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Everything posted by aurance

  1. I don't, not a modeler And I have no plastic crafting skills.
  2. How much of a VF's engine output can it channel into their heavy quantum beam gun pods? Is it essentially limited only by their engine output, or is there some materials/capacitor limit on the gun pod itself?
  3. Apologies for cross-posting from the Wanted section, but perhaps the folks in the Workshop can help me. I don't really have any other recourse The black piece on the cheek of my Yamato VF-19F 1/60 (circled) has fallen off and disappeared into the void. If someone has a spare for some odd reason, or more likely if someone has the skill set to re-create a similar piece from plastic that I can glue on, I will pay $50 USD +s/h.
  4. I absolutely love this story, you made it sound like such an adventure :-)
  5. Fun fact: before NUNS, Windemeraens actually transformed into birds. No reference but it's true! PS: BIRDWALK form is horrifying.
  6. Way late to this party but I was pleasantly surprised by the movie - I enjoyed it. I went into it with the expectation that complex character development in Delta is just not a thing- and it still isn’t- but that’s a a lot more forgivable in a 2 hour movie. In addition they cut out so much repetitiveness from the shows. Pacing is a lot better too- the show was wildly uneven- because the movie only really has one pace, galloping. And I liked the new songs. It was fun overall.
  7. So, this question is a bit tough to put into words... How "real" are some of these fighters that exist in only some of the media? For instance, Alto's YF-29 is in the Frontier movies. Does it also exist in the Frontier TV show reality, and we are just not assumed to see it? Is there actually an Ozma or Isamu YF-29 in the show or movie realities in the background somewhere, or do they just exist in the game and are non-entities elsewhere? Or do we just not know?
  8. My Ozma YF-29 yarrrrr is coming tomorrow!!
  9. My choice would be version 1 vf-25. Naw, actually VF-31 for my choice as well.
  10. This is just for fun and highly subjective. No wrong answers. Which Valk toy that you own, in your opinion, is the most accurate representation of its on-screen presence?
  11. Was there anything else that completely detached other than the VF-1 leg scheme? I can't think of any other examples of this. This certainly would be an improvement but I think just from gen 1 to 2, from what I know.
  12. Is there a reason why the transformation scheme for Valks changes so radically between generations or even between companies? I know more than most things the real world explanation is "because it looks cool" and "sell more merch", but I was wondering if there were in-universe explanations. If I had to guess, development of linear actuators, and trying to eliminate the need for rotating cockpits?
  13. Ah okay that’s reasonable.
  14. Were Supervision Army/Meltrandi gun destroyers relatively common? It seems a little odd to have a capital ship design that can instantly obliterate dozens of enemy capital ships. I would have thought the battle doctrine would then have shifted away from big huge expensive ships, since they can't be defended anyway.
  15. Yeah it definitely doesn’t fit in with SDFM or DYRL, but weren’t we saying canon is fuzzy? Just look at it like another alt universe.
  16. UGH!! One of the black plastic rectangular pieces on the right side of my VF-19F "cheek" had fallen off and now is lost... I'm so annoyed. Does anyone have any suggestions? I don't even know where to begin other than sell this thing at a loss.
  17. I’ve been inspired with so many questions. What used to be in the giant leg cavities in SDF-1 where Macross city ended up? I assumed they would have been filled with rather necessary engine parts and not just an empty space ready for an ad hoc city. Where did those parts go?
  18. Ahh I just watched that scene again, such a cool scene from a mecha trivia perspective. Weird things excite us I guess.
  19. Are valks in fighter mode able to do VTOL? If not, would they need to take off on a conventional runway before being able to change to gerwalk in the air? I.e., if they landed on a surface in fighter mode that doesn’t have sufficient runway space, are they sort of “stuck” there, or are the verniers powerful enough for a short vertical lift/hop enough to switch to gerwalk mode?
  20. That looks a lot like Vampire, doesn’t it
  21. Another question, the thing on the forearms of yf-29 are thrusters? Not guns?
  22. There was a new mecha teased to be in Delta movie 2, right? Was it just one?
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