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Everything posted by mospeadamacrosstech

  1. Pete, we're in the same boat. I never really liked the movie designs, but the toys were just the needle that broke Prime's back. Although I do have to give props to the Leader Class Optimus for ROTF. But the Takara-Tomy version just makes the US version look like crap.
  2. ID-4, Dos. But only if they replace Will Smiff with Chuck Norris.
  3. You are correct. It also a derogatory term for someone who is heterosexually challenged.
  4. It's hard to find quality Sci-Fi.
  5. I am not doubting your skills, sir. But I believe that toy is in dire need of a sober design.
  6. That is the problem with MOST of TV, and especially MOVIES nowadays. All flash. But no camera.
  7. GREAT movie. Mike Judge rules.
  8. I got no love for HG. But Robotech had done a lot of good for the anime community as a whole. For example, many of the anime fans who grew up with Robotech got into anime because of Robotech. And their kids will most likely get into anime. And their friends at school will, and it goes on and on. Robotech was a big part of the giant boom of Japanese animation in the late 80's and throughout the 90's. (Talking stateside). So, how can someone who loves Macross and hates Robotech deal with the latter's existence? The solution is simple. Robotech isn't going anywhere. Neither is Macross. You need to consider they are totally separate entities. It started AFTER Robotech aired, and became a success in the USA. Carl Macek sent out to make a movie for Robotech. Yes, I know it was Megazone 23. But the final product of Robotech the movie wasn't the original vision. Macek wasn't able to use his original idea for the Robotech Movie because Macross was coming out with a film of their own (Do You Remember Love), and they didn't want any confusion between the two series. In other words, the IP of Macross was to have a separate life, or continuity than Robotech (Which it already had before. But that gap was about to widen). As of now, none of the original Macross TV show is canon in the modern Macross continuity. Every Macross sequel/spinoff preceding DYRL clearly follows events around DYRL-and they do not even acknowledge the existence of the TV show. After DYRL, Macross went it's direction, Robotech went the other-even more so than before. There were already vast differences between them, but that is the true turning point in which the two sagas divorced. What is difficult for me to grasp is Harmony Gold, who owns Robotech (and the US rights to the three original shows that made up Robotech). Their business ethics are shady, and they have prevented a true revival of Macross for US fans. Their obsession to control everything has only lead them astray from expanding and ever allowing Macross to become the household name it's destined to be. One example, I had talked to the owner of the Puzzle Zoo in Santa Monica one time, who had Yamato Valkyries for sale. He was bitching that HG told him to cease and disist. What would a local store possibly to do harm HG? Another example is the store Suncoast, which was going to sell Macross Plus Valkyries at one time, and HG boycotted that from happening. Which is only a portion of why my hatred for HG manifests. And so, Macross is NOT a household name in the states. Even in Japan, it's no where near as popular as other intellectual properties in it's class. In fact, Macross is considered a nitch market. Sadly, even without the HG boycott in Japan, Macross is still not the common name it should be in popculture. Sure, I know that will change with time. Macross has been going strong for 27 years now, and it's not going anywhere. I even think it's safe to say that even in this nich market, there are currently more Macross fans than Robotech fans. And still Robotech lives. What do you do when you hate something but it won't go away? Just ignore it. And enjoy your Macross. It's all apples and oranges.
  9. Er, Mospeada fans are cursed! The Beagles are just top notch. My buddy isn't a Mospeada fan, and he went out and purchased the Toynami versions as soon as he handled mine. Yes, they're that good. I was so excited to finally have a complete set of riders. I know for a fact there is a prototype of Fuke. I know for a fact that the Robotech versions are selling well (considering their price and the economy). So, why doesn't Toynami release it? They can get twice the bang for the buck and release the Sue Graham version. It's a wasted opportunity, especially since the prototype is done. If I win the lottery this week, let's buy that damn prototype and mass produce a Fuke for the fans. While I'm at it, I'll release a Legioss that's to scale too. But first, I have to win the lottery.
  10. That's a funny game to play, EXO. Maybe we can re-shoot "V". Make it like the office, where the aliens are talking to the camera about how they're going to secretly take over the world. And when a minor character stumbles onto something, we cut back to the Aliens talking to the camera, and they can proclaim "They're going to die," before we see the aliens kill the humans. Or, we can make a reality TV show out of it. Still working on that formula. I'll get back to you.
  11. The main character is human, "pretending" to be alien. So, no, in your terms, it's not "human bad, aliens good." The main plot focus on a small group of humans trying to find a diplomatic solution to negotiating with the natives on Pandora. Yes, some of the humans are "bad." But there are a lot of "good" humans too. The best analogy I can think of is 1986's "Aliens." Yes, in your terms, that movie was "Aliens bad, humans good." But the true antagonist was the Weyland-Yutani Corporation. That theme is more predominant in Avatar. Ultimately, It's about doing the right thing when no one else will. "To sin by silence when we should protest makes cowards of men." - Ellen Wilcox.
  12. The same thing happened to one of mine! I was trying to tighten the tension and crack! My wife broke another one during our move. (She felt pretty bad. Better a FD than one of my Valkyries). I told her it's okay and that I wasn't upset (but damn it, I was). Does anyone know where I can get any more?
  13. These are all fantastic tips. Thanks for helpin' the rest of us out!
  14. Thanks for your review man! I am ordering mine as soon as my classes are over. 3 more weeks. Then I get to order, and wait another 3 weeks. But damn. I'm stoked. This looks like the best version of this toy to date!
  15. Mospeada. Right up my alley. I'm going to check this out. Thanks guys!
  16. That's some pretty good stuff!
  17. I love my country too. But we vote against a bank bail out, and then give them one anyway. So much for the people's voice. Our un-employment rate is at an all time high, this is the largest set of foreclosures in our nation's history, and we bail out those (mostly) responsible for getting us into this recession to begin with. The banks. And the banks are out of the bail out money again. Our poor bank execs are taking 90 percent pay cuts, so they're only making half million a year now. That's AFTER a 90 percent pay cut. I'm off my soapbox now.
  18. I almost took the bait too. I think anyone reading it did. You just did what we all thought of. No harm there. And I agree. I was thinking about the Fuke and Shinobu just to complete the series. But I think the scales are different. I believe the Megahouse are 1/15 and the CM's are 1/18. Also, CM's contain die cast where the Megahouse don't. I hope they can pass as a set. Cause I really don't want to buy the other three. Especially if they suck. anymoon has a very good review of the CM's. You should check it out.
  19. I believe so. Don't they look fantastic?
  20. That was really well said, and I could not agree more.
  21. As much as I HATE the Movie designs for Transformers, the leader class OP was a pretty kick @ss toy. The Takara/Tomy version looks even better, except for that God Awful mouth. God I hate Micheal Bay. And can someone tell my cousin to STOP calling my Valkyries "TRANSFORMERS?" Kids.
  22. Man. You need to work for Hasbro. That new Wedge X-Wing was kind of a let down on the detail department. You, sir, have a good eye for bringing some fun into this mold.
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