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Everything posted by aurance

  1. Are VF fold boosters single-use?
  2. That’s exactly what I would’ve wanted too.
  3. Doesn’t look like the gunpods attach in fighter mode, right?
  4. Yes, I removed the screw and coated the internal ball joint with floor polish then reassembled. I did this a year or so ago, and it's still holding up very well with the super pack. I don't have the armored pack so I don't know if it's strong enough for that.
  5. Seto (or anyone with the Master File), any further detail about the rear-facing gun on the AX, other than it’s for rear defense?
  6. I believe in you bud! 😝
  7. If this ever happened I would eat all my valkyries.
  8. Makes sense. Things fall into place if we assume YF-29 did succeed in surpassing the -24.
  9. Me too. I conjecture that the intent was that the YF-29 is suppose to look and be the uber fighter, but someone wrote a note about the VF-24 in a publication and on-screen intent and written fact don’t match up. This happens a lot, especially in Delta.
  10. Could you share a picture of this if able?
  11. Why would they do B and C if the federal Vf-24 is so uber presumably without the inclusion of fold crystals?
  12. Thanks Seto. While on this topic, any given reason the VF-4 packs conformal missiles in the way that it does, and no other valk?
  13. Still, I would have liked to see any game footage or print stuff indicating one way or another. Oh well.
  14. Can the VF-4 actually swing its arms upward past the shoulder? Is the only rotation point under the engine nacelle?
  15. Okay this sounds reasonable.
  16. I mean, yes, this is the most logical way. So whoever fires first just wins? EDIT: I guess not, per Seto Kaiba.
  17. Is the main gun on Battle class ships more powerful than the one on SDF-1? Secondly, since the offensive capabilities of such a cannon apparently completely outclass the current ships’ defense capabilities, would it make sense that if a Zentradi fleet encountered a Supervision fleet, both sides would annihilate majority of their enemies quickly with such cannons, then mop up what’s left with “conventional” weapons?
  18. Very cool, such detail.
  19. You can pull the barrel completely out, and put it back in. I’ve done it a few times to adjust the tension the way I want it. DISCLAIMER: I can’t guarantee yours or anyone else’s won’t break… but mine is fine
  20. Wait what announcement?
  21. The more I look at this, the more it seems one step forward several steps back. Bummer man.
  22. I got mine from Kappa, and boy is it pretty. This is the only plane that I think looks better with the super pack. Everything is tight so far.
  23. Oh awesome, it’s actually happening!
  24. Although it must be noted that this is depicted inconsistently; some episodes show teleportation, and others show fold space as almost a hyperspace-like phenomenon where they fly into the thing and out of the thing later.
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