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Everything posted by Marzan

  1. Despite the somewhat dated animation and character designs, it's a great space opera with a fantastic setting and a interesting story. One of my favourites. Hope you enjoy it too.
  2. Let's not forget the Nausicaa influence on Evangelion too. All in all, I think Evangelion was pretty original I can't really say one series or film was a much bigger influence than another on it. Picked up Kids on the Slope and it just reinforced my love for Watanabe and Yoko Kanno. The characters, the music and the animation are all top notch. Ooh and the last episode of Fate Zero was really good
  3. It's bound to get dark at some point don't you think.
  4. There are definitely a lot of similarities
  5. I finally watched the Ideon films. A Contact is just a recap of most of the series and Be Invoked which starts off at the end of the series. Be Invoked was truly grand and epic in scale.
  6. I'm not sure bout the prequel thing. Alternate Universe, loop hole or the like seems more likely at this point to me. The Eva reference can be there merely for kicks. In any case I'm very excited with how the series has developed and looking forward to the rest. Anyone know if it'll be a one season (25,26 eps) show?
  7. I agree. Tomino is an amazing creator of worlds. Much better so than a director. You get the impression sometimes that some of his characters are trying to represent an idea or a vision he has, but by doing so their actions as human beings turn out to be quite head scratching. It's such a shame that Bandai Entertainment went bust just before they were going to release Turn a Gundam. It deserves a bigger audience.
  8. You're not alone. That ending is just absolutely perfect.
  9. Finally had some time off to see the film. It didn't disappoint.
  10. Do you reckon it's exclusively his choice of 'adults' as characters in his works that works against him? Or is there more to it?
  11. Yeah, but broken hearted Sochie could just as well be because he decided to dedicate his life in the service of Dianna Soriel in a remote location, thus making it complicated for Sochie and Loran to have any kind of relationship. "Movie in"? Are you suggesting I watch the movie versions? Or is it a typo?
  12. Just finished watching Turn A Gundam. Cool series, very unlike some of the other Tomino stuff. It almost had a Miyazaki feel to it. Anyway I just wanted to ask some of those more into the Gundam lore about the ending, specifically what we see in the epilogue:
  13. Ha ha. Yeah I keep writing Turna as one word when in fact it's Turn A. Just finished it actually and I enjoyed the series immensely after getting used to the decidedly Un-Gundamlike setting and designs. I actually really got into some of the characters and was holding my breath at the last 2 chapters . I though the series did a good job at conveying the 'war is hell' message from Gundam but with less angst than other series. Can really recommend it.
  14. Naah. He'll be driving the Sheryl Custom Alfa Romeo 156. Members of SMS like their Italian cars
  15. Ha ha, yeah I've seen that cover around somewhere! It seems pretty clear what kind of women the doujinshi's author was into...
  16. it's been said that Misa packed on some pounds after Hikaru was in the bag
  17. Wolfmother live is awesome http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=NiRnAO0QJ0E
  18. They should remove the image of the Hummer and have an angry and fully armed Ozma Lee on instead.
  19. Thanks. Too much on my plate too so I think I'll pick it up when its finished. I'm curious as to where Kawamori's mind is now...
  20. Anyone by any chance catch the first episode of Kawamori's new show AK0048? Just seen the trailer and it seems that Kawamori has ramped up the loli-moeness to 11 which I find a bit hard to swallow, but maybe its better than it looks?
  21. Not that uncommon in Southern Europe. From the top of my head I can think of the french writer Emile Zola and the italian foootballer (that's soccer for our Northamerican friends) Gianfranco Zola who was a star for both Napoli and Chelsea back in the 90's.
  22. Did Leprechaun really need a reboot?? Oh Hollywood, LOL.
  23. I finally got my act together and started TurnaGundam which is so far completely unlike any other Gundam I've seen. But in a good way. The story is pretty original. The animation though is not too impressive for being 1999 and a 20th anniversary project. Still watching E7 AO and Fate Zero (that was an eyeopening episode this week, huh?). Dropped Mouretsu Pirates, since IMO the series just hasn't had any kind of drama and the characters remain completely undeveloped and we're at episode 16. It's a shame really because I had high hopes for it at the start. Considering picking Space Brother or Kids on the Slope instead.
  24. All right then. Episode 2 was pretty fantastic in my opinion and we got another couple of hints that point to a direct sequel in my book I'm really looking forward to seeing where this leads.
  25. She's probably too "old" to appeal to the doujinshi making crowd
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