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Everything posted by Marzan

  1. I prefer subs over dubs period. There's a certain rythm and melodiousness that get's lost in dubs no matter the quality. Every now and again though, I check out the dub, specially when there's a bit of dialogue I find confusing in the hope that the dub translation might clear things up a bit. My general overall impression is that the english dubs get worse with younger characters. You have all these voice actors in their 30's trying to sound like excitable teenagers and they just don't pull it off. When the characters are adults (and less prone to wild vocal outbursts), the dub is less jarring. That's why stuff were most of the characters are older than the anime norm like Ghost in the Shell series, Cowboy Bebop and the like generally are acknowledged for their dubs.
  2. I find Alto's cuteness disturbing.
  3. That'd be pretty sweet too. I do suppose some of the 'proportions' correspond more to Grace who was animated more consistently than Sheryl.
  4. Booobbyyyy! He's right about M.D Geist you know.
  5. Normally I don't collect figurines, but Sheryl looks so fine in that flightsuit that I might make an exception for this one. Now I just have to find out who has it, and will I have to break my bank account to have it.
  6. Catching Darker than Black Gemini of the Meteor + the OVA (that fills the gap between the first and second seasons) with delicious bluray quality. Nice! The OST is brilliant too.
  7. Thanks Scoopuda he he...God, the nostalgia just gets to me when I watch this vid, specially watching it with the lyrics.
  8. Those Orguss subtitles are legendary. The grammar is terrible and half of the sentences don't make sense. Half way through the series 'Athenea' s' name changed to 'Argentina'. Fair enough, I can imagine how they could have sounded similar to some people. But how the 'Mu' became the 'Timmy' is still a mistery to me.
  9. Seems like a good idea. For the most part, people just post on whatever anime they are watching, be it current or not. Maybe when we move on to version 5.0?
  10. That's a good mashup you got there. Unfortunately for me it's impossible to hear that tune and not imagine Sylvester Stallone screaming "ADRIAAAAN" in his trademark voice
  11. I've only seen the first episode (which is a double episode) and that one was really good. I don't know if the rest of the 12 episodes are as good, but so far the reviews I've read are pretty convincing.
  12. Yeah. I love Gunbuster's orchrestal stuff. It really conveys the epic scale of the story.
  13. Is the anime going to be based on this manga? Or are they running concurrently? In any case the boy surely does look like he could be a Renton/Eureka kid. And the Naru character design definitely reminds me a lot of Talho. Then again maybe that doesn't mean anything.
  14. Yeah I watched it about a year and a half ago and it really blows most of the current 'romance' stuff out of the water. There's a lot of filler episodes in MI, but the last 20 episodes or so are some of the some of the most heart warming stuff I've ever watched. Myself I'm about to finish Fate Stay which could have been so much better with better dialogue and direction. But finish it I must since I really wanna watch Fate Zero which looks far more impressive.
  15. Ultravox! That brings back memories. Somewhere in my parents place I still have the 12" vinyl of Vienna. Still one of my favourite ballads for sure.
  16. Finished watching Black Lagoon (Roberta's Blood Trail and the omakes included) and had a rip-roaring good time with it. Roberta has made sure that I never again criticize 'maidos' in anime. Ever! Thanks to all who recommended Black Lagoon. I hope the mangaka writes some more of this fine series so we get another season. I started watching Fate/Stay Night and I have to say that I'm not too impressed so far.
  17. Ok. I see that and all I can think is Protoculcha!!!
  18. I hope so. There are few things as dissapointing as having an expensive yet incomplete release (Monster anyone?).
  19. Nice shelf da!
  20. Finally some good news on the subtitled release front! Now that's a classic worth owning. I do hope they manage to release it before the money runs out he, he...
  21. Speechless good or speechless bad?
  22. It's actually rather common for sequels in anime not to be "direct' sequels. It's only when there's pre-existing material to be followed (manga) or when it's the same production team (writer, director and so on) that they turn out to be straight sequels. I guess the makers like being able to move freely in any narrative direction and not be constrained by the previous story.
  23. Yeah, I got the Animeigo too and will probably wait for the DYRL release. That one should be considerably cheaper no matter how many extras they add on it.
  24. Ha ha! I swear I didn't see that one coming. I should never, never underestimate the appeal of the 'maido' in anime culture. But "Roberta" is definitely a different kind of maid so I'm perfectly ok with this one. Black Lagoon is exactly the kind of action packed series I wanted to watch. And when the assortment of bad guys includes nazis and drug dealing nuns I really cannot complain. And have I mentioned that I really like Revy's choice of wardrobe? OVA all the way.
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