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Everything posted by gian7675

  1. Wow! A clue! Blue's clues...Blue's clues....lalalalalalalaala..... Anyway, going back to SV-51 Ivanov and Nora...I think they'll be the Max and Milia collectibles in the future so I'll be saving and surely get both...if the reviews of the mass production releases are great
  2. Hmmm..maybe this is a ploy by yamato tosmoke out all the hidden M&M's If it was...it worked as you guys mentioned that Ebay M&M's have popped out of nowhere
  3. Guys...the SV-51 Ivanov really looks great but something really is bugging me... Why isn't Yamato pics of the SV-51 with the weapons and the Boosters? All I've seen is pics of the SV-51 in fighter mode naked...no weapons attached whatsoever. I've only seen 2 missiles attached in Battroid mode in the latest pic...and that's it. No Boosters, extra weapons, missiles whatsoever. Wouldn't Macross fans be even more excited if they released pics of the SV-51 with the Boosters and extra weapons? Why no pics? A thought crept into my mind that the said Boosters and armaments might not be included in the package but of course...that's just a thought of mine. I'll wait for an actual mass produced SV-51 to be released first and reviewed by others before getting/pre-ordering this expensive baby.
  4. Very nice! But what's the story about the Intakes?...I can't even see any fan blades
  5. Guys, I need your help on your powers on Japanese translations. I need some paints translated to english Can you guys pls translate what's the color of NO.333. Just click on the color chart ands look for No.333. It's near the bottom. http://www.rainbowten.co.jp/english/emcolors.jpg No. 333 and No.83 seems to be a different shade of gray. Are they different? http://www.rainbowten.co.jp/english/emcolor1.jpg Secondly, what's this color? No.108. http://www.rainbowten.co.jp/english/emcolor2.jpg Btw, No.108 and No.86 in this link looks the same shade of red. Are they the same? http://www.rainbowten.co.jp/english/emcolor1.jpg Help!
  6. It looks great! So if this is a pre-production sample...it means Yamato has been sending Pre-production samples to their favorite shops, suppliers...and reviewers ...which means..."He" probably has one in his possession now! Strange, it doesn't have any missiles on it. The Shop owner should have placed the multiple accessories like the booster, missiles etc on the SV-51 to make it look more deadly! On a side note, if VFs(VF1/VF-0) are called Valks/Valkyries, what are SV's(SV-51) called? So these pre-production samples are the finest ones that came off the assembly line to be reviwed by the shops and suppliers eh? I hope that the mass produced ones will be of the same quality unlike the fiasco of the YF-19 pre-production samples and the actual mass produced ones.
  7. Thnaks for the scans bro. Btw, I was just wondering if the SV-51 also has that plastic intake cover that you put at the front of the intakes when you transform it to battroid and gerwalk mode like the VF-0s and VF-1s have to cover the intakes.
  8. Credit card valk? What's that? There's a green Alaska Base valk? I ddn't notice that in the series. EDIT: Sorry for the quick multiple posts. Didn't realize I was on the same page.
  9. Pssst, bro, if you're going to donate the kidney, you'll get nothing .....so..I suggest you go to the black market for human parts...it's located at....
  10. I'm hoping for a VFX-19 Valk but a Low Viz I'll prefer more
  11. I like your idea of an internal pin better than my bar idea It's really fun to speculate
  12. I'm guessing a bar that runs the whole length of a wing where the weapons will attach to. You'll also remove the bar when transforming to gerwalk or battroid.
  13. I was just wondering, what's the Japanese Macross fanbase reaction to the YF-19 problem?
  14. Hmmm...I was just wondering if fans stopped buying the first release runs of a Yamato's product and would wait for a second release...this would mean fewer sales for Yamato...so...would Yamato even consider releasing the same product on a second run? It's kind of a predicament. "Buy our non-quality first release products now so that we can release a 2nd run of the same product with better/quality or we will not release a second run at all due to poor sales" I didn't buy any first release Yamato products because I've read from the past here in MW about Yamato's habit of releasing poor quality products on it's first run so better wait for the second run. I'll still hoping that Yamato will make a Low Viz version of the YF-19 and theoretically, even though it'll be a first run release of a color variant of the YF-19, it'll be actually a kind of second run because Yamato has already seen the flaws (and hopefully acted on the complaints on the initial run of the YF-19).
  15. Hehehe! How sure are you that Yamato will include the 2 gunpods and the beefy skirt armour?
  16. Thnaks! Awesome flight
  17. Just my 2 cents but the color looks like that of the old desert WWII German Desert tanks. Tan? Desert brown? Just my opinion
  18. Scene in Yamato Toy Company: A meeting of top brasses Yamato execs: Hmmm...when we build the X-9 Ghost from Macross plus, how much should we price it? Yamato Big Bosses: Let's price it the same as the Ghost Drone from Macross Zero...they'll buy it anyway no matter what the price is... Yamato execs nods their heads in concurrence
  19. Psst, have you uploaded it yet to youtube? I'm having sleepless nights waiting for your vids
  20. Can somebody pls help translate what this Japanese character means in english? Look at the link at 1:23 - 1:24. It's the character on hell Teache Nube's gloves. http://youtube.com/watch?v=5MrnaTGF-20 I'm not even sure if there is an English translation. Sorry if kind of a weird topic but this is the closest thread that I can post this in.
  21. Fake translation of the mag: Kawamori: As you can see, I've designed the SV-51 for over a year and this one is very special for me. So I told Yamato to first produce a SV-51 with a short nose. After they release it and the Macross fans buys the SV-51 short nose and the SV-51 variants, I'll revise the nose and make it longer...I'm sure they'll buy the revised version too...(laughs out with an evil laugh )
  22. Whoops! Let me rephrase that. The explanations that our fellow MW members presented are reasonable enough for me and thus has satisfied my query Didn't realize that it sounded that I'm not satisfied with the explanations given in my previous post.
  23. Graham probably has a prototype right now at his home like in the case of the YF-19! Anyway, if Yamato's going to follow the pattern on the VF-0...they will next release a CF SV-51 or a color variant, and then they'll release SV-51 Nora with Boosters! Do my eyes decieve me or is the canopy painted white and not a clear glass?
  24. If I'm not mistaken...the pilot walked out of the downed VF-0 and then there was an explotion behid him which blew him to oblivion.
  25. Thanks for the inputs guys And special thanks to the MW member that posted the Scale comparison of the Zentraedi/armor and Valks/Micronians Darn anime mahic. Their smaller in the sketch but the same size when battling...geez.. Btw, so if the VF-0 is like a flying Fuel Tank, why don't they explode when they get hit? I assume that this is the same for the SV-51. Makes one wonder how the VF-0 that crashed near Shin and the girl he rescued was still able to operate after the explosion that killed the pilot Ans: Anime magic again? Well, I think that today's Anime are based on facts thus it's kind-off hard to believe that there no plausible/possible explanation for some things we see on certain Animes..especially Macross Zero which is made recently. Even if the creator didn't give an explanation...I think we can find a suitable explanation out there which would make sense
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