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Everything posted by Marzan

  1. Most of what Keith said. One thing that really set them apart for me was that AO's characters were poorly handled and had downright odd resolutions to their personal stories (if any at all!). It just felt like very uninspired writing. It seemed to me that the production team cared more about the setting than about the characters and developing a coherent storyline. Oh and the soundtrack cannot hold a candle to E7's.
  2. DVD or BD?
  3. I actually ended up dropping Aria halfway through. I need more 'something' in my shows, be it drama, comedy, horror, action, mecha, randomness, sex or what you might want to call it. I'm picked up Gun & Sword instead (by the same guy who did Planetes and Code Geass). You make a good point about Nekomonogatari. The brevity of the show was a definite plus in this case. BTW, SHAFT's new show Sasami-san@Ganbaranai is starting tomorrow
  4. It's a 3 inch CD single thar's unfortunately gone out of print but I got a used one recently on Ebay for only 9 bucks plus shipping. Make sure you select the search worldwide function so you get all the japanese sellers in your search.
  5. Nekomonogatari was a pretty good return to form for the -monogatari series after the dissapointing Nisemonogatari. Neko delivers the same insane visuals, weird dialogue and violent combat as Bakemono and adds a bucketload of fanservice to the mix. I started watching Aria: The Animation because I found a lot of good reviews on it, but 3 chapters in I'm not impressed. It's pretty boring and I'm told not to expect any more to it that the same sedate pace and storytelling all the way along. Anyone seen it and got good things to say about it?
  6. Aniplex really goes for the hardcore collector market, don't they? I hope 63,000 yen is retail price and that it can be gotten cheaper other places.
  7. The script and series composition are by Gen Urobuchi who wrote Requiem for the Phantom, Fate Zero, Madoka and Psycho-Pass amongst others. I'm definitely excited about this one. Is the name "Gargantia on the Verdurous Planet" an official english name by the studio? Or a translation? I didn't even know what 'verdurous' was until I looked it up.
  8. Good interview. Thanks. I look forward to his future work. It's good to know that he'll continue working with Yoko Kanno in the future I laughed at the bit about Kawamori's love for Lego sets too.
  9. Finally had a chance to watch the film. I'm a big Tolkien fan so I was very surprised to see all the extra material that made into the film that wasn't in the book. The changes were fine by me. Overall a very exciting yarn and I thought they really did good job of making 2 hours and 50 minutes not seem so long. My one beef though was the 48 frame 3D. While I recognize that it makes movements more fluid, sometimes I felt I was watching stuff in fast forward and the level of fine detail gave some of it a "documentary" look that lessened my experience a bit. Unfortunately my local cinemas make it very hard to catch the 2D version (only in one screen and during working hours!) so I'm gonna have to travel a bit to catch in that format. Or wait for the BD.
  10. Don't do it Misa. Discreet, white cotton is the way you operate. Nice pics.
  11. That is so very appropiate for this thread!
  12. That's one big snake! I wish all fellow MW'ers a happy new year too! And let's hope for a new Macross series this 2013!
  13. Ooh, you've piqued my interest. Do tell more
  14. I thought it was a pretty good horror anime too. They do a good job of setting the mood. Wish they did more like this one. Check out "Shiki" one day. It's not pure horror like "Another" is, but is pretty good in its own way.
  15. Better offering is an understatement. There is no comparison. Do watch it instead of AO.
  16. It's really cool to see that some of the restaurants mentioned in SDFM really exist. Even 30 years later! Sow how was the food?
  17. I've seen the title of opening/closing song of Flashback 2012 variously translated as "Angel's Colours", "The Song of Angel's Paints" or "Angel's Paint". Anyone have any idea which of these translations is closer to the spirit of the original name in japanese?
  18. Happy Anniversary Zero!
  19. I realize that it's not a new dub. I just assumed that there's always some sort of license/fee/royalty that would have to be paid to the voice actors. I find these property rights issues always a tad confusing.
  20. Better late than never! Actually tomorrow the Cowboy Bebop Bluray Box is being released in Japan. It's absolutely packed full of goodies. http://www.amazon.co.jp/COWBOY-BEBOP-Blu-ray-BOX-%E5%88%9D%E5%9B%9E%E9%99%90%E5%AE%9A%E7%89%88/dp/B008RFNCIM/ref=sr_1_1?ie=UTF8&qid=1355995323&sr=8-1 I really hope that someone picks it up for a similar release somewhere in the West. Now that's a release outside of Macross that I would pay top dollar for.
  21. Macross Plus in HD?!! And with an english version to boot?! Hell yeah I'm buying. I do find it a bit peculiar though that it includes a dub and not a sub. Would have thought the former is more expensive.
  22. Marzan

    Macross 30

    Ha ha, you're probably right.
  23. The nose has been almost eliminated and the eyebrows and eyelashes have been thinned out. But as nexxstrait pointed out, the change had been done some time ago.
  24. Marzan

    Macross 30

    Any chance at all that some of the new game characters like Mina or Aisha are later used for a new TV series or OVA?
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