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Everything posted by mospeadamacrosstech

  1. I'd like to add that what separates AnyMoon from the other sites out there are the comparisons. What made me decide to invest on the new 1/60 Valkyries was anymoon's size comparison to other previously released Valks. I could see the level of detail compared to some Valks I had around, and it really made me decide to take the plunge. Glad I did. I love the 1/60's. (I still like the 1/48's the best, but that's me). I also like the careful detail that goes into the pictures. It highlights the toys strengths and weaknesses. Many other sites out there that compare toys don't take the time to take good pictures like Anymoon and Remy's Tformers site does. I think that is key to help make a decision on weather or not to invest in a new release. And of course, a well thought out, organized review with rating scale too. Seriously, I think Toynami, BanDai, Yamato, MegaHouse and CM's should all pay you residuals for all the shiza I've purchased because of your site. Thanks again.
  2. Movies are a means to temporarily escape our own world and reality. Sadly, the industry is so inbreed and regurgitated from previous endeavors, that it almost never succeeds in that simple task. I have heard so many people bash Avatar. Or think little of it. I think part of this has to do with the fact that it's James Cameron. The mastermind who brought us the Abyss. Aliens. Terminator. And yes, Titanic. I think we have such high expectations for Avatar, that we're not really giving it a chance. Another thing to consider is the few breadcrumbs we've seen of this (no thanks to Fox's atrocious ad campaign) does not portray this film in the proper light. Keep in mind, this film was made exclusively for the 3D median. Not too many have had a chance to see the footage in a good 3D theater. Trust me. Once you see this in 3D, it makes all the difference in the world. You will take off your shoe, and put your foot in your mouth. Avatar will be brilliant. It will dazzle you, and do what so rarely happens anymore: take you to a place you have not been before... Even if you don't like some of the creature designs. I think after you see the film, you will feel different.
  3. CDX does some pretty good reviews. I don't always agree with them, but they provide enough pictures and usually video to assist a viewer on making a purchase. In this economy, and at the prices some of our collectibles sell for, that's an outstanding free service.
  4. You hit the mark.
  5. My two favorites are Mad Thunder and King Gojulas. I had both of them when I was younger, but they did not survive the move. I would LOVE to get my hands on those two again.
  6. Usually gigantic plot holes and and an underdeveloped villain will ruin a movie. Despite it's underwhelming script, Trek is fun, vibrant, well paced, and just a blast. As much as I am not a fan of Abrams, I think the success of this franchise is all on his shoulders. Of course, having the cast he did helps a lot too.
  7. I remember when I watched the fist season, and predicted that it was so funny they'd run out of ideas and the show would burn out. Not only is the show still going, but each season is better than the one before. Trey and Matt are true comic and political commentary geniuses. I hope this show is on for another 13 years.
  8. Just a little paint app goes a long, long way with Star Wars toys. And they're pretty fantastic to begin with.
  9. That Akira bike is the shiznet.
  10. I didn't dress up this year. But I made my dog dress up as a pumpkin for the kiddies. My poor doberman.
  11. Caroline's Spine, all the way. Jimmy is now all that remains, but since he's the one who started this band, I think it will still be the best of hard/alternative rock. Their last album, Captured, is the best. It's just phenomenal. You need to check it out. Amazon only has four of their albums listed, but I think there are close to twenty in existence.
  12. They are indeed cool. I'm glad I was sitting down cause they are expensive!
  13. I actually agree. That bugged me too. But again, its Emmerick. Leave the brain at home.
  14. It's not as bad as it sounds. It's actually a fun movie. Come on. Mr. White. Jack Black. Sara Silverman. Good times.
  15. Thanks for the heads up.
  16. Anymoon is your website? Man, that is the BEST site for reviews! Are you going to pick one of these up? I bet they're next to impossible to find if no one is carrying them. Not to mention the absurd price tag. Do you know anyone who is selling this set? Thank you in advance! And thanks again for all your hard work on Anymoon. I seriously use your site before I make any of my Macross or Mospeada purchases. I appreciate it!
