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Everything posted by Marzan

  1. Whilst continuing with my Maison Ikkoku marathon, I decided to after about a decade or so,. check out Megazone 23 again. All I can say is I really hope that the Wachowski brothers paid Noboru Ishiguro and co. some money because The Matrix really "borrowed" a lot from Megazone 23's storyline. And ss always some beautiful character designs from Mikimoto.
  2. I actually managed to get my hands on some french releases since the Viz ones trade for over 60 bucks a piece on ebay. The series was apparently quite big in France were it was called "Juliette je t'aime". My french is not exactly stellar and I'm missing some volumes, so every now and again I watch an episode online when I need to.
  3. Definitely! It's overtaken "what are the Angels and where doe they come from?" as the most asked question in Evangelion fan circles:D
  4. I'm slowly but surely making my way through Maison Ikkoku (watching some other stuff along the way too) and I'm a bit surprised that I'm actually enjoying what is basically a big soap opera. More than anything I think it's great to see a love story that actually seems to be developing in a somewhat realistic manner. A bit better than some of the typical scenarios out there: (Girl A gave Boy B a bite of her sandwich when we were in kindergarten. Boy B will now love her forevermore and defend her from all threats, foreign and domestic. Of course, Boy B will not tell her of his feelings and all sorts of misunderstandings will occur as a result. Finally during the course of an intense firefight, Boy B will declare his love in the most dramatic way possible. The relationship will of course not be consummated to protect the feelings of the fans of Girl C). My favourite character is of course Yotsuya-san. I really hope that by episode 96 we find out what his profession is!
  5. I get the feeling you saw the same version I did. The "Timmy" instead of "mu" is absolutely unmistakeable. Another favourite from that sub in when "Athena" about a third through the show became "Argentina" instead.
  6. Yeah, it's one of the downfalls of liking "old" anime. There comes a point where it's just not profitable for companies to release this stuff anymore. Thanks for the tip.
  7. By the way, which version (sub) of Orguss is it that you're watching? I ask because I unfortunately posses the most well manufactured bootleg ever (my purchase was a genuine mistake I swear! ). I say well manufactured, because on the outside it looks great but then the subs are actually the very worst I've ever come across. Then ImaginAsian who holds the license for Orguss either never released the whole series or went broke. I have only watched their first 2 dvd's. And the fansub I came across had only translated the first 5 and last 5 episodes, so again, no luck there. I'd love to watch Orguss again with a consistent translation from top to bottom.
  8. He, he... love it.
  9. You have piqued my curiosity and now I must see this fine image for myself:D
  10. Why surprised? So far Rebuild of Evangelion has been nothing short of epic, and from what we can see in the short preview at the end of 2.22, will probably continue to be so. And I mean, they do leave you
  11. Hi there, could you maybe explain to us how the whole Malaysian "legitimate" versions of bootlegs industry works? I have a hard time understanding how a national censorship board could censor something that cannot even be released legally outside Japan in the first place.
  12. I think Luca's biggest handicap is that he's always wearing those damned shorts! Kawamori has no sympathy for the guy. If he did, he would give him some proper trousers:D
  13. Yeah I'm up for episode 25 this weekend. Looking forward to your review too.
  14. Whenever I think of Docker, he reminds me of the typical cocky guy in high school who would try to prove his worth with his prowess in sports, but had little else to show for himself. Poor Gamlin.
  15. As a totally nerdy addition to your link, I'm just going to point out that "Husker Du" actually means "do you remember" in danish which is of course immensely interesting for us Macross fans
  16. Yeah, if I remember correctly the english and japanese versions have different OP's and the one you're referring to is TERRIBLE. But then Mikimoti gives us one of his prettiest character designs ever (Natamura) so I guess it evens itself out.
  17. Did you get the opening track or the ending "Gypsy" in vinyl? Either way it's an awesome pickup. Have you ever watched Orguss 2? It's a surprisingly good sequel considering
  18. Darker Than Black 1 and 2, OST's. And The Orb's collaboration with David Gilmour
  19. You nailed it. She'll be the "mysterious" transfer student who will try to drive a wedge between Sheryl and Ranka.
  20. Yeah, there's this big documentary festival going on in town right now (think it's called Copenhagen Docx or something like that). What an anime/house-musical has to do with documentaries I have no idea. But there was a full house of mostly Daft Punk fans who kept screaming for the operator to "crank it up". Orguss is a pretty rewarding experience if you can get hold of a version with some proper subs. Mikimoto's character designs are beautiful as usual and the series has one of the coolest soundtracks of any 80's anime plus a very satisfying ending in my opinion. As a plus, Kei Katsuragi's way of approaching women is just plain hilarious.
  21. As advertised I watched Interstella 5555 at the IMAX screen in the local planetarium. All I can say is that the mix of visuals and music, narrating a story without dialogue, was absolutely mesmerizing. It reminded me not so much of other anime, but more the likes of Fantasia and such. It must have an incredible challenge for the films production team to be able to make the images fit in with the music. And the Leiji Matusumoto character designs are a beauty to behold, even when they are 10 meters tall on that giant screen. I wish I could always watch anime in that format. Just thinking about the possibility of watching something like Rebuild of Evangelion in that setting makes me go wobbly at the knees.
  22. Like your take on how Basara song is intended not only to reach the Proteodevlin, but also to the humans (in this case the somewhat inflexible members of the UN Spacy).
  23. What can I say??!! Totally out of touch with the times I am. I'm kinda happy though that I'll get to see it for the first time on the big screen though. It's very, very rare that I can get to do that with anime. I'll gladly letcha know how it went.
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