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Everything posted by Marzan

  1. USA-SPEC is receiving a letter from Harmony Gold for this one
  2. Like Keith, I have a hard time seeing how they wrap this baby up in the advertised 24 episodes. Every time you think they've thrown all the questions out there and started answering them, they come again with some new ones. In any case, despite her limited screen time, Naru seems to be essential to the entire plot and much more than Ao's love interest or damsel in distress. Anyone catch the black haired gentleman on Eureka's left in the OP? Might we get a Renton appearance that's more than a passing glance on a screen?
  3. Muv Luv Total Eclipse has now in episode 3 reached its core narrative, and has a bit of a Macross Plus, Stardust Memory feel to it, (development of a new mecha, fighter jocks going at each other). I'm really pleasantly surprised about this series.
  4. Like you I really do hope that they
  5. Wow! That was one eyeopening episode. I'm glad I didn't read the spoilers. The payoff was worth it as you said Mog.
  6. Damned it! I'm of on holiday and the place I'm at has a prehistoric internet connection so I can't catch E7 AO till tuesday...I'm so tempted to click on those spoilers tags after last weeks episode.
  7. BTW, does anyone know how it's going with a continuation of the Haruhi Suzumiya anime? After the relative success of Dissapearance I hope they can carry on. There's plenty of material too.
  8. Awesome news! If it's got subtitles I might really be tempted despite the outrageous price tag. I don't know how far along you are with trigun, but I can assure you that it gets better and better as you go along. Some real surprises along the way. And Bebop lives up to the hype as well.
  9. Checked out the first 2 episodes yesterday. The first one felt a lot like a homage to Gunbuster with the classic teenage girls coming of age through combat storyline, but the second episode, OMG, that was totally unexpected Think this show might be a keeper this season.
  10. Yeah, was thinking something along those lines too.
  11. Wow, nice collection!
  12. Yeah this ep was a lot better than some of the previous ones. We're finally getting closer to the mystery of AO's world. Everywhere I've checked it says that its going to run for 24 episodes. So we're nearly halfway.
  13. Finally got the chance to see it. I too, was a bit distracted by the use of CG and not too crazy about the new character designs (specially Griffith) but other than that was rather pleased. The story followed the manga and series closely and the new seeiyus did their job well. And the music was pretty good. I'm rather looking forward for the next 2 films and I'm hoping that they are successful enough in order to allow the subsequent production of an OVA or series that can take on the story after the Golden Arc.
  14. Finished "Heroic Age". Can warmly recommend it to anyone who likes their space opera with a dash of mecha and romance. Oh, and awesome soundtrack.
  15. LOL at the DRYL Videodisc. That's what my kid is going to do with the DYRL bluray in a couple of years when he tries to insert it in a HD.
  16. There's still some good stuff being made that can appeal to people brought up with 80's or 90's anime. Problem is these are perhaps not the most popular of shows nowadays and one kind of has to do a bit of research on it. In that sense, i find the "What current anime are you watching" thread right here very useful. You're getting the recommendations from other like minded individuals and not your standard anime forum.
  17. After shelling out on the DYRL BD I don't know if I'll have enough time to save up for the 7 ones when they come out. I have to add 25% VAT, 12% in customs and a service fee to the above price...Having said that, these BD edition are so complete and packed with so many extras, that there's a certain feeling of 'ultimateness' to them. I get the feeling that this is the last time some of these series are released.
  18. Thanks for the translation. Good read!
  19. Mmh. Crunchyroll's stuff is all subbed and it seems to be doing pretty good.
  20. Started watching "Heroic Age" on a recommendation on this forum (think it was ron 5864). So far so good. If you like your Space Opera it's definitely worth a look.
  21. The animators missed the deadline huh? Thanks for the info.
  22. "Ai oboete imasu ka" in an english language metal version. I've really heard it all now...
  23. Anyone know why there was no Eureka Seven AO episode this weekend? I've looked around but I cannot find any info about it.
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