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Everything posted by Marzan

  1. Wow. That is incredible for being done by a fan. I really like how he designed Mylene in a more contemporary style.
  2. No, they really don't. Studio Deen didn't really do a stellar job on Stay Night and the people who played the original visual novel hate the route the adaption. Plus the lead character Shirou is annoying even by shonen anime standards. FSN is not downright terrible, but if you happened to watch Zero instead, you're bound to be dissappointed.
  3. Great article. Very nice read. Thanks Renato!
  4. Picked up Requiem for the Phantom real cheap and watched the first episode. Seems like a mix between Bourne and Darker than Black. It's written by the same guy who wrote Madoka and Fate Zero so i have high expectations.
  5. The latest episode of Muv Luv finally delivered some serious combat sequences.
  6. I get a feeling those last 2 episodes are going to be BD only or something like that. I dont think they could make it into a good movie.
  7. Just found this today (have to remember to check the front page more often!). Thanks for the writeup Tochiro, appreciate your effort. That Sho Hayami seems like quite a character, huh? I found Mika Doi's comments on Misa quite revealing in regards to what the anime fan must have been like in the early 80's. Nowadays, I cannot imagine a character like Misa not having plenty of fans.
  8. I wonder at what point of the book the first film will finish? I'm thinking maybe at the house of Beorn, after being chased by the goblins and Wargs but before entering Mirkwood.
  9. MIght wanna put some spoilers tags there in case anyone else wants to see it. I think that
  10. One question that keeps popping into my head is what the point of Naru is?
  11. You're right it's a very eclectic show that shows a lot of influences from other shows. It has its up and downs though. There's a couple of real facepalm moments there and now. The ending of Code Geass season 2 though is one of my favourite endings from any anime.
  12. Is the planet Ave Maria ever mentioned in anything other than Isamu Alva Dyson's service record? The name caught my attention when looking at my Macross Plus film book and I can't find it anywhere else.
  13. Ooooh, that looks good! Might have to look into purchasing it after all.
  14. Have seen Utena but not the other two. I don't consider Utena a magical girl show at all. It strikes me more as a modern fairy tale using a lot of metaphores and allegories, taking a lot of its visual look from stuff like Rose of Versailles. Yeah. some of the outfit transformation scenes are reminiscent of Sailor Moon, but Utena and co. never dwell on magic so I don't really see the 'mahou' in it
  15. Did a little marathon and finished it last night. Wow. It is very good indeed. It starts of well enough, but doesn't really get interesting until the 3rd episode. From then on the plot thickens and the story matches the outstanding production values. And the last 4 episodes or so are just sublime. Episode 10 in particular is definitely in my list of top anime episodes of all time. It's that good. The art is incredible. Some of the battle scenes look like the kind of thing that Salvador Dalí would have drawn if he were working as a manga artist. And the music fits what is happening on screen perfectly, creating a great atmosphere. It really is one of the best anime made in the past decade or so. However I don't think it'll change how I look at Magical Girl shows, since Madoka is clealy unlike any other Magical Girl shows. It has more in common with the likes of Evangelion as some have pointed out than Mahou Shoujo stuff.
  16. Great stuff those 3D pictures. Where'd you get them from?
  17. I know. This episode was amazing. I loved the whole End of Evangelion feel it had to it
  18. 1. VF-1S - It's so iconic and in my book the most memorable mecha ever. 2. SV 51 (Ivanov one) - There's something about it's strange angular design that just really appeals to me. In black it just screams 'here comes the bad guy'. 3. VF-17 - Like the stealth look and the F-117 influence. 4. YF-19 - Isamu's ride. 5. VF-4 LIghtning - It's just a beautiful unique design-
  19. Finished watching Arakawa under the Bridge. Weird random humour but it has some memorable characters and I laughed a quite a bit. If I had to describe it it'd be the a cross between the humour of Excel Saga with the strangeness of FLCL but made by SHAFT. Got my hands on Madoka Magica and will finally start it tomorrow after overcoming my magic-girl phobia.
  20. Thanks Tochiro.
  21. Oh. Last time I was on this thread there was some fine pachinko footage and now it's gone. Did YouTube remove the vid or something?
  22. Starting a chronological rewatch as well. Looking forward to months of delicious nostalgia.
  23. Yeah it wasn't really a railgun was it. When I watched that scene in Muv Luv all I could think of was a Macross Cannon
  24. Man I'm jealous! That's quite a lineup there. Sho Hayami (Max) and Mika Doi (Misa) are going to look positively ancient standing next to Megumi Nakajima though
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