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ARMD Deck Swabber

ARMD Deck Swabber (2/15)



  1. Any new FB/Chie/Fukuyama music recently?
  2. I know right? Here is another: So good. Exo, great pic.
  3. For you: This picture is also pretty amazing.
  4. Interesting but nothing that hasn't been done before.
  5. Love this pic.
  6. That sounds like it could be awesome depending on whose singing which parts. Hopefully it will surface somewhere. Good tip.
  7. I liked the disk as a whole. Though I am hoping for another anniversary soundtrack or something like Re:Fire again. I still listen to it a lot. I agree and disagree. After all is said and done, I did like the medley. I still love seeing the old FB stuff making it's way in to songs so many years later. Nevertheless I do believe it would have been better if it was a Fukuyama/Kajiura rendition. Their vocals always hit the right spot for me. The sequences in the medley come off as weaker and contain a lot less energy than the original pieces because May'n/Megumi don't pair up anything like Yoshiki/Chie and sound entirely different. You inevitably get different feelings when listening.
  8. I usually hate remakes but if I watch this video enough... I could get used to the idea.
  9. Site looks awesome to me. Does this mean something in regards to my psyche? I feel like I'm walking around DarkSouls listening to the BGM.
  10. Chie is awesome too. Love her.
  11. That has to be so nice, just bumping in to him randomly like that. So awesome.
  12. I really love the new song and have that on repeat. Need more FB though, as much as I enjoy May'n and Megumi, they just don't measure up the same. Fukuyama is just so win.
  13. Clearly the greatest thing to happen to Macross was Nekki Basara.
  14. Not trying to deter you from purchasing it or anything. Have at it! It is a very nicely made Nose Art like I said, and certainly fitting for such a use regardless of whether or not it's tasteless. I can recognize Nose Art as a legitimate form of expression and I'm not trying to degrade it's importance to people. The art just brought to mind a thought about the character it represents.
  15. I think it's accurate. She is clearly over-sexualized as part of her Idol image. And I'm not judging her too harshly at all. I mean, I know her character shows most of it when she's on stage already and the nose art is nothing official (I don't think? Anyway the Nose art simply brought the issue of her Idol image to mind) but like I said in another thread, I like Sheryl despite that. But it does indeed detract a bit from her character appeal that she goes with that type of modern promotion for her music career. I still like her and Ranka the same when all is said and done. I guess I'm worse for making comparisons between Sheryl and pop whores of the day. (Note: Sheryl is in no way a whore)
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