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Everything posted by aurance

  1. aurance

    DX VF-25G

    I wonder how or if they're going to be able to get the gun to sit on the bottom of the plane with the landing gear.
  2. Heh. I don't understand all these weird politics and emotion behind a pretty straightforward question. All I'd like to know is whether it says one way or another about the hands before I spend $200+ on a toy. I guess the answer is still "don't know." Either way I'm not losing any sleep over it.
  3. I'm sorry, I might be missing something (obviously I can't read kanji). This quote seems just to indicate how to remove/switch hands, not that they can stay attached in fighter mode. Someone clarify?
  4. I guess I'd rather know for sure tough, as that would be a deal breaker. Yeah it's probably too nitpicky for others but that's the nature of this hobby :-) Everyone thinks their particular foible is super important and others' ridiculously irrelevant.
  5. I find that Bandai's toys are a bit underscaled (or Yamato's, overscaled), but I'm with pud333, it's close enough that they still look good next to each other.
  6. I always look forward to your reviews.
  7. I like the YF-19 v.1 as well. I have the Double Nuts. However the inaccuracy does bother me a bit (especially around the waist area) and would love a v.2.
  8. I hate the frickin' hip armor. Again.
  9. I'm not entirely sure what's wrong with expressing (completely subjective) dislike of a part of an animation franchise. It's not like I'm forcing others to not watch it.
  10. Hahahaha My reaction to entirety of 7 was... "wtf." But on topic, NO to this horrible trend of remakes.
  11. The whole "can't end sentences with preposition" rule is false, by the way. Very popular among pseudo-grammarians though!
  12. Oh man this looks great...
  13. I think that was sarcasm...
  14. Don't don't don't buy a V.1 armored Ozma, please. The thing was not built to handle the weight of the armor - it was an afterthought - so there are many many cases of the thing cracking in random places, with not that much handling even.
  15. It hasn't yet, for me, at least after I tightened the joints anyway. Crossing fingers that it won't become my v.1 armored 25. That thing is almost hilarious in its "battle damage."
  16. I've never had the tabs fall out of the slots. And I manhandle my toys quite a bit (I never even put any stands together ) Could be you have a QC problem.
  17. The engine nacelles (front) are significantly different.
  18. Great review :-)
  19. This would be perfect. I thought it was simply genius how they did it for the 21.
  20. Is that a PRS? Sweet guitar. EDIT: Woops just read that it was
  21. Oh internet, you do funny things to people!
  22. Mine had no grease whatsoever. Neither did my 29
  23. Great review Andrew! Also blast you, now I'm seriously thinking of buying one... Argh pocketbook
  24. I'd watch a video of this, even though I've seen your Kai one. Even with a small mold change the visual feel of a toy can be quite different, which is where a video helps. Even though they're so similar, I like the Blazer but not the Kai. It may be a bit irrational, but we're grown men playing with toys so rationality has already been checked a few doors back. I guess what I'm saying is there would be an audience for such a video.
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