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Everything posted by mospeadamacrosstech

  1. It's too bad. I so wanted this toy. But I don't know anyone who is happy with it. What's this about the 1/48? A model kit? I think I will wait for Yamato. I use to think BanDai owned Yamato in the QC department, but it has really been the other way around of late.
  2. That is actually impressive. I do like Windows 7 so far, far as stability goes, it seems to be more stable than Vista.
  3. The industry, foreign and abroad are full of egotistical infants. Itano was simply lashing out at Frontier for one reason: he was not part of it. And so, he's throwing a temper tantrum to anyone willing to give him attention. Like a child. Itano needs to get over himself. Yes, he does bring up a few points, but as Eugimon points out, he does contradict himself. Thus reiterating my initial commentary about the man. Boy. Child. Infant. Personally, I liked Macross Frontier. It wasn't the best of Macross, but it wasn't the worst either. As a whole, it was lacking, but entertaining. It felt Hollywood to me, in the sense where it was a lot of flash and not enough substance. And yes, I am a fan of some of Itano's work, but he is still an infant.
  4. Thanks BlueMax. Is it normal for a person to buy a PSP just to play this game?
  5. How did you do the hands? Are those Bionacle parts? You should make directions for this baby and sell it. I'd buy one. I love your work!
  6. Thanks for the info! I love how everyone here truly helps everyone out. :-)
  7. "That's what she said." Okay. Yes, I just watched 'The Office.'
  8. Question about the 2SS. If memory serves, BanDai made a 1/100 transformable model. Is that the only varible version made of the 2SS so far?
  9. I have all the Mega House ride armor. They are just awesome. I have heard nothing but negative things about CM's. Being a huge Mospeada fan, I may take the plunge anyway. I like how CM's is selling the army builder figures alone. Pretty cool. Personally, I was disappointed with their Legioss/Tread sets. With some more effort, it could have been an amazing set. I'm bummed about Beagle's cancellation of their perfect Mospeada toys. I think I held off on the CM's because I just don't want to be let down any more. The Megahouse versions are a total win. Lots of fun.
  10. Hey, I am new to this PSP thing. I am a bit confused. Are there 2 Macross Frontier PSP titles? Ace and Ultimate? Or are they one in the same?
  11. I'm so busy right now, I don't have time for a model kit. Even so, seeing your results have me thinking otherwise. This is looking pretty darned good.
  12. That is a good question. I've helped my buddy with his airbrushing customs in the past. From what I gather it has to do with the paint itself. So, there really is no answer as to what the ratio is. As for thinner vs water, I also believe it depends on the paint, so there is no generalized rule of thumb.
  13. I'm curious to see your experiment. Be awesome if it worked.
  14. For 2 grand? Hells no.
  15. Do I have an Amen?
  16. I gotcha. Your previous post just made me elaborate on some ideas I had. This is a very interesting topic!
  17. The man is always keeping the destroid pilots down.
  18. Gloval is there? Man! I have to watch it again!
  19. That would be "FAN" tastic! :-) I'd love to watch it dubbed!
  20. This takes me back to Robotech: Battlecry. Yea, yea, I know it's not officially Macross. Whatever. Point is, I remember the destroid level where you have to assist a group of destroids. That for me, was a blast. I've always loved the destroids and always wanted to see them get more love than they've gotten in the past. Yes, it would be great to devote an episode or mini told through the perspective of a destroid pilot. I agree, Macross is all about the Valkyrie pilots, but it would be fun to see things through the eyes of another combatant.
  21. No it wasn't. This is a great project. I bet we may end up liking this version better than the official Yamato release. Keep up the good work.
  22. NAIL POLISH! THat's brilliant! All my engineering skills and that thought never occurred to me! THanks for the tip! I am going to try that out tonight!
  23. A lot can happen in 12 years. I think it would be fascinating if there is a Macross series that somehow travels from one point in the galaxy to another showing the effects of this human colonization. I guess Frontier touched on this a bit, but I for one would love to see more.
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