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Everything posted by Marzan

  1. Thanks for the advice, but I'm gonna try it anyway for the sake of "completeness". If I hate feel free to give me the 'I told you so' treatment.
  2. Nice find! Those girls got too little screen time in Frontier if you ask me.
  3. Finished Infinite Ryvius, good sci-fi series set in space with unique battles, although as I mentioned previously, keep away if you don't like shows with angsty characters. There's a couple of Kawamori shows I haven't watched and I'm gonna remedy that now starting with Arjuna.
  4. It takes every bit of my self control not to open it
  5. Looking forward to your final opinion on ZZ Banshee. BTW Haman Karn is the sexiest female in all of the Universal Century. Specially in Zeta. There, I said it.
  6. Marzan

    Macross 30

    Remember though that it can bite both ways and you can sometimes save a penny or two when the exchange is better when you actually order instead of when it ships.
  7. I'm so ready for this film in BD
  8. The last couple of episodes of Psycho-pass have been nothing short of amazing. Shame there's only 5 left.
  9. Nice one. Basara looks so different without the glasses.
  10. Both Togusa and Batou's seeiyus are in constant demand so that might have something to do with it.
  11. I'm halfway through Infinite Ryvius and can definitely, definitely recommend it to my fellow MW'ers. "Lord of the Flies meets Macross" is what I can come up with if I had to describe it in six words.
  12. No one will take away my boat scene and dismiss it as an interpretation!
  13. Excellent news. I've read more than once that the GITS franchise as whole is more popular overseas than in Japan and this kind of bilingual event does seem to point to that.
  14. Decided to go with Infinite Ryvius instead of Arjuna and I love the setting (God how I wish they made more sci-fi like this nowadays) and story up till episde 4 at the least. On the downside, even though its from 1999 the character designs look really old and sketchy. And it seems that there's gonna be bucketloads of teenage angst before the story is over. Digging it though.
  15. Marzan

    Macross 30

    Miria's song actually makes it on SDFM series itself. And as for Misa, "Under an Umbrella" and "Thinking of a White Christmas" have to count for something
  16. Yeah. I wonder if it's just japanese IP addresses that can see these videos. Shame really.
  17. Marzan

    Macross 30

    Missing Misa and Ishtar in that pic. And after all these years Minmay still takes center stage. Impressive. Great image that one.
  18. I wonder how Mr. Mathieu will use his finely tuned commercial director skills to address the "protoculture as energy source" thematic.
  19. Finished watching Gun X Sword. It starts off pretty average and feels like a Trigun knockoff but the second half of the series is pretty good. And it has some nice looking mecha too (as well as the most aggravating antagonists you'll ever see). Psycho Pass continues delivering my cyberpunk fix until Ghost in the Shell Arise comes out. Have a couple of oldies waiting for me: Arjuna or Infinite Ryvius. What would you guys watch first?
  20. I loved that he drew his own version. That's real passion for you there!!
  21. Yeah, that Evangelion manga is one slow burn manga to collect. Started at the same time as the TV series did it not? It's a shame that the releases are are so far removed from each other really because it's really good. I think in the case of guys like Sadamoto and Mikimoto, they just have other work that distracts them or takes up their time in such a way that they can't really focus on a manga. I do hope Mikimoto does bring Macross the First to some kind of satisfying conclusion.
  22. Hell yeah! Just read the news on CR's twitter feed. Now let's just hope that as many of the series cast as possible have roles in this one as well. The Major HAS to be voiced by Atsuko Tanaka and Akio Ohtsuka has to be Batou.
  23. I thought Orguss 02 was quite allright if one thought of it as a standalone series, and not as a sequel of Orguss as such. But the open ending of Orguss does allow a sequel many more possibilities than the E7 did. I think my avatar makes quite clear where I stand on Macross II. Dropped Aria about halfway through. It's clearly not for me. Picked up Gun X Sword instead (its by the same guy who did Planetes and Code Geass). So far it's a bit of a mixed bag that reminds me a lot of Trigun.
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