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Everything posted by Marzan

  1. Just got my volume 4 and 5. Looking so much forward to this. Volume 6 and the OST are on the way. In order to avoide paying customs fees I have to keep shipments separate and make sure they don't arrive on the same day. Sucks to have to pay the extra shipping but it beats paying over 35% of the value to the taxman.
  2. Pacific Rim opened over here last night and I finally got to see it. I was expecting the screen to be a total sausage-fest but was surprised when I actually saw quite a lot of couples and even 2 or 3 families present. The film was as I expected a perfect popcorn flick with all the requisite action sequences. I think some of the acting and characterization was less than stellar (Idris Elba was excellent though. forgot for a moment he was Stringer Bell once!) but I suppose in a film like this it doesn't really matter.
  3. Just saw this trailer and like others I'm a bit baffled about what this has to do with the 47 Ronin at all.
  4. Seems that the wait might soon be over. Of course that has been said before when it comes to Kizumonogatari. http://www.crunchyroll.com/anime-news/2013/07/30/kizumonogatari-anime-movie-listed-for-fall-release
  5. It is. And being a prequel it really drives home some points in Bakemonogatari
  6. Caught the first couple of episodes of Watamote too. It's a very funny show, but sometimes it's almost a bit uncomfortable to watch. The MC is so shy and socially inept that it just takes me back to being a very insecure teenager.
  7. Ouch. I didn't know it worked that way. I really, really hope it does well and get's it's money back because I'd like to see more movies like that being made.
  8. Pacific Rim as expected doing well outside the U.S. With the 183 million it's grossed so far, it's nearly broken even. And it's yet to open in China, Japan, Brazil and most of Europe. http://www.boxofficemojo.com/movies/?id=pacificrim.htm I still have to wait another week...UGhhhh!!!
  9. ^ And that is the proper response when your loved one is all wishy-washy about whom he'll choose. Ranka is putting her Zentradi heritage to good use here. I like the Misa pic. The hoodie is a nice touch. When I see Klan I cannot help but thinking it makes her a contender for 'biggest butt in the known universe' but I suppose it would be necessary to balance her impressive frontal proportions.
  10. If the MC is anything like Makoto from School Days, then it's bound to be a controversial series that will make a couple of people foam at the mouth in fury. Anyone here seen Stella Women's Academy (sounds like a hentai doesn't it?)? The only reason I watched the firs couple of episodes on Crunchyroll was that it was a Gainax production. It reminds me a lot of Girls und Panzer but with the concept of airsoft guns instead of tanks. At first I thought it was pretty boring, but it really grabbed after 10 minutes or so. It has many references to 80's action movies including a whole sequence based on Rambo: First Blood. And the combat scenes are remarkably well directed and with some really cool jazz music as the background. The weaponry is lovingly depicted and animated with Gainax's otaku eye for detail. While the series is far from Gainax's best work, it's still pretty entertaining IMHO and could be a sleeper hit this season.
  11. CD Japan has volume 6 being released on friday. I don't know if the 26th is the official release date. Speaking of which, I have the first 3 volumes and want to get the next 3 (loviiiing it!) but wanted to ask if anyone knew who offers the best deal with combined shipping included. Amazon has clearly the best retail price, but their shipping can be a bit pricey sometimes since they only do DHL to Europe.
  12. I remember seeing some of that series back when I was kid. I used to think that the characters were really gorgeous but sometimes I mixed them up with the characters from another old series called Candy. I tried watching Gasaraki again but I just couldn't get into it. The characters are just too flat for me. Instead I watched the first couple of episodes of Durarara and I like what I see so far. Not as good as Baccano but still pretty interesting.
  13. I wouldn't say it's for kids. It's mostly a comedy that parodies mecha/sci fi anime in general, but Space Battleship Yamato and Gundam in particular. It also has a show within the show that references Super Robot anime heavily. So if you've seen some of that reference material, you'll probably enjoy it.
  14. He also talks about his upcoming project Nobunaga the Fool, which will be a kind of historical/sci fi anime in which Oda Nobunaga meets Joan of Arc. With Leonardo da Vinci designing the mecha of course LOL.
  15. While the subs that Macross Plus got were far from perfect, I think calling them 'messed up Engrish' is going a bit too far. Maybe it's just because I've seen it so many times that I knew exactly what was being said and it didn't detract from my enjoyment. In the case of Macross Frontier if we get subs we should be thanking our lucky stars. Unlike M+ which had a series of very good english language releases, a hypothetical Macross Frontier BD set with subtitles would be the only subtitled version we could ever hope to get. I've given up on hoping for a overseas release of Macross related stuff due to what we all know so well here.
  16. Yup, the beggining of this Monogatari series has been excellent with the interplay between Senjougahara and Hanekawa. I even forgive the short hair thanks to that dialogue/scenes those 2 have. So far this season has been much more enjoyable IMHO than Nisemonogatari. The latest episode of Attack on Titan had a pretty sweet new OP with another case of gratuitous German in anime. And Now and Then, Here and There is one of the bleakest, yet best things I've seen in ages. Really underrated stuff.
  17. Got those 2 on my to watch list too. The preview of Durarara that I saw didn't draw me in, but then I heard that the same guys that did Baccano made it so now I'm very intrigued. And I've had Angel's Egg lying around for a while. I watched some of it years ago but in a horrifying butchered version called In The Aftermath were it was put together with some live action footage (Australian or Kiwi by the accents), so it will clearly feel like the first time watching it for me.
  18. Done watching Ergo Proxy. A pretty decent sci-fi series with a lot of philosphical questions and references. It also has some of the weirdest stand alone episodes I've seen in any anime but they actually add to your knowledge of what's going on. I got the first Yamato 2199 BD's so I started watching that. Absolutely gorgeous. I also picked up a series called Now and Then, Here and There that a former colleague kept on talking about as one the best things he'd ever watched. Time to put his taste to the test.
  19. My wallet and my soul are in disagreement over purchasing this one. If the films were included I think my soul would win.
  20. I just got the first 3 volumes of this series and I cannot believe it's taken me this long to pick it up. The visual quality of this is awesome. A lot of love went into it for sure. I watched Star Blazers so long ago that I only remember bits and pieces, but I feel that i follows the original story closely, am I wrong? Only problem is that these japanese BD's are going to bankrupt me. If the mrs. ever did the currency conversion on those japanese postal receipts I'd be in a world of pain for sure.
  21. Well that sucks. Any chance another mag picks it up? Or are the sales too meager too justify it?
  22. I bought mine in Amazon Japan for about 130 US. It's also available on other sites like CDJapan.
  23. Yeah, read that too. I was very surprised since I didn't think it did so well in Japan. Maybe sci-fi anime still has it's niche appeal even when going moe-free. I wonder where they will go with the story after that ending.
  24. Oh, excellent link. Thank you very much.
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