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Everything posted by Zen72

  1. What the hell?........I gotta wait until March after this episode??????
  2. THIS is how Tommy Yune responds to his shortcomings...... Regarding Love Live Alive..... "Did this project take too long? Absolutely, this should have wrapped up much earlier. Unfortunately, the original producer Carl Macek passed away at the onset of work to put all this together (as well as other projects such as Carl Macek's Robotech Universe). To call his untimely passing a setback would be an understatement." http://www.robotech.com/community/forum/read.php?id=2180291&forumid=31&pagenumber=7 This is know as ....."Blame the dead guy.".....WTF? You have to wonder how they will explain or "place blame" on this Kickstarter as time goes by.....
  3. I could NOT agree more.... This Kickstarter WORSE than make Harmony Gold look desperate.....I think has made Robotech fandom look bad by all the real "rare stamps" that have come out of the woodwork.....portraying them as the "faces" of the fandom........bunch of freakin' slobs..... It's not fair I tell you....there's normal Robotech fans! Sighs....it just goes from Guatamala.....to GUATAWORSE.....
  4. THIS VIDEO CHANGES EVERYTHING FOR THE KICKSTARTER JUST GO TO 47:20 for the BIG REVEAL! https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=FuPY3cwpZuk HEHEHE
  5. It's their money to do with as they please...however...I would not be surprised if some of these larger pledges think they will have "a say" in this production if funded..... Gotta love 'em...marks.....
  6. I don't know if the comment section on that Kickstarter is comedy gold or just.......the epitome of being a "mark".... Quote: "At least HG has tried to keep Robotech alive in one form or another.." If THAT'S alive....they would be a real lousy Emergency Room staff. And someone decided that $10K would be well spent on Robotech Academy......
  7. And the fact that she is frikkin cute!.....I hope she sharpens her wrestling skills....she's got the mic skills though! Also....I found it very interesting that they will be showing on the WWE network the CM Punk documentary....the WWE have been trying to make like he has not existed since he left........could this mean a possible return?
  8. I think more than a new series,this KS is just bringing out the real Kevin McKeever....an unprofessional attention wh*re....(btw, hi Kevin.)......in a REAL company setting...he'd be terminated on sight for the way he directs himself to the "clientele"....."marks love him"...Memo and Mav want to BE him....... And not surprisingly.....he's his OWN biggest mark? Discussing anything of worth with the guy is pointless....he hides behind the skirt of the Robotech.com forums...and that's how it is going to be. Like I said before...let them get funded.......that's where the real fun begins....because the HG boys will have painted themselves into a corner.....this is not Shadow Rising with it's "still in development" tale.....they have other people's money....and those people....especially the "marks" will be hounding them for answers every step of the way... Foolish of them to think they will get any from Kevin.....
  9. I am beginning to wonder.....being the subject that it is...if some of those pledges will be pulled at the last moment.....
  10. At the end of the day,.....a paying gig....is a paying gig....while of course it is a "consolation prize"....all of a sudden it went from "not privy to the details".......and now "We had to send them a C&D because".... I am not sure about any WB involvement..but FOR CERTAIN I don't believe that "good guys" and HG will ever go together....this was a business move to bring in the Latin American audience.... If funded.......July 2015 is just Yune and co. kidding themselves...
  11. In order of the pic... Robotech Invasion Robotech: Project Valkyrie Robotech: Skull Knights Robotech: Genesis
  12. Kind of ironic.....Harmony Gold has killed a few projects over the years........and those people asked for no money from the fans......now Harmony Gold wants money for their own project.....FROM THE FANS..... Irony....however they WILL make their goal.......I do not doubt that.... And that's where the REAL fun begins.....delays...."we don't knows"....maybe 2016....... You'll see more than one pissed off donor in the coming year....
  13. They want money? Desperation has taken hold.....
  14. Well...Maverick_LSC IS a creepy guy.....just sayin'... And btw ....Mav...you should try emailing me....it's a little less stalkerish...
  15. Since he is checking my profile here....I might as well add something... From said "conspiracy theorist"......(nutjob "mark" is more accurate)...aka Maverick_LSC "Did anyone have an opportunity to listen to the answers put forth by Tochiro and his crew regarding the C&D? I made a transcript of the segment of the podcast in question and found some interesting statements." Now it turns into... "Of course I'm speculating, but a certain podcast has devulged plenty of details that may point who that third party is without realizing it! The proof may be in the details if a particular someone is willing to write down what was EXACTLY said in that episode!" But....but.......wait......didn't he MAKE a transcript? Doesn't he already know? .... He must of not "realized" it at the time.... If he's faking his mental issues......he's done his homework.... BTW...Hi Mav!
  16. Consider the guy who posted that...Maverick_LSC.. He is SURE that Paramount Studios "quakes in their boots" over RT and that's why they are making all these Transformers movies.... He is SURE that each and EVERY year is THE year for RT...... He is SURE that without a doubt Big West "follows" every word he says....(http://www.robotechx.com/forums/32-macross/20849-macross-frontier-on-bd-with-english-subs.html#20855) I'm sure.....he's certifiable. He's a desperate guy...desperate for validation..... Let's just laugh at the little trooper....
  17. I am still in shock...everything was coming in place...bridges mended with Vince....new DVD....hired to be an ambassador for WWE and the Hall of Fame...... I will say this....his Monday Night Raw appearance..it seemed he was laboring to get the words out and limping around......but he kicked it in gear towards the end.... RIP Warrior.....thanks for the memories and the words of ALWAYS BELIEVE!
  18. Careful....Maverick_LSC has it all figured out regarding the C&D ... http://www.robotech.com/community/forum/read.php?id=2187907&forumid=31&pagenumber=7#post He can also probably figure out where Elvis and admit to being the man on the grassy knoll too... What is with this guy's and soME MOron's obession with Big West? They are the only two holding on to that for dear life...... The creepiest part is spent time making a transcript of the recent episode Macross SpeakerPODcast so he can be "right"........ It never ends...... Where can I watch Macross Plus legally? That's where everyone says I should start at....
  19. Creavision thought about using the F-14 and apparently got shot down by Grumman.... so they have gone the route of designing their own mecha/planes and I would assume a whole new story with the new name Proyecto Valkyria... Three years of work....two episodes....took less than a month to dismantle by the boys in L.A. .... ("marks" will keep saying it was all Big West's fault...) I think the one mistake was taking the Los Angeles based operation as a serious company that would actually go through with legal threats...
  20. I remember there was a petition to get Steve Yun fired once some years ago done by a nut job who actually believed himself to be Scott Bernard... VP as a Robotech project is over, dead and buried..Creavision said so themselves.....
  21. From Cesar Turturro of Creavison: "Vamos a movernos un poco del universo macross/robotech asi terminaremos el film diseƱando nuestro propio mecha." Translation: "We are moving a little from the macross / robotech universe that way we finish the film designing our own mecha."
  22. How about green little men while we are at it?.... I just need to stick to my McKinney Novels..... And maybe introduce myself to Macross.... Good night...and good luck.
  23. Creavision made themselves look bad by releasing that statement...better it would have been to just release the C&D.....
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