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Everything posted by Marzan

  1. Halfway through Panty Stocking & Garterbelt. Awesome, like nothing I've seen before. Love the raw raunchy humour and the quirky animation style. The soundtrack is great too.
  2. It's already got me hooked at the second episode. Aya Endo as a bitchy Barbie queen and references comprising but not limited to Gurren Lagann, 2001: A Space Odissey and Deep Throat in a space of 26 minutes are reason enough. Looking forward to the rest of it
  3. I enjoyed Code Geass a lot despite a couple of plot holes here and there. And the ending is superb. Started watching Panty, Stocking and Garterbelt. The first thing I thought was "WTF, is this anime?" Leave to Gainax to go out and do something different to 90% of anime out there.
  4. I love the bank motto "Peope Grow Here" hanging above the car. What a crying shame to that to a Nissan GTR.
  5. It seems strange that they would spoil something like Asuka's action scene's considering how we last saw her i 2.0 (yeah I know that they spoiled it in the sneak preview at the end anyway, but still). I think this film will truly be epic. Mr. Anno...hurry up!!
  6. Unbelievable. Only in Monaco, Beverly Hills or Dubai could you have that kind of crash. Imagine for a second that you're the guy from the Bentley's insurance company asked to come out and do the case
  7. I love Morgan Freeman as Colonel "Cheeky" Shima...ha ha
  8. Another one joins the club of 27. What a strange and morbid coincidence that all these rock/pop stars with substance abuse problems die at this age.
  9. Great. The guy who gave us House of Wax and Goal will direct Akira. And the guy who adapts the scripts for the Harry Potter franchise is in charge of the script. http://www.hollywoodreporter.com/heat-vision/jaume-collet-serra-tapped-direct-211369 This is not looking good folks.
  10. Isn't there some copyright issue somewhere along the way with this... Well, that publisher is only safe until HG finds about him and demands a cut of the pie
  11. Thanks. Glad to hear to it. It would be rather unusual to have the first film being region free for the second one not to be so.
  12. Can any japanese reader tell me if the Blu ray is region free?? Otherwise I'll have to settle for the DVD (NOOOOO!!!)
  13. Loved Paprika. Awesome work by Satoshi Kon once again. Watched Otaku no Video for the first time. Loved the self deprecating humor and the innumerable Macross references. It really made my day.
  14. Yep. It seem's that our wait will come to an end in just ninety days http://www.andriasang.com/e/blog/2011/07/20/macross_ps3/ Patience, patience!!
  15. Mmh. I don't know why I thought they'd look a bit more 'dirty' if you understand what I mean. But I have plenty of confidence in that they'll look and sound the the part once on screen. Can't wait for this trailer
  16. LOL. Nagato and Slash are kindred spirits.
  17. Your love of the pic wouldn't be influenced by the shapely derriere of the Meltran soldier, right?
  18. Geographical restrictions on online videos have to be the most irritating thing in the modern world.
  19. Ha ha. You're actually right. They were awesome. I just cringe when I see the pictures and see the clothes I was wearing (and my hair...OMG...my hair).
  20. No. There's an OVA episode called "Drifters of the Dead" that came out recently, but no season 2. Which is surprising considering how popular it is. They might be waiting for the manga to end before they continue?
  21. Ha ha. Love it. Hadn't seen this video in ages. Reminds of bad middle school parties. The amount of hairspray these guys must have used before a concert must have contributed enormously to the deterioration of the ozone layer
  22. Yeah, I got the same feeling when I was watching it. It's one of the very few anime with a "villain of the week" kind of episodes that I nevertheless enjoyed to the fullest. When you do finish, do remember that there's even more Patlabor goodness in the OVA The New Files which just basically continues were the TV series left off. And it has 2 or 3 of the funniest episodes of them all.
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