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Everything posted by Marzan

  1. 18 hours to go (at least on Crunchy).
  2. It seems by the images provided, that everything surrounding the Labor's themselves looks fairly cheap or rustic. I like that since it's keeping with the spirit of the series itself. I need to see Ohta's revolver!
  3. A lot of people I know disliked, but I thought it's random humour and format were wonderful. Oh, and the BD sets that Aniplex released in North America are some of the best I've ever seen outside Japan.
  4. Don't know if there's anyone who's posted this already, but there's some videos out there of the ribbon cutting ceremony for the VF-25 that's being exhibited at Yokohama Minatomirai station. http://www.crunchyroll.com/anime-news/2013/08/13/video-full-scale-macross-valkyrie-installed-in-minmays-home-town It looks awesome.
  5. And as expected Cowboy Bebop is getting it's North American BD release soon courtesy of Funimation. They also picked up a ton of former Bandai licenses like Escaflowne, Outlaw Star, Code Geass and a personal favourite, the Crest/Banner of the Stars series. Come on Funi, give us Turn a Gundam next! http://www.animenewsnetwork.com/news/2013-08-10/funimation-adds-cowboy-bebop-escaflowne-outlaw-star-more
  6. I want to time jump to the 25th of october and get this wait over with.
  7. Caught up finally. Any chance that the Iscandrians
  8. Has anyone else here gotten the Royal Space Force 25th anniversary fanzine? It's really quite good and has a ton of info and analysis on the film and the origins of Gainax. It's done by Carl Gustav Horn and some of the crowd at ANN. I highly recommend it.
  9. No. But if you enjoy the movies, I'd encourage you to watch it because it is very good.
  10. Yup, Berserk is still on hiatus. Miura must be either burnt out or planning where to go next with the story. However the story in the manga is so far ahead of the point in which the films are set (the Berserk Golden Arc; same as the tv series) that it shouldn't really affect what they're doing next. As far as I know, the plan is to carry on after the 3rd movie with either more films or OVA. The way they depicted Griffith is more in line with the way he looks in the
  11. Got my volume 6 and got to episode 20 and this show is as good as ever. I agree with the posts above, this is one of the best reboots ever done. This volume has sold 26,000 BD's in the first 2 weeks. Does anyone know if that is considered a success? I'm hoping that the people who made this make a profit. They deserve it.
  12. Malcolm Tucker is the new Dr. Who? I cannot imagine Dr. Who saying something like "Why don't you l**k my sw**ty b***s you f*t f**k!" but I guess that times can and do change.
  13. You're partly right. The tape in question in the series (episode is called Speak like a Child) however is a Betamax! As Major Focker wrote above, you tend to express negative views on most of the stuff that a lot of people here like. I don't do bets, specially the online variety, but I do think that if you're curious about Bebop, you should give it a try.
  14. Nice one! What anime is this from?
  15. Come on Keith, it's just a tiny little red "12"! LOL. Madman in Australia will be releasing theirs soon (but in my experience they put even more logos and ratings stuff on covers than over here). In any case I'm pretty sure that a North American release cannot be too far off. Someone probably just hasn't offered Bandai enough money. Normally I'd be telling you to hurry up and watch it as soon as possible since it's a great series and a true classic, but I have the sneaking suspicion based on the viewing preferences you have expressed so far in this forum, that you would not like it.
  16. It's the actual case for the BD's. I love the touch. Bebop is all about nostalgia and VHS is pretty nostalgic IMHO.
  17. Just arrived today. Bebop in glorious high definition. I'm too happy for words.
  18. What's not to like? Loads of action, a bombastic OST, teenage angst, death galore and people eating giants as villains. Plus its slightly different than most of the fare common nowadays (no cosplay, no maids or butlers, no insanely powerful student council, no beach or hot spring episodes, etc, etc). Yeah, it's not the anime masterpiece some people on MAL make it out to be, but it's one hell of an entertaining show IMHO. And it's gotten better after the midway mark too. Give it a couple of more episodes.
  19. Gahara is definitely still no.1 in my book too. Ha ha, I see what you did there.
  20. Nekomonogatari Shiro episode 5 was awesome. From the
  21. This series, man it's good, ep. 17,
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