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Everything posted by Marzan

  1. Reading your post without clicking the link I though for the moment that it was going to be Harmony Gold. WWE was not something I would have guessed after a million tries.
  2. I'm just taking a wild guess here, but I'm assuming that telling this particular fellow that he's doing something stupid can have consequences that are hazardous for one's health.
  3. They're in the uncensored 2nd edition of the Ghost in the Shell manga which was released in 2004 by Dark Horse. The previous release of the manga had removed those scenes in order to avoid having a "Mature Readers" only tag which was feared would discourage sales. I'm pretty sure that Kodansha's new release doesn't have that scene either.
  4. Congrats on winning the contest, but what in the name of all that is holy possessed you to buy Kampfer and Qwaser of Stigmata?! Saying they suck would be the understatement of the year. Unless of course you enjoy your fanservice to the fullest, in which case I won't say a thing because that they have and by the trainload.
  5. I was halfway through the video before it dawned on me that the circular green shapes on the right of the screen were Kaiji's watermelons.
  6. Got the album on wednesday and have been listening to nothing else since. It's a strange blend of disco, pop, soul, and early 80's electronica, but it just works so well. Great stuff really.
  7. Definitely worth the money IMHO. You get at least 12-15 series a season depending on which part of the world you're in (obviously not Japan!) and they actually try to get the best/most popular stuff. Just this season they have Gargantia, Attack on Titan, Flowers of Evil as well as Oreimo and some others. Speaking of Crunchyroll series, Attack on Titan had quite an interesting moment there towards the end, huh?
  8. Thanks Gubaba. Really appreciate the effort you're doing to bring this to us. I do a fair bit of translation work myself so I know how incredibly hard it can be at times. Setting yourself a realistic weekly target and sticking to it is what works for me.
  9. The bit that has me baffled is how Honneamise can be trying to resemble Hunt for Red October.
  10. Was that your first concert ever? That's really not a bad start to one's live musical experiences. Echo and the Bunnymen is one of those bands that I consider forever underrated.
  11. Was just about to comment on this. So sad. The Doors were one of the bands I listened to the most when I was a teenager and still have all their stuff which I listen to from time to time. While so much has been written or said about Jim Morrison, Manzarek's playing and keyboard style is the essential component of the Doors sound. RIP Ray Manzarek.
  12. I actually bought the first volume of the manga too and read it yesterday. I'm pleasantly surprised at how they are not rushing the adaptation and actually enriching the content in the manga. On the other hand, I would not be surprised if this turns out to be a multiseason series. Still going to try to see the series chapters first before actually reading the manga chapter. Don't want to spoil the first watch!
  13. IMHO you should pick this up again. Gargantia is getting very interesting. Today's episode (it's on 7 now) was excellent stuff and a real contrast to the mood in some of the previous episodes.
  14. Was Haruhiko Mikimoto just named in a hip-hop song? I've heard it all now.
  15. Shingeki no Kyojin (Attack on Titan). Dat Punch.
  16. Don't know if this has been posted somewhere else on the site before, but there's a new Minmay figure based on Sheryl's costume. http://www.crunchyroll.com/anime-news/2013/05/17-1/new-macross-30-lynn-minmay-cos-kuro-figure-previews-sheryl-nome-cosplay
  17. Watch again and compare with the previous trailers. At least a third of those scenes are new.
  18. Waiting another month to get my hands on it will feel excruciatingly long. And then I have to wait like a week for getting i through customs and delivered
  19. That trailer looks pretty interesting. I'll be looking forward to this picture.
  20. Ooh, that's nice. I've got the old Central Park DVD's but now I might have to double dip. The original Patlabor OVA directed by Mamoru Oshii in BD quality is can't miss for me. These things should come with a sticker "Collecting anime is dangerous for your wallet"
  21. Only a week till the new Daft Punk album is out!
  22. Am I the only one who wanted Bellows to join the belly-dancing troupe? And Ledo will definitely avoid molluscs in his diet by what we've seen in this episode.
  23. I agree. She's doing o.k lowering her voice to sound more like the Major should.
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