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Everything posted by Marzan

  1. 14 million bucks on the opening weekend? I admit I don't know much about the japanese box office, but that sounds like a lot of money for an anime film.
  2. The few reviews on forums I've seen point to this film taking the story in a radical new direction. That's fine for me. I wanna be surprised.
  3. I've read in the Evageeks wiki that its
  4. I totally understand what you mean..I'm up to episode 7 and I can say that its far from the best thing Tomino is done, yet for some reason I cannot stop watching it. And the next episode seems to feature cheerleaders so I have to keep on watching don't I?
  5. I loved the bit at the bar when Bond get's his drink just shaken in the cocktail mixer. There's no need for him to even say what drink it was. And the Aston at the garage...people actually cheered and clapped in the screen I was in.
  6. Have they? I thought they were only doing a trilogy. Well, that is excellent news if it indeed happens. Only problem is that Berserk the manga is years away from completion, if Miura is even thinking of finishing it at all.
  7. Looks amazing! What a trailer! Once again I'll be enormously jealous of those who live in Japan and can see this film nearly a year before the rest of us can.
  8. There's already a trailer out for Berserk Golden Age Arc III Descent. http://www.animenewsnetwork.com/news/2012-11-16/3rd-berserk-film-full-trailer-poster-unveiled It seems that they really will only cover the same ground as in the TV series. And not surpringly for anyone who knows the manga or the TV series, it's going to be R18+.
  9. When I read pink Eva I thought I'd hate it, but it actually looks quite cool. Look forward to seeing it fully animated.
  10. I'll be sure to track it down. The Gene Simmons cameo must be seen! On my end I'm still watching the very weird Overman King Gainer. It's like a mix between Orguss and ZZ Gundam with all the unexplicable side switching and angsty teens that one can expect from a Tomino production.
  11. Love it. I wonder how long before HG sues the Victorian Curriculum and Assesement Authority for misuse of their 'property'!
  12. Aabout half a year ago I finished watching Turn A Gundam which was very good IMO. Having seen all of Tomino's Gundam and Ideon, I wanted to check out some of his other stuff while doing my all of Macross anniversary rewatch, and I picked up Overman King Gainer. I've just watched one episode so far and I was a bit confused, since they jumped straight into the plot and its hard to keep track of the characters. But I hope it gets cleared up. On the other hand, the mecha designs are quite original, specially the Overman that has rasta like hair (it actually fulfills a combat role!). And there's a virtual singer that IMO was directly inspired by Sharon Apple herself which I appreciated.
  13. Continuing the celebration with a DYRL/Flashback Double header. I must have seen DYRL 20 times now, and it never ceases to amaze me how stunningly beautiful it is.
  14. The Itano Circus will live forever
  15. No guide but I'd say it'd be enough if you watch 3 films after the original TV series.. Did you watch 'End of Evangelion'? That would be a start if you only saw the series. It can be considered either a re-telling or an alternate version to the series ending episodes 25 and 26. The DVD is still around on a couple of online retailers. After that watch the 2 Rebuild of Evangelion films that have been released on BD/DVD so far; Evangelion: 1.11 You Are (Not) Alone and Evangelion: 2.22 You Can (Not) Advance. They have been released nearly everywhere (including Australia with the excellent Madman editions) and are easy to get.
  16. This has probably been discussed before ( I remember at least reading about it), but after a search on the site, I couldn't really locate something substantive so please bear with me or send me the link to the right post.. I just finished watching the audio commentary version of episodes 35 & 36 in the Madman/Animeigo release of SDFM. In them, Noboru Ishiguro when asked about Global, implies that Global and Misa might have had a relationship that was more than professional senior-junior officer going on. I found this 'Word of God' surprising, since I didn't get that feeling from watching their scenes together at all. Is there any other source or material that can corroborate this? Or was it just Ishiguro's take on things and not necessarily what the rest of the staff had in mind?
  17. Finished my anniversary rewatch of SDFM. I nearly shed a tear when that photo album with AD 2012 written on it closes. What a wonderful series it is!
  18. Marzan

    Macross 30

    Must have been one heck of a pilot who landed that F-15.
  19. Virgin Road is pure Macross magic for sure. I had forgotten all about the intense jazz drummer still. LOL.
  20. I actually preordered this ages ago and had forgotten all about it, until I got an email from CD Japan saying they had dispatched it to me. I can't wait for checking out the extras. In regards to Evangelion Q, like Keith I really do hope that there's another Hong Kong english subtitled edition. For 2.22 there was spanish, french, german and italian language versions out for months before Funimation finally released their english version.
  21. I agree with you. In a way, this also helps Kawamori and his collaborators at Studio Nue when dreaming up a new story. They are not straightjacketed by a continuity that needs to be followed. Just build on the existing universe.
  22. Ooh, I'd love to have a Orguss series in a proper box with english subtitles (have it with Spanish subtitles and the mindboggling bootleg Honk Kong version were the randomness of the subtitles has to be seen to believed). Do you know if Diskotek Media accepts request outside of Facebook? On my front, I've just finished Detroit Metal City. One of the funniest, most vulgar yet awesome series I have ever seen. It's basically the story of a teenage musician who arrives in Tokyo to pursue a career as a light pop artist. Unfortunately for him, no one is interested in his music, and in order to make a living, he becomes the frontman of a Death Metal band called "Detroit Metal City" or DMC for short. His DMC persona called Johannes Krauser II, is a legend in the metal underground and is based on the exploits of metal legends like King Diamond, Gene Simmons and Ozzy Osbourne. If you want to watch some comedy anime that's 'moe' free, I can really recommend DMC.
  23. I'm afraid you lost me there?
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