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Everything posted by Marzan

  1. Marzan

    Macross 30

    Thanks for the translation Tochiro. Really appreciate the time you take to do this stuff for other Macross fans. Some of those character interactions look interesting to say the least. I've never had a PS3 but this fine looking game might just push me over the edge. Might be tempted to get a used one. Will this game be able to play on a European PS3? Or will it require hacking of some sort?
  2. +1. I'd love to get that book too.
  3. That looks so cute. I want one for my kid now.
  4. I really can't help you with the Gunbuster translations thing. Have you tried contacting any of the groups that have done fansubs of Gunbuster before? Maybe they can help you. I finished watching the Urusei Yatsura movies which were quite a mixed bunch, but satisfying nevertheless. The Mamoru Oshii ones, specially Beautiful Dreamer were pretty good. I got a couple of Hellsing Ultimate BD's as a present and I'm gonna watch them next.
  5. Does anyone know why the singing voice for Emilia in M7 The galaxy is calling me is never credited? I remember reading that either Tochiro or Renato got the name of the singer out of some drunk Macross super otaku and it was someone fairly unknown (which is pretty surprising with that voice).
  6. That Ranka phone case is pretty neat.
  7. Don't know if this has been posted before, but it seems the studio is pretty confident that the film will do well: they're even preparing a sequel. http://www.hollywoodreporter.com/heat-vision/pacific-rim-sequel-works-writer-397646
  8. Look out for the 45 minute battle scenes, specially in movie 3. That's the only way I can imagine they'll stretch it that much.
  9. I'm still enjoying it. I like the premise of the show and the how they have carefully constructed the world and the technology that is available to the characters. At first I though that it was going to be a series with a "villain of the week" kind of approach but it isn't really, and the plot seems to be carefully constructed. And it's mercifully free of panty shots or needless moe characters.
  10. I'm checking out the Urusei Yatsura films. I watched some of the series ages ago. I'm actually pretty impressed with how good they are despite the limitations of some the characters (Ataru is the most annoying male MC ever). The second one in particular, "Beautiful Dreamer" is astonishing. Skilfully constructed with some beautiful imagery, the slapstick comedy of the series is toned down and the characters developed more. And you can tell how it influenced Haruhi Suzumiya, Oh, and it's directed by Mamoru Oshii himself before he made Patlabor and Ghost in the Shell which I thought was pretty neat.
  11. While the mecha designs haven't exactly blown me away, we have to remember that we're used to hardcore mecha-centric anime, were the designers and animation teams have been doing and refining it for years and the directors and producers are well versed in the matter. You can't expect a Hollywood big studio committee's to have that kind of sensibility and appreciation. At the end of the day, I'm curious if we'll see a lot of closeups and detail from these, or if it will be more of a blurry 'Cloverfield' kind of deal. I'm very pleased to see a lot of international flavour in this film. Designs from several countries, viral stuff in languages other than english... I think Del Toro will make something enjoyable out of this.
  12. Kajiura singging Aimo? Sounds like one hell of an event!
  13. You nailed it in your analysis. It's like they didn't care about the characters at all.
  14. I've realized that the key to enjoying King Gainer is to watch it as a comedy. Then it becomes a blast, specially episode 17 which has one of the funniest scenes ever. Oh, and Psycho-pass continues to impress. Really good stuff. If you are missing the lack of series like Ghost in the Shell, check it out.
  15. My bad, didn't realize that Mikimoto only drew the first 3 pictures and Ebata did the last 2.
  16. I love Mikimoto's drawings. One thing I like about his Ranka and Sheryl is that the way he draws them, makes them seem much closer in age than than the way they are portrayed by other artists.
  17. A lot of the people who worked on AO also worked on the original series so chances are they did. But I think Dai Sato who did the series composition for E7 and wrote the script for 12 episodes of it wasn't involved. And I think it shows.
  18. That HK subbed version was an absolute comedic delight if's the same one I saw. Is it the one were the "Mu" are suddenly called "Timmy" and "Athena" becomes "Argentina"? And yeah, love the ending.
  19. The problem with some of these open internet polls, is that the current stuff almost always comes to overshadow the pre-internet material. I mean all the top 10 Macross songs of all time are Frontier songs? No Minmay songs in the top 10? No *Voices" or "Angel Voice"? It'd be interesting to have a MW poll on the same topic.
  20. Just watched those final episodes back to back and I have to say that I really don't know what to say. At this point all that I can think of is that the director of Eureka Seven
  21. I so wanna go to that Eva store! And does that GPS come with a map of northern Europe? Surely Asuka can call me a 'baka' in german every time I do a wrong turn. I'm well aware of how big Eva is in Japan. I'm just in awe of how 18 years after the series came out, it still manages to capture the imagination of so many people, specially considering its content and story. I mean, this isn't Doraemon or Astroboy.
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