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Everything posted by Marzan

  1. +1 I used to be pro-remake (thinking about the SDFM with modern animation made me salivate). But the more I think about it, the more I want to see some new characters and the expansion of the Macross universe. Build on the success of Frontier.
  2. Well, it wouldn't be the first time that they try to reinvent the wheel. Let's see how they frame the story in the next couple of chapters. Although in classic anime style we might not get any clue's or explanations until like the last third of the anime. As for Mahoromatic, the ending was just classic Gainax.
  3. Watched it through some random site called Anilinks. Not top quality though. I don't think it's a direct sequel either. I'm with you in that it might be more of an alternate universe affair, but Ao's mother as well as the whole being left behind by his parents is just a very big flag being put there by the production team.
  4. Anyone else watched the first ep. from Eureka Seven AO? Very similar in animation, character designs and feel. The music did not impress me as much though. Granted, E7 had a wonderful OST with great tunes in various genres. Oh, and I'm pretty sure
  5. It's not just anime. Watch many a mainstream film from the 80's and there'll be some casual nudity. It's much rarer in Hollywood nowadays.
  6. Started watching Eureka Seven AO. Ok first episode and it seems that it will tie into Eureka Seven more than expected. Mouretsu is dragging along a bit and Ozma will have its 'grand' finale on saturday. Oh, and I'm finally getting my act together and starting Turn-A Gundam, hopefully tomorrow.
  7. A Iron Maiden female tribute band doing an acoustic cover of Wasted Years on Indonesian tv? One thinks sometimes that one has seen it all, and then I realize that I really haven't
  8. I think Tochiro nailed it with his post. Yes anime is different than it was back when SDFM came out, but there's a bucketload of really good shows out there that's come out in the last decade or so. And that includes Macross Frontier in my book. I think that the Macross tent is big enough for both kinds of fans though.
  9. Got my Utena box sets a couple of days ago. Righ Stuff/Nozomi did a beautiful job with this release. Nice box, art, booklets and packed with extras. IMO, if you're expecting people to pay big bucks for an anime, this is the way to go about it. Since I'd never seen the movie "Adolescence of Utena" and its included with the release, I got around to watch it last night. Beautiful and original stuff. If Dali had ever made an anime it would have looked something like this.
  10. Wow. That's totally unexpected. Any idea how those 2 being in the same room came about?
  11. Yey! Now that's a great piece of news. I'd love to own Bakemonogatari. Having said that, I would have prefered if Funimation had licensed it. Aniplex's releases are exorbitantly expensive for the most part, and I guess Bake will be no different. I've also read that apparently Shaft has greenlit anime for all of NisiOisin's Monogatari novels. I hope they're better than Nisemonogatari.
  12. Unfortunately my region B BD had no such option.
  13. Checked out "First Squad" a co-production between Studio 4C and a Russian studio. The premise (a group of supernatural Soviet teenagers fighting the SS in WWII) and the animation are top notch, but I felt it was a bit short at 57 minutes. Would have greatly benefited from an extra hour to flesh out the characters and have longer action sequences. And it was a bit weird to see anime character designs speaking Russian.
  14. Check out his albums "Into the Great Wide Yonder" and "The Last Resort". Really, really good electronica.
  15. Read the first book after watching the series and like it even more. Ordered the second book and looking forward to it. Must admit that I'm a bit wary of starting a saga that hasn't ended yet (yeah that's you Berserk), but I'm reading that George Martin expects to finish before the TV series catches up to him? LOL. In any case, I'll cautiouly follow this thread since this seems a very easily spoilt story.
  16. Don't know If I write this in time for you to read it, but since you're in the Netherlands I suggest you going for the Ultimate Edition which was released by Manga UK in 2002. That one has both the OVA and Film versions of Macross Plus and the ova looks better than in the standard release. The ultimate edition is still available on Amazon UK and on the Bay some places at a very, very reasonable price. Hope this helps.
  17. I'd love to see some numbers on how many of these Macross BD/Games get sold outside of Japan. To be honest I have no idea if its 20 or 2000.
  18. Wow! A Macross musical!
  19. After the goodness that was Bakemonogatari, Nisemonogatari was a bit of a dissapointment. They cranked up the fanservice and moe and minimized the mistery/supernatural aspects of it, as well as downplaying the central Araragi-Senjougahara-Hanekawa relationship. Having said that I look forward to Kizumonogatari were the supernatural gets cranked up to 10 again. You'll find the end very rewarding then.
  20. I've bitten the bullet and ordered my mine on YesAsia. Yeah it's more expensive but they've always shipped very quickly and the exchange rate to the dollar for me is better than that to the yen at the moment.
  21. I dug the old school sand "submarine" warfare in ep2.
  22. +1 I agree with most of these. I'd like to add Code Geass. The reason I include it is because I believe that the ending actually gave perspective and meaning to what had been an uneven series with some plot holes and head scratching moments.
  23. 'Another' ended yesterday. Pretty solid short mistery series that starts well, has a an ok middle and ends on a quite surpising note. At least I didn't see the ending coming. Wasn't too crazy about the gore level in the last 2 episodes though. 'Less is more' in my book. Altogether though it was probably one of the better series in this dissapointing season. Looking forward to catching the new Eureka Seven and the second half of Fate Zero when they start in april. Until then, Ozma and Mouretsu Pirates shall hold the fort.
  24. Ha ha. Wonderfully random. I have the entire office mesmerized checking out this vid now...
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