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Everything posted by Marzan

  1. Attack on Titan (Shingeki no Kyojin) is going to start streaming on Crunchyroll too.
  2. Movie version with subs? Are the people in Bandai reading this thread (lol)? Even sweeter deal.
  3. Really liked it too. I thought the colors used throughout the art were amazing. The colony ships where the Gallactic Alliance lived vaguely reminded me of the Macross Frontier convoy ships too.
  4. Really liked the first episode too. Not the most original premise, but well presented story nonetheless and boy is it pretty. The animation is very fluid for a TV series and the colour palette is astonishing.
  5. Nice work guys. The audio was spot on this time and the podcast was easy to download. There were plans for a live action Macross in the mid 90's with Kawamori involved? Interesting, I didn't know that. Looking forward to reading that article (is it you doing it Renato?) about Kawamori's book and learn a bit more about his ideas and vision.
  6. It's a bit of a phenomenon for sure. I was myself very surprised when I kept watching it after the first couple of episodes. Normally I don't go for this kind of series at all. Must have been the old WWII geek in me.
  7. Panzer Vor! Crunchyroll has both of them on their website now.
  8. Del Toro surely ordered the production staff to include a Mexican model somewhere in the material for the film? Could they top the Tequila Gundam?
  9. Magi is a brilliant adventure story for all ages with great characters and an interesting story to boot. I can warmly recommend it. Anyway, a lot of new anime are going to come out now that the spring season is beggining. I'm looking forward to 'Gargantia on the Verdurous Planet' (penned by Urobuchi who did Psycho Pass, Madoka and Fate Zero) and 'Attack on Titan'. I hope Crunchyroll comes through and gets the license for my region.
  10. Watching Ghost Hunt and Magi now. Magi is a really good shounen series so far (5 chapters in).
  11. Exactly. I actually thought that it fits the series concept quite well. I think its way too much to expect that the music could possibly top what Kanno did with GITS-SAC. I mean stuff songs like "Lithium Flower" or "Rise" doesn't get written everyday.
  12. Just done with Aquarion EVOL. The series was definitely at his best when it was kind of corny and camp or with the Aquarion's coming up with another ridiculous attack. It was a fun watch to be sure. I'm kind of glad though that Kawamori keeps some of his more wacky ideas for stuff like Aquarion and doesn't get too caught up with them for his Macross productions.
  13. I think Urobuchi was gunning for this kind of ending from the beggining.
  14. Regarding Muv Luv, the first couple of episodes are unfortunately nothing like the rest of the series which is all over the place in content and animation quality. There's some very good episodes, focused on the development and trials of weaponry for a new mecha; but some others fall completely into the typical cliches (gratuitous beach swimsuit episode). It's a fun watch, just don't expect any depth/quality whatsoever. And Black Lagoon is awesome. Rei Hiroe is back to writing to writing the manga after a 2 year hiatus, so if we're lucky we might get some more animation out of it.
  15. I cannot stop laughing!! You're a true Macross obsessive to have made that analogy. I salute you
  16. Thanks for the write up. It must have been absolutely awesome. And kudos to Chie and her band for tackling those Macross Plus songs. They can't be too easy to pull off. Have I mentioned how jealous I am that you were there?
  17. Very, very cute. A new Macrossfan is among us.
  18. It's definitely one of the best series of the last couple of seasons. This last episode was pretty dramatic, I'm certainly going to buy this when it comes out in BD.
  19. On the Aquarion note, I'm loving Aquarion Evol. It's kind of camp in a way and they take the whole concept of Gattai to the next level so I'm having a lot of fun.
  20. Watched Mardock Scramble last night. Some pretty bleak stuff I have to say but I like the setting and the animation. Arjuna was a mixed bag. Definitely not Kawamori's strongest series (its waaay to preachy on the save the earth stuff) but damn is the music good. Since I'm carrying on with my Kawamori marathon I'm checking out Aquarion Evol. I didn't think too highly of the first Aquarion series, but have been told by someone I trust that this one is a clear improvement. Lets see if its true.
  21. This. Patlabor (at least the TV series and the OVA) are more about the tedium of daily life in a police unit, occasionally interrupted by a call to action. This is specially so in the TV series were there are entire chapters devoted to random subjects like finding spare parts, locating a restaurant that will deliver to their remote HQ, or growing their own foodstuffs in the backyard of their HQ. Watching Arjuna and I have to say it's a mixed bag. The soundtrack as Gubaba had said, is amazing (no surprises as its Yoko Kanno), the story is actually quite good fro the most part and Arjuna herself is a relatable protagonist. But the series is extreeemely preachy about subjects like the environment and vegetarianism. I agree with most of the views espoused in it, but I think it would have benefited from a more "show, don't tell approach" when it comes to its subject matter.
  22. RIP Toren Smith. A true pioneer of manga/anime in the West.
  23. Marzan

    Macross 30

    Thanks for the game wallpapers. Love the character designs.
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