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Francisco Caceres

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About Francisco Caceres

  • Birthday 10/25/1974

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  • Interests
    Sculpting, music, anime, macross

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Cannon Fodder

Cannon Fodder (1/15)



  1. Haven't been here in a while, lots of work to do here , the last update on the figures: now i'm working on a Captain Gloval bust (i'll post pictures soon) here are the pictures of the painted figures, hope you like them: comments are always welcome, cheers.
  2. i got Max Jenius, cool! XD
  3. Thanks for the comments, we are still working a tad on Misa, so more pictures yet to come, here is the update on Milia's figure: Comment please!
  4. Hi everybody, i've been very busy for the time being, but i made some changers to the figures: Misa has a new head more anime style, and the arm holding the helmet now has it ebraced against her hip, also the helmet has a brand new interior, here are the pictures: please comment! more pictures of Milia next.
  5. Wow! lots of comments! thank you very much everybody, i'm a little behind schedule regarding the casts of the copies since i'm producing another kit right now, Regarding the face, i didn't wanted to go for the usual anime-esque face, specially since i am used to sculpt other types of features, for example: (a wax bust of Wolvie i've been practicing with) (a Supergirl statue we did at the workshop) so it was fun trying to make this faces, but now i don't feel so pleased with the results now (but i still don't think they look fat ) so i'm going to make a quick wax transfer of the faces next week to try and refine them, and the rest will be casted as it is. soon more pictures, and thanks for watching!
  6. Thanks everybody for the welcome and the kind words, i'm on the process of mold making now, so as soon as i cast copies and paint them i'll post the pictures here, cheers.
  7. Hi, this is my first post, i wanted to show a couple of figures i've made myself. the figures are Millia in Meltrandi's pilot costume and Misa Hayase in bridge uniform. both were done using super sculpey and stand 10" . here are the pictures:
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