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Everything posted by Marzan

  1. Finished watching Starship Operators and although the last episodes were much better, it's still a dissapointment.
  2. Love it...he he..." Big surpise guys, I'm not Palmer, I'm the Thiiinngg" Are those the same guys that did the musical for Conan? When I heard that one for a moment I thought that they had actually gotten Arnold to sing for them.
  3. Not true. We also like her because she wears amazing face paint and has a soothing and relaxing voice...
  4. Yeah, but that theatrical release is how it came to be released into the wider world, isn't it? I mean my old VHS of the film is from the UK and it has exactly the same length as the american release. Anyway, whatever the release, I think you agree with my point that sometimes, trying to upgrade films so many years after their original release, is a double edged sword.
  5. Speaking of extended editions, the Good, the Bad and the Ugly definitely is another example of a film that is much better in its original version. The extra scenes were redubbed in some cases by other actors (since some had died in the previous 40 years) and in others, (the great Eli Wallach), one can tell that the voice belongs to a very old man.The difference can be quite jarring.
  6. Just spat cereal all over my keyboard!
  7. Basically episodes 24 to 30 can be flipped through. They add very little to the story and the animation is really bad. Otherwise agree, its a great series and as you said there are a lot of ideas and visuals that are later present in NGE.
  8. Wanted to watch something in the Banner/Crest of the Stars style and was recommended Starship Operators. Started watching it and after 2 episodes I have to say I'm not too impressed and its certainly not on the level of the Stars' series. I mean the premise of Starship Operators is really interesting Yet the dialogue is really stiff and in pivotal scenes there is no sense of drama at all. One jumps from scene to scene without having a real sense of continuity. Awkward really. Hope it gets better soon.
  9. Are the Haydonites the blankets that fly?
  10. Yeah, old Chuck couldn't have been too happy with some folks believing Michael J. Fox invented the song.
  11. Have so far had very good experiences with CD Japan using SAL. Most dvd's and cd's I've ordered took between 5 and 9 days to arrive (living in Denmark at the moment) as long as I don't have to pay customs (which then takes another 2, 3 days.). In any case, nothing's never been lost or taken too long to arrive with SAL.
  12. Doesn't really look like Lana at all though...
  13. "Chuck! Chuck, it's Marvin... your cousin, Marvin Berry? You know that new sound you're looking for? Well, listen to this!!"
  14. The Stay Puft Marshmallow Man in HD? I can't wait...
  15. Really liked Tytania too. It's kinda a LOGH lite. It's a shame that it didn't really hit
  16. The horror, the horror... And people paid money for that?
  17. Yeah, and the was the one time that it seemed that Basara was up for it too!
  18. Angel Voice is an amazing song. Nice blend of Mari Ijima's and Yoshiki Fukuyama's voice.
  19. +1. Promentory in particular is one of the most memorable movie themes in my book. Isn't the composer called Trevor Jones?
  20. As much as Iove LOTR, (both the books and the movie), I found the level of bonus material from the extended editions to be excessive. I mean, the only people it seems they didn't interview for the extras are the drivers and the people in charge of the catering. http://www.wbshop.com/Lord-Of-The-Rings-Trilogy-BD-Extended-Edition/1000150857,default,pd.html
  21. I ordered mine from cdjapan. Nice website in english and they ship internationally.
  22. Priceless. You can't make this stuff up because no one would believe it....
  23. Have been watching Toward the Terra (the tv series) for the last couple of days and I'm very, very pleased. Really good story and even the minor characters have important roles to play throughout the story. I'm a bit surprised that it wasn't a bigger hit.
  24. Ok. A Macross appearance in "Eastenders" really puts the weird in "weirdest places". What a find!
  25. 1 and 2 yes. But then again I love Patlabor so maybe others feel differently.
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