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Everything posted by Mule

  1. I just used good ol' Elmer's white glue. I used the standard bottle applicator which led to glue gobs instead of a nice little bead. You can see the effect of the leaks on the underside of the cannon barrels. If you can controll the stuff, it works great since it dries fast and solid.
  2. This was just normal card stock. Nothing fancy. The 90lb was a little thin for some parts, so I re-enforced it by glueing another layer to the back. This was only a problem with some large, flat areas, and not for most of the mech. I think the next paper weight up was 110lbs. I might try that, but no heavier. I think the sheet count was somewhere around 25. The sheets are all lettered from A to U, but some of them must be printed twice for symetrical parts. Good luck.
  3. Download URL: http://www3.baylor.edu/~Andrew_Stripling/monster.zip If that doesn't work, do a search for "paper monster" in the old MW forums.
  4. Just as hard as a color one Seriously, there are some tiny parts and intricate cutting and folding. I've never done a paper model before, and I can't say I'll be rushing to do another one any time soon.
  5. Thanks! Its just the standard cheapo 90lb card stock from Office Max. The images were lightened a little so I didn't blaze through toner, and the thing was just run through a B/W laser printer.
  6. And one last one:
  7. Some LEGO men for scale:
  8. And another:
  9. Here is my paper monster. I just wanted something to keep me busy on a long (3712 mile/ 5974km) road trip. It ended up taking me 2 months to complete (the model, not the road trip). My color printer at home doesn't work any more and I didn't want to waste color toner at work, so I just printed the thing on a black and white laser printer. The paper was 90lb 8.5x11 inch stock. I just used standard Elmer's white glue to hold it together. Enough words, here are some pics:
  10. Mule

    VF-4 Lighting

    I'd love it in 1/60 (that's what I voted for), but Yamato would probably make it in 1/72.
  11. I think you're the only one that needs to calm down, but then again, I always think that I don't think Graham will be willing do the "Tune in on such-and-such date when I reveal X product" thing again after the way "pants wetting" thread went.
  12. I said 2015-2020, but I'd like anything in the 2015-2035 range. Could be anything about the early colony fleets, rebuilding Earth, or new stuff that we don't know about. I think that would be an interesting time period to flesh out since that is really when humans truly developed their presence in space and developed themselves into what we see in Mac Plus and Mac 7. Plus, the VF-4 would finally get the lovin' it deserves
  13. Mule


    Looks to me sort of like a pre-production model prototype. That would explain the un-puttied seam lines in the nose, between the fuselage halves and at the vertical stabalizer roots. Scale is impossible to tell since there are no solid points of refference. It looks like it could be a Hasegawa, but it could also be a garage kit (Yellow Sub, SHE, ...).
  14. Love da Monster. It just radiates raw power.
  15. The destroid didn't look variable to me. It just looked like the camera was on the ground looking up and followed the destroid as it came down. It did seem to have wheels on it's feet though.
  16. 1/72 = 1 1/60 = 1 1/48 = 0
  17. Mule

    Meeting with yamato

    D'oh, missed it. I wanted to ask how the Mac Zero stuff was coming along.
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