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Everything posted by Marzan

  1. I'm disappointed but not surprised. We've been speculating for weeks now that Walküre's popularity would have made it unlikely for BW to greenlight another iteration of Macross. Aditionally, all that namedropping of 'Lady M' without any sort of explanation did sort of give away that they were going to further along with this storyline. This time though my expectations will be low, really low. That way I won't be disappointed.
  2. So does the news of the new Delta film mean there will not be a tv series? Anyone have any news besides what's out on ANN?
  3. New Delta film coming up. https://www.animenewsnetwork.com/news/2018-09-23/macross-franchise-gets-new-delta-film-new-crossover-concerts/.137201
  4. Just watched the new 2016 dub version of Escaflowne The Movie. Normally I'm a strict subs kind of guy, but this dub was pretty decent. While a bit weird as a reimagining of the TV series, it looks so incredibly good (the art and animation make most modern anime films look like hot garbage in comparison) that all is forgiven. And Yoko Kanno's music was at her imperious best here.
  5. Are Kenny Loggins and Berlin coming back for the sequel?
  6. No new series news but the more I think about it, the more I reckon we will get a Delta sequel. Walküre's popularity and the fact that there's been absolutely no word of any music act or auditions linked to the new series make me pretty suspicious. I would have liked to see the characters from Macross 30 get their own OVA, but I don't think that will happen.
  7. Had a touch of the flu so I stayed at home and had a chance to rewatch the film. I honestly think that Big West missed a chance here to be able to sell this property outside of Japan. Other than transforming mecha and music group (which many other shows and series do), there's so little to indicate that this is Macross. It could have easily been called Walkure Delta. Just a couple of quick edits here and there and don't call the capital ships Macross (just Elysion will do and they own the IP on the look) and they could have pulled it off. I've been called out for being negative so I'm gonna go with the positives I got from the rewatch. The mercats are cute as heck and I want to see more of them. Kaname is the one member of Walkure that actually has the semblance of being a character. Not quite there yet but almost I thought the long blonde haired idol had a very cute character design . Yes. Absolutely. I should have realized this sooner.
  8. I’ve played DYRL to some people who are not into Macross (or any space opera for that matter) and they were in absolute and utter awe of the art/animation. So if anything else that is special even with objective criteria.
  9. I don’t know if it’s me specifically you’re referring too. In any case, I’d just like to point out that I wrote it with a smile in my face but that clearly cannot be seen by the reader (must work harder on my emoji use ). No nastiness meant
  10. I must enhance my calm when I read that for some, Walkure Delta is better than Plus. Take deep breaths, count to 10, remember different strokes for different folks. Breathe in ... but not liking Plus’ soundtrack is punishable by banishment to the seventh circle of hell.
  11. I think I got number 118. Im a bit miffed at 2 things. The first is that it’s hardsubbed. I know that I wouldn’t watch without subs and there being no sub it makes sense but it just feels cheap for some reason. Secondly, the first film at least received no kind of remastering/ upgrade for the BD’s. I feel I’m watching an old laserdisc. I hope they did a better job with the ova series.
  12. This baby is in the house and I slowly have to go though all 4000 minutes of it
  13. The rise of prices on classic cels is mind boggling. I haven’t bought anything in years and my collection is extremely modest. But had I known better, I would have bought a ton more back in the day. It’s like investing in Apple or Amazon stock. It only goes up
  14. Biggest guilty pleasure of the season. It's like a super ecchi version of Overlord with less filler world building. Together with Harukana Receive it's one of the big guilty pleasures of the season.
  15. My sweet prince you have made my day. May your day be filled with sunshine, roses and cold beer. All this incredible Patlabor goodness for less than 80 bucks is mind boggling. That's a tenth of what I paid for the Legend of Galactic Heroes boxset (which granted comes with double the content) or the cost of the Delta Walkure movie with the customs fee included. Have preordered and will be looking forward to November.
  16. To be honest the only things that Satelight has done that have blown me away were Macross Frontier and their work on Hellsing Ultimate. The animation in Macross Zero was mindblowingly good though. And stuff like White Album 2 and Log Horizon was ok I suppose. Aquarion was funny in a camp sort of way. But the rest of their catalogue is littered with M3, Nobunaga the Fool, Caligula, Ragnastrike Angels and the like. They're not in the same league as Madhouse, Kyo Ani, Bones and even relative newcomers like MAPPA and Trigger are putting out more interesting content. I don't know if it's a talent pool question, but maybe their budgets are not very high to begin with? Fingers crossed for Satelight bringing their A- game for the new series. On another note, a lot of people seem to have taken issue with the fanservice. I didn't think it was particularly bad. Maybe I watch too much anime, but it was pretty standard otaku bait fare and lets face it, with Makina's non- existing depth and characterization, we know she's there to sell body pillows and other assorted merchandise.
  17. Finally had time off so I could pop open my copy and play it. I was extremely excited as I always am when watching any new Macross. And you got to give it to the japanese, no one does packing of media like they do My overall non spoiler thoughts are that the film version does an ok job of presenting the basic plot of the tv series in a two hour window. A greatest hits. I'm not sure how a person unfamiliar with the tv series will experience it though. The pacing flaws and story leading nowhere we had in the second half of the series are mercifully absent in the new compact package. Alas, the characterization is still non-existant and some cast members have perhaps 4 or 5 lines throughout the course of the film (which mercifully limited the possibilities for the knights to say "The wind.... something....something). The writing is meh at best. But then again Satelight has simply not delivered something with good writing in ages. Is it worth the money? I don't know. In my case, more than anything, I want Big West to know that there is a market for English subtitled Macross outside Japan and hope that by supporting their products, it becomes worth their while to put English language subtitles on their stuff. Hopefully the next iteration of Macross will be of a higher standard/level and we can buy it too.
  18. Mine was shipped but will take a couple of days while it clears customs. Looking forward to the first reviews .
  19. Yeah, I heard that too. RIP Aretha.
  20. My life has been painfully incomplete until now. This comic falls definitely under the it's so incredibly terrible that it's good category.
  21. A Macross class ship transforming into a majestic 100 metre long swan mecha. I dig it
  22. Unshou Ishizuka who voiced Guld Goa Bowman in Macross Plus and ernest Johnson in Macross Delta has unfortunately passed away. A great deep masculine voice that was always easily identified. His most memorable role is probably Jet Black from Cowboy Bebop but I'll always remember him best for his voicing of Joseph Joestar in Jojo (absolutely hilarious). https://twitter.com/SteveYurko/status/1030336752161091584
  23. A part of me still thinks that we're getting more Delta. There still more to be milked from Walkure's popularity so I'd be surprised if we switched to another musical "product" Of course we have the precedent of Plus and Seven overlapping so it wouldn't be the first time. Just hope that if it's Delta part Deux that they hire a competent screenwriter with a strong say in the plot and direction of the story.
  24. I think they choose their works carefully and have a really good feel for how the market is for the different shows. They know their stuff. It's a shame they didn't get the license for LOGH instead of Sentai.
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