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Everything posted by mospeadamacrosstech

  1. Yes, the Independence Day 2 is in the works. The script is done. Godzilla 2, no. At least, NOT a sequel to the Devlin/Emmerich POS.
  2. I knew that bait would be taken sooner or later.
  3. I second that! Or get the new VF-22 Max.
  4. Most modern Sci-Fi is ripped off from previous endeavors. Look, it's simple. The entertainment industry will NOT take a chance on ANYTHING unless it is a sequel. Or remake. Or a rip off of something else. It sucks. It does. But that's the way it is.
  5. What's worse than the death of the Megahouse line is the death of the Beagle line. That Stick and Rey are two of the most fantastic toys I have ever had the pleasure of playing with. Two icon gems I have always wanted since I was a kid, and one of the few times where I was not disappointed. It suck, it really does. We've seen more Mospeada toys in the last two years than we have in the other 25 years combined, and I doubt we'll see any more for a long, long time. Is CM's line still going, at least? I was informed on this thread that CM's redid the underwhelming Legioss/Tread set. Too little too late. I have not purchased any of CM's cyclones. I heard nothing but negative things about them from friends, and honestly, they are way, way over priced for what they are. But considering I have almost everything else, maybe I should take the plunge. Since it may be my last chance to get some "new" Mospeada toys for another 25 years. I'm off my soapbox now.
  6. I get the strong sense that there is little love for Robotech here. (The force is strong with this one)
  7. I have to get me some of these Fire Bomber CD's. Fans are nuts over it.
  8. Maybe if they went down an additional 1,000.00.
  9. Yup. I'm haivng trouble keeping up. And I have a feeling these 22's are going to be hard to come by if I pass them up. Grrrr.
  10. THAT is AWESOME. Those fast packs are so damn aggravating. I'm trying this trick right now...
  11. Green Beta Fighter MPC. I know, it's Robotech, not Macross. Still stoked. Also a 1:60 VF-1A Max (TV), and a VF-0S + Ghost. Which is Macross related.
  12. That 27 is just hard core. It looks better as a toy than a cartoon.
  13. Damn. So true. I still can't get over that price. I know it's not really Macross, but I did always like the Jetfire scheme. This would be great for such a custom.
  14. You know what would be bad @ss? A 1:18 scale Valkyrie line. Can you imagine? An entire line of figures, destroids. That would be the toy to end all toys. Unless they did a 1:18 Monster.
  15. I know it's a bit dated, but I busted out Battlefront 2 again. I have to say...best Star Wars game, ever.
  16. I'm making a Valkyrie costume right now for my Doberman for next Halloween. My poor dog.
  17. Please don't lynch me. But what is Viper's Creed? I haven't heard of it.
  18. I remember when I was a kid, that scene gave me nightmares. Many years later, as an adult, I got the DVD's when they came out, and that scene made me laugh. So cheesy. Ah. Gotta love the 80's. But, despite some of the cheese, V had some rather extraordinary moments too.
  19. Hey. Speaking of Megahouse, do they have plans to make a Fuke?
  20. That's rad. My sister-in-law won't let me get them Macross. My wife tells her what my Macross/Mospeada/Robotech habit costs me, and she won't let me get her kids into it. It's inevitable. One day, I will convert them. For now, I have to tolerate Jacob calling my Valkryies transformers. Grrrr.
  21. I never did time machine. I should have. I'm even have some FCS issues. Not good when that's how I make my living. There's an update of 10.6.2 on the horizon. Allegedly, it will fix many of the bugs. Fingers are crossed.
  22. Thanks for the heads up. I'm on my way to BBTS right now. Joel is an awesome guy.
  23. That's a shame. Times are tough on everyone right now. Except our bankers execs. They had to take a 90 percent pay cut cause they blew all the bail out money. Now they're only making 1/2 million a year. And that's after a 90 percent pay cut.
  24. I know man. But 600 bucks. That's like, 2.5 valkyries. Priorities.
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