she still called Jenius by Frontier? That manga is considered true, right? I don't think there has ever been anything suggesting she got together with anyone beyond those wedding pics which are obviously dream sequences or something. It's possible she never changed her name, or that she is involved with someone but that would be nothing but baseless speculation with less support. It would be akin to me saying Basara got macronized and is wandering with Emillia. They never said he didn't, so it's possible! So we default to their status as being single as the probable truth until otherwise enlightened. It's not that unlikely that your not married by 30, or at all. Kawamori is far too epic a troll to ever flat out resolve anything though. This reminds me of a picture. http://www.nioutaik.fr/images/dossier28/crea5.jpg
  11. God forbid he becomes an example. The galaxy would be doomed.
  12. I'm just saying that she appears single and unmarried as of 2060
  13. Great post. I agree, yeah. He made them sing his song. That song was Angel's Voice, and it was the very best.
  14. So by resolved, you meant that they remained single. Which is a resolution, your right. A. Basara, B. Gamlin, C. Single. C it is. Cause Basara never came back.
  15. I think that's the point of the thread. Didn't Grace basically say the PC got their fold technology/superdimension weapons and such from copying the Vajra?
  16. Can anyone translate the liner's? The songs are awesome. I like the -AD2060- of Totsugeki a lot. So which songs are completely new? All of them besides Totsugeki and Burning Fire from the game? Why is the -AD2060- on only some of the songs? The Revival of Fire Bomber 2009 concert will be awesome. Notes said that? I thought she was still unmarried by the time of Frontier. Damn. I'm loving all these songs. So they all are "written" in 2060 for this revival?
  17. But humanity has Basara. He would just come in and sing all the Vajra away somehow. Anyway, the Protodeviln's or Vajra? Any opinions on the Vajra are superior to Protoculture idea?
  18. I'm new, but the thought crossed my mind, so hey people! Humans are not making all the same mistakes the PC did, so in this sense, they are superior. But as a superpower, not at all. Also, are you saying the Vajra are superior to the Protoculture? It's been a bit since I've seen frontier but I don't think that's really the case. They imitated the Vajra so it's not like they are inferior. They run across some alien species, worship them, then imitate their 'technology' and probably expand on it. Besides, they did create the EVIL series, which would probably annihilate the Vajra, right? Vajra don't seem to be on the same level as them. Also, since it's necessary of my first post. FIRE!!!
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