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Everything posted by Marzan

  1. RIP Noboru Ishiguro. Thank you for all you contributions to not only Macross but anime in general.
  2. Checked out the first episode. Not bad and at 6 episodes it should be a compact story. Love the character designs. The smooth, regal looking ladies that Matsumoto is famous for but with 21st century animation. Nice...Oh and the Harlock look alike with the Char mask is pretty neat.
  3. Excellent news! That I will get...now I just have to find an extra 13, 800 yen somewhere....
  4. Mmh, ok back to what anime we're watching...Just finished Trigun (a decade too late I know!) and was really rewarded. It started out really awkwardly but then just kept on getting better and the last 5 chapters are among some of the best stuff I've seen. So, the movie Badlands Rumble, anyone seen it and can recommend it? (Yeah I know some of you are gonna say just read a review, but there's so many spoilers in these things that I prefer to ask via this fine forum. "Another" went all Battle Royale on us in episode 11. Looking forward to the finale next monday...
  5. Wow. Looks like my kind of movie. Can't wait for june!
  6. Finished watching Nisemogatari. Kind of dissapointed with the ending and it's no way as good as Bakemonogatari. I'm continuing watching Trigun though and having a blast. They don't make anime like that anymore!
  7. Needed some old school stuff to balance out 'Mouretsu Space Pirates', 'Nisemonogatari' and 'Another' so I picked up Trigun which had been on my to do list for years but for some reason never got to see. After a 'meh' first pair of episodes it's picked up a bit and I can see there's more than meets the eye to the pacifist gunman Vash the Stampede.
  8. It is famously one of the best dubs in anime.
  9. We like the Pixies too.
  10. Minmay looks seriously cute in that pic.
  11. I'm now watching 'Another' after reading your recommendation. Really good stuff! Has a wonderfuly creepy atmosphere and the animation and art are top notch.
  12. I'd rather have a brand spanking new Macross OVA or TV series. New story and characters and maybe a different music style too. Having said that, if they go all out and do Macross the First I wouldn't mind. It'd be mindblowing to see the Macross animated with the current technology.
  13. Nice bit of over the top by Guy Pearce. Kind of an evil british Steve Jobs with a posh accent ha ha. Cannot wait for Prometheus to come out!
  14. Actually it proves little. It's just the writer expressing his own opinions. I think the decade after the 90's (what do they call it now, the "noughties" or something) was much, much worse musicwise. I agree with Dave Mathews Band being garbage though.
  15. +1!
  16. I'm up to chapter 6 in Mouretsu and I'm amazed how much less fanservice (both of the sexual and moe variety) there is than I expected. I'm intrigued by 'Another' after reading your description. And pleased to find out that it streams on Crunchyroll so I'll definitely check it out.
  17. Yeah, it is very ecchi indeed. But I've seen other series with a lot of fanservice and enjoyed them because they had a good story and the ecchi bits made you laugh or whatever. In Seikon it's almost like the ecchi is all there is. The story, dialogue, pacing are all terrible. That's why I dropped it.
  18. Ok I hadn't noticed that. Thanks. I was just a bit thrown off because I thought 'mouretsu' meant 'violence'. But I'm sure it makes sense somehow.
  19. Started watching Seikon no Qwaser and dropped it after 3 episodes. So bad I cannot find words to properly express it so I´ll leave it at that. Since I´ve hear so many good things about it, I´ve started watching Mouretsu Space Pirates (why Crunchyroll calls it ´Bodacious Space Pirates´ is a mistery that I hope some japanese speaker will be able to clear up for me). Only watched the first chapter and have gotten a good Captain Tylor meets Tytania vibe but I'll have to wait and see how it progresses. At least there's been no panty shots or uneccesary fanservice so far. Getting more than enough of that from Nisemonogatari which I'm also watching.
  20. Got to see it last year. Awesome concert. But that was to be expected from the mastermind behind Pink Floyd's incredible show concepts. It seems you got better tickets than me though. I was quite literally in the last row of the stadium and had my visibility partially impeded by some friggin speakers. That's what happens when you buy the cheap seats.
  21. I think that people should just resign themselves to the fact, that unless something absolutely incredible happens, there simply will not be a release of Macross the First outside of Japan.
  22. Just became aware of this thread and I cannot wait for this movie to come out. It looks fun as hell. Nazi's from the dark side of the moon...take that Transformers!
  23. Wow. The image of the Macross is just amazing!
  24. Funny thing is that Tiffany Grant made the voicing of Asuka kind of a prestige thing for her. I for one found her delivery to be very annoying, although not as bad as the guy who just slaughtered Shinji's voice. I haven't seen the Rebuilds with a dub but I've heard that they're a tad better.
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