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Everything posted by aurance

  1. It’s funny how a little face fix can make me go from “going in the box to hide your shame” to “I’m transforming you twenty times a day again” but I guess we Macross fans are a weird lot.
  2. Thanks to @pengbuzz my boy has a face again! You rock so much! I thought he would be Twoface forever! Bonus: an adorable penguin he drew in the packaging. PS: I have to restate just how impressed I was that he did this without a copy of the piece in hand, only from pictures with rulers.
  3. Oh wow that is sweet. Definitely see more of those real life 5th gen influences as well as Kawamori’s style evolution.
  4. If Kawamori had made the VF-1 today, how different would it be stylistically? Is it possible to guess? I'm thinking it would have had clear sensor bits in the nosecone area, since he seems to like putting them in every valk since then including VF-0.
  5. Okay thank you
  6. Hi guys. Is there a good way of tightening up the Arcadia wings so they don't flipflop? I guess the floppy wings are the one thing keeping me from pulling the plug on one.
  7. A bit cheeky question… What’s with the five head lasers on a VF-19S? Isn’t that a bit excessive?
  8. Looks great pengbuzz! This was a super long shot request so I’m pretty happy. And I appreciate the thought anyway Jasonc. Cheers.
  9. Yes it's metric. Looks great so far!
  10. Wow, thanks so much for the effort pengbuzz. Yes I’m in the US. If you’re able to do it and send me a picture I can PayPal you the fee, then you can send it? Something like that?
  11. Thanks so much for looking.
  12. A reasonable approximation would be fine, I mean otherwise it’ll just be empty space, like this
  13. I don’t know how to do any of that. But here are some photos with a ruler…
  14. It’s been long enough that maybe I can bump this and see if there are any takers?
  15. No grey for you before dinner time!
  16. Silly jokes aside I’m a little puzzled about the choice of aesthetic for this new container. There are a lot of of way cooler/more interesting designs they could have done for this.
  17. Hey has anyone mentioned the new container looks like a rectal thermometer or pregnancy test haha haha haha This joke sure is getting a lot of mileage 😛
  18. I was just gonna say, hello SV-51, nice to see you
  19. Beautiful photos! Unlikely but I wish the Ozma version got a similar update.
  20. Sorry, should have been more clear. I’m definitely aware of the lineage and production history; I was just referring to the part where the -24 has super specs compared to its siblings. But since -29 specs are known, and Kawamori is interviewed as saying the -29 was an attempt to exceed -24 specs, that would be enough.
  21. What’s the source for this?
  22. So this NUNS VF-31: https://www.1999.co.jp/eng/m/10615910 Does it exist in fiction somewhere or is it created purely for the anime girl fanservice nonsense?
  23. My toothbrush is protoculture tech.
  24. aurance

    Bandai DX VF-31

    Interesting that both those variants are called AX
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