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Everything posted by Marzan

  1. Finished "Monster". What a great story by Naoki Urasawa and the people at Madhouse did the right thing by not messing around with it. Sticks faithfully to the manga, but adds some great voice acting and fitting music that helps add to the tension and mistery. I really recommend it to anyone who enjoys a character driven story with suspense and mistery. And it has one of the most memorable antagonists that I have ever seen in any media. Also watched the second to last episode of "Fate Zero". Pretty good action sequences, but it all seemed a bit rushed. .
  2. Ooh Love it! Franco Nero himself makes a cameo there at the end of the trailer. He's the guy who actually played Django in the original1966 film.
  3. Is it really that good? I mean better than Utena? That's a pretty bold statement. I've heard good things about it, but every time I consider watching it, just looking at the the cover puts me off. I have a hard time sitting through shows were the protagonist look like intensely moeified 7 year olds.
  4. Got my issue from CD Japan yesterday. Beautiful stuff. Hikimoto's style s just so clean. Who's the female scientist? I've seen her before but hadn't really focused on her until now.
  5. Great, just great. It get's deleted before I can even see it! I really have to log into MW more often than once a week.
  6. You would have thought that with all the time and effort it must have taken to paint that baby, that the artist could have taken an extra 10 seconds to check online how to spell her name correctly.
  7. You make a good point there, but didn't you get the feeling that the writing team made the characters a bit too over the top?
  8. CHAOS!
  9. Hey, "Voices", specially the a capella version, happens to work very well as a lullaby for the little ones. "Aimo" is pretty effective too...
  10. Lucky you... I get a nice invoice from customs for anything from Japan over 50 bucks. And that's 25% VAT, 12.5 % customs plus a roughly 20 euro service fee for some guy opening the package and then filling in a form. The things one does for Macross.
  11. Banner of the Stars is centered more on Jinto and Lafiel in a war setting. It's in Banner of the Stars 2 and 3 (which is really just a very short OVA) were Jinto's relationship with Lafiel and to his past are fully developed.
  12. There are clearly some similarities in the storyline (group of explorers traveling to remote location, finding something unexpected, implications and consequences of said find). Having said that, I think there are enough differences in the plot, characters, not to mention the setting and tone, for there to be no real problem in del Toro making "At the Mountains of Madness". It's not like there are that many original stories out there. Romantic comedies churn out the same story over and over and over again with different actors and no one seems to mind.
  13. Easy there. She'd slap you for calling her obasaan and insist you address her as Hayase Shosa.
  14. Just came back from watching the film and have to say that I'm a tad disappointed. Don't get me wrong, the film is a stunning visual experience, but I guess my expectations were too high (Ridley Scott, Sci-fi, tie in with Alien etc) and I expected more. The acting was unexpectedly bland with the exception of Fassbender who is wonderful in his role. And I felt the music distracted from the film instead of improving it. Not too mention that I thought some of the character interactions were a bit ridiculous. Looking forward to more people seeing it so we can discuss details soon. All I can say in relation to Macross though is
  15. it reminded me of the Acperience episodes from E7 too. I think when this series is over I´m probably going to be rewatching it because I'm definitely missing out on a lot.
  16. That set looks sooooo sweet.
  17. I'm speechless. That Macross Plus cover band is the most awesome thing I've heard in ages. They're fantastic! I never expected to see a vid of something 'A Sai En' performed live. And the way they nail songs like 'Idol Talk'and 'Torch Song' is uncanny. Awesome really.
  18. Actually it's only Abh nobility that 'have' the obligation of genetically modifying their children to be genetically 'Abh'. Hence if Jinto wants his hypothetical children to continue being Abh nobility they will have to be modified. They also wil have to fulfill a military and merchant service at some point in their lives. But regular Abh citizens do not have that obligation. I suppose that part of the appeal of this show for me was precisely that I didn't like the Abh as such. After a couple of chapters, I thought that the whole series was going to be about how our "hero" was going to become a super pilot, get the princess to fall in love with him, and then convince everyone that war is wrong and try to free the people of Martine in the process, bla bla, bla. That's IMO how I think 99 out of a 100 series would have ended up doing it. But the whole Seikai/Banner series really goes off in a different direction and your protagonists can in a way very well be called the 'bad guys'. The story is all about a basically not very heroic character, accepting the fate that has been handed to him and giving up his culture, race, language, indeed his very humanity as we understand it and joins the 'bad' guys. And throughout the 4 series we get to see the struggle that this is for him. Jinto is the eternal outsider. He doesn't fully get he Abh no matter how hard he tries, and yet he is despised by many of his fellow humans for what his father has done, and his continuing service to the enemy. I think that that's a narrative that we don't see too often in anime.
  19. Ha ha. I agree with all of the above.
  20. I love the guy in the suit! Nice find.
  21. When I read the thread title I thought that they maybe were going do the anime again, this time following the manga to the end. I'm not too keen on a new live action version. The live action versions simply cannot do justice to the magnificent vulgarity and priceless facial expression of the GTO manga.
  22. Watching Monster. There really are few anime that stick so close to the original source manga.
  23. It's so very unlikely that if it was to be the case I'd pierce the heavens with my screams of joy. Let's prepare to be underwhelmed.
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