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Everything posted by aurance

  1. That's reasonable, but then why have a turret at all if hand-held is better?
  2. I'm curious why the VF-31's gunpod can detach from the pod and be held, or why you would need to, since it's on a turret mount...
  3. Yep, my Alto 171 is still in great condition through many many transforms over the years.
  4. I bet there's a terrible reality tv show about kids from Ragna Beach High School.
  5. I don't think that's necessarily proof that those pinpoint-enhanced attacks are of equal efficacy as a knife pinpoint-enhanced attack. I mean in-universe there must be some sort of advantage, otherwise they wouldn't be a part of military hardware.
  6. Yep, in the top left drawing, in the rear of the fuselage here, 2 banks of 3 thrusters each: http://www.macross2.net/m3/macrossf/vf-25f/vf-25-lineart2.gif You can see it on the DX (v.2.) toy where the shield connects to the back of the fighter.
  7. It wouldn't surprise me with the amount of engine output that maneuvering thrusters alone could provide lift in battroid mode with the gen 5 fighters.
  8. Have you guys seen this? I don't know who modeled this Stampede valk but it's some really great work!
  9. I really dislike this show, but yes a good DX would make it 100% worth it for me.
  10. I feel like this response just went way off track from what was being discussed. For me as an engineering layperson Seto, Dex, et al.'s points are clear and make a lot of sense, but I don't even know what your contention is anymore.
  11. Now that's interesting. If the "detuning" or trimming is just a software thing, and the engines are the same, couldn't Chaos or whoever theoretically (legally or not) re-write the software so that the -31Sigs are back up to -30 specs?
  12. 100% in all three modes really? That's insane. Are these the only craft that can do this?
  13. More lasers!! http://imgur.com/a/JZdN0
  14. The -31A looks amazing. What the heck is the -1R
  15. Increased demand? Naw, it's just supply has been steadily dwindling with commensurate price increase.
  16. aurance

    Bandai DX VF-31

    I dunno, looks pretty similar to me to what's on TV. What are you noticing?
  17. Maybe they have a bunch of genders, one for each shape of Lucky Charms.
  18. aurance

    Bandai DX VF-31

    Is that a -31A with Arad markings? Or are there other differences?
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