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Everything posted by Marzan

  1. Thanks guys. I'll give it a go.
  2. I miss Wanzerfan too actually. Funny guy. I loved how he used to share his musical preferences with us in posts that had nothing to do with music. Back on topic, I got Gasaraki really cheap on an impulse buy but have read some terrible reviews on it. Anyone got any opinions on it? The mecha look pretty sweet and the geopolitics in the description sound like my kind of thing.
  3. It really isn't that difficult to find stuff online. http://www.youtube.com/playlist?list=PL5D4F15FB2A8C73B6 Do try to purchase some of what you want to watch and support the people who write, produce, license and market this stuff though.
  4. Dude, you just posted a GIF with the WTF and forgot the babes! Bellows we all knew about but Ridget in a swimsuit was a revelation.
  5. That's some serious method acting. Very good point. I do hope the gap between Q and the 4th movie is not as long as some of the previous ones but I will not hold my breath.
  6. Finally got around to re-watching this again and I have to say that I really liked it. The visuals/designs/animation are outstanding and I loved that this film rescues the WTF? feeling I had when I watched the series for the first time. That's not something i felt watching the first 2 although they are perhaps work better as films from a storytelling perspective. I really connected with Shinji's sense of utter confusion and helplessness. Poor guy. It would have been nice as a viewer to get a bit more screentime from some of the other characters (I'm thinking the whole Wille crowd) in order to get a better feel/understanding for what's happening, but I guess Anno is leaving a lot of the fleshing out for what's happened post 3rd impact for the last film. I have to say though that those expecting a nice closed ending with lots of questions answered should probably skip the 4th part. I don't think Anno will provide that.
  7. Like you I loved Steins Gate and had exactly the same experience, being slightly bored the first few episodes and then getting completely overwhelmed by the change in pace halfway through. I wonder what they're doing for the movie? BTW, did you watch the OVA only episode? It comes with the BD's Doesn't add that much to the series but it's really funny (Okabe in the U.S speaking engrish is epic) and gives some closure to the relationship between Okabe and Cristinaaa.
  8. Splendid. Excellent news. Except for my wallet since this is going to be a 4 part deal and 4 japanese BD's will cost me....I'd rather not think about it too much.
  9. Finally watched. Blown away, amazed, confused, confused, bewildered...all in an hour and 34 minutes. Must watch again to clear thoughts.
  10. ^ Why am I not surprised that people who build robots in real life would appreciate Macross Frontier OST's.
  11. Always have thought that Monster could work very well as live action, provided it got a series format. And the del Toro/HBO partnership might just be ideal to get this right. I hope it get's greenlighted and if not, that it at least develops enough of a buzz for Viz or someone else to release the entirety of the anime series on DVD. http://www.animenewsnetwork.com/news/2013-04-24/guillermo-del-toro-develops-monster-manga-as-possible-hbo-show http://www.imdb.com/news/ni52061559
  12. I'm watchin Gargantia/Attack on Titan on simulcast and G Gundam on the other days. I also checked out Flowers of Evil because I had to see what all the fuss was about (check out most anime forums. The flaming wars this is creating are phenomenal). It's not bad. It dares to be a bit different using rotoscoping animation which IMO adds to the creepy atmosphere of the story. Granted though, they seem to have cut some corners and at some points the animation does seem a bit shoddy. Still an interesting story with some seriously messed up characters.
  13. This is the fervent desire of many in this forum.
  14. Just a quick question then: How come a series like AKB0048, that as far as I can understand also has a lot of original music, can be licensed in North America? Is there something in particular about the way OST is presented in Macross that makes it more expensive?
  15. Those are some extremely well armed pirates all in all.
  16. I've only ever watched the UC stuff and Turn A, but now I've taken the dive and started watching Mobile Fighter G Gundam. As expected it's completely different to the normally very 'serious' UC Gundam but I'm having a good laugh so far...Now I get the whole "SHIIINIINGG FIIINGEEERSS!" thing.
  17. I cannot imagine what it would be like to be 'The Hand' of that particular queen. Most taxing I can imagine.
  18. It's pretty good stuff isn't it? And that shoulder charge....Wow.
  19. Nice PV. Might have to get this after all...
  20. Saved a pretty penny by preordering from Amazon instead of CD Japan. Just to let anyone who still is interested in ordering this.
  21. ^ This guy's art is indeed pretty awesome. I love that most of the girls he draws are from old school anime.
  22. The story has some similarities with Orguss doesn't it? Pilot engaged in a war with a powerful foe gets transported to another "dimension/planet" where he meets a bunch of nomads and has to travel/fight with them as well as deal with serious cultural differences. I liked how the second episode ended. I think Red is going to find that
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