  17. 2012 may be a good movie if... Leave your brain at home. Do not attempt to think logic or reason at all, just turn your brain off. And you just may have a good time. I hope Will Smith shows up, punches a volcano, and proclaims, "Welcome to Earf." It's odd that it just took one punch from Will to knock out the alien, and ten minutes later it kills like, 15 people in seconds. Wait, wait. Do not attempt to think logic or reason at all, just turn your brain off. And you just may have a good time. Phew. A computer virus that works on an alien ship? What, are they using computers with windows 95 to take over the world? Where's Steve Jobs? Oh, wait. Do not attempt to think logic or reason at all, just turn your brain off. And you just may have a good time.
  18. Is it wrong to buy a PSP just to play Frontier Ace?
  19. Hey! I heard it through the grapevine that CM's is retooling their Legioss/Tread sets! Is this news to anyone? I started reading through the forums, but at 44 pages long, it may take me a bit of time. Hello? Is this thing on?
  20. A rare talent indeed. Something many US TV shows direly lack. Wait. Do we still have TV shows? Or just the "reality tv" crap. You know it's real when they have 30 staff writers working on the show. I don't know about you, but I have 30 people working for me. They're all physics and write down what's going to happen to me before I even do it. I also have producers telling me who I am going to like and get into fights with. Cause, you know, that stuff is all real. Did I just get on the soapbox? Yes. I did.
  21. Yes, that is indeed the G-Force jet, aka Battle of the Planets, aka Gatchaman. I never knew they made the Phoenix. I have to get one of these myself. NICE FISH!
  22. Mr. White is working on the sequel as we speak. Er, type.
  23. I have seen the 1/18 scale hornet and falcon, but now a Tom Cat? I will be buying this. My wife is going to want to kill me. But I don't care.
  24. It's true. Seriously, as an editor myself, I will tell you that even if they did shoot (or animate in this case) any of the scenes you were talking about, they would have wound up on the editing room floor. (Not so much anymore since we all use computers, but figuratively speaking). t's difficult to tell an 18 and 1/2 hour story (the original TV series) into 2 hours. You have to tell as much story as you can in a very, very short period of time. Every single scene needs to move the story foreword. Or develop character. None of the elements from the original series were relevant to the overall plot of the DYRL movie, and thereby eradicated. Besides, the creators wanted to take DYRL into a different direction than the original animated TV show. Macross was much more popular than the original creators had anticipated, which lead to the creation of the movie. Back then, a show aired in Japan, and that was the end. If memory serves, Macross as a bit of a mildstone in Japan since it aired more than once. I also know the Macross team was striving to have Macross have it's own identity separate of that of Robotech. I remember Carl Macek saying something along the lines that he could not use his original idea for Robotech The Movie, because it's ties to the Macross saga, and the producers of the Do You Remember Love movie didn't want any confusion from the Robotech movie and their movie. The "cannon" of Macross today stems from DYRL, NOT the TV show. So, as a fan, you can appreciate the TV show and love it, but it is no longer relevant to Macross since every spinoff/sequel preceding it branches from the movie . Now, that doesn't mean you can't still love the TV show. Macross Frontier was throwing in all kinds of homages to the TV series. The Tuna head can be seen in the background at one of the restaurants. The entire catching the falling girl from certain death while flying a valkyrie in guardian mode was even thrown in. The first time I saw DYRL, I hated it. "Clash of the Bionoids," I think was the USA title. It was edited and butchered to crap. I saw the uncut version about 10 years ago or so, and just fell in love. I know some fans will NEVER have a true love of DYRL. To the lot of us, myself included, we look at the TV series with a sense of nostalgia. It was the original, and thereby it means a lot to us. But that is all it can be from now on. DYRL is cannon. Give yourself some time. Deculture! You will open up to it. It is a fantastic film. The pacing is off, but overall, fantastic.
  25. Estero, Florida. I know, you've never heard of Estero. We're between the much bigger cities (and still small in most respects) of Naples and Fort Myers. I've been on the forms for a bit now. So far, so good. Good place to go when you are rendering and killing time. I love Mospeada, Macross, and yes, STILL a proud Robotech fan. Glad to be here.
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