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Everything posted by Marzan

  1. Done with Outlaw Star which ended up being pretty standard outlaw in space kind of fare. Not bad by any means, but not really that great either. I've got the Manwaru Penguindrum BD sets here waiting for me. I actually got it after reading a couple of glowing reviews on it right here on this thread. I hope it's as good as advertised. I had a hard time getting into Utena, but ended up loving it, so I'm hoping my horizons will be similarly expanded by this series.
  2. There's nothing guilty about those 2 Areaseven! From Santiago to Vladivostok, those 2 songs would get you knowing looks and a high five from any 30+ male with a pulse. On the other hand Chesney Hawkes, yeah that one definitely falls into the guilty category. So does this one.
  3. Is the Akira/Rei Yamamoto Megahouse 1/8 black figure sold out everywhere? I've tried a lot of the usual sites, but other than ebay where there are some insane prices, I cannot seem to find it.
  4. The latest Monogatari chapter was great. spoiler Seeing it wetted my apetite for the Kizumonogatari prequel even more.
  5. Correct. You get the shows one week later than the premium members. There's also no HD (1080) available as far as I understand.
  6. Why don't you contact them and ask them. I'm pretty sure they have periods with special deals every now and again. Yeah, streaming services like CR and Hulu are the way forward for watching anime in the West. I don't know how well things work for them moneywise so far, but in the 2 years I've been signed up to CR, they seem to have more and more series every season.
  7. As antibiotictab said, It's being shown on Crunchyroll and it's up to episode 21 already so there's five more to go. And yes there are probably a couple of fansubs of it being released hours after it airs in Japan. Nothing has been announced about whether there'll be a second season, but considering that the manga on which it is based, is ongoing and the series is riding a huge wave of success right now, I'd be surprisedif they didn't follow it up with either a second season, OVA's or films. I'm personally enjoying very much. While it's far from the masterpiece, the setting and story are pretty original and the action sequences are riveting. The main protagonist is surprisingly likeable and while there are lots of cute girls in the cast, there is very little in way of fanservice. No beach or onsen episodes to see here.
  8. That may be so, but unlike many other SF movies, this one tried to convey a social and political message. Films like for example Pacific Rim do not and hence I don't expect any kind of subtlety from them at all.
  9. Slaginpit you troll!! I was doing a little dance and fistpump when I saw a new Haruhi Suzumiya series, screamed out of the window in ecstatic delight when I saw a Vinland Saga anime...and then I saw a new Macross and Full Metal Panic and it dawned on me....this can't be right...you joker you... The new chart looks really meh and generic to me. I'll definitely check out Kill La Kill since it's by a lot of the same guys who did Gurren Laggan and Inferno Cop. The Harlock movie and GITS Arise are must see too. But little else. Really, really good Monogatari and Attack on Titan chapters this weekend. Anyway, I'm watching Outlaw Star which I found really cheap and is so far pretty good. It has that same feel as stuff like Trigun and even has some mecha designs by Kawamori himself! There's actually a character called Klan Klan. Coincidence? Or does that mean anything in japanese?
  10. Got back from seeing this and while I enjoyed myself, I'm also a bit dissappointed. The visuals are astounding and I love the influence of the Ringworld novels on the design of the Elysium itself. But I just thought that the message the film was trying to convey lacked any sort of subtlety. It's so black and white; the rich are these nasty diabolical bast*rds and the poor are so terribly off that they cannot even afford to have a bath and walk around covered in dust and grime. I wish Hollywood could just manage to make more balanced, nuanced characters. Not only are they more compelling, but they also make a story with social commentary more believable and realistic.
  11. Finally watched it. As a standalone I'd love it, but this is GITS we're talking about so they have to do even better. I thought the animation and designs were slightly disappointing considering it's GITS, it's a movie budget and it's 2013. But the story and characters are there and well. Yeah I'll the old voices, specially Atsuko Tanaka's deep voice for the Major, but I suppose a younger Motoko Kusanagi calls for a younger sounding voice. I hope they kick it up a notch for no. 2. I'll be game anyway.
  12. I remember once watching an episode of DBZ as a teen that started with someone throwing a punch and between the dialogue/flashbacks and the opponent realizing that the punch had hit him, more than 18 minutes had elapsed. Those were the days.
  13. The OST 1 is indeed brilliant, but was missing 'Red Scarf', so I just ordered OST 2 as well. This show has a great soundtrack too.
  14. The pacing is a result of the manga being ongoing and the success of the series. They're surely be a second season (or OVA's) and if they develop things too quickly, they'll run out of material. Unless they go with original anime storyline of course.
  15. Yup. 'Kafka on the Shore' and the 'Wind up Bird Chronicle' are both in that 'enjoyable yet I'm not sure what's happening category'
  16. Generally my experience with David Lynch movies. I enjoy the hell out of them but please don't ask me to explain afterwards what the story really was about. So yes, I think it is possible.
  17. The last Monogatari Second Season episode was tons of fun
  18. Still on the idea formulation stage though. I wonder how much he really means to include other media/art forms in the process. We might well end up with "Macross Oddyssey ; The Smartphone Opera"
  19. It'll be a couple of day before I can read the last chapters, but I just wanted to say Thank You Gubaba. We really appreciate the time you take to give the Western Macross fandom access to this rare material.
  20. Not in my opinion. They tried to be too smart with the story and ended up with a convoluted plot with some holes in it. I honestly think this would have been better if it had not been a sequel. Some characters are given no resolution or closure to their stories and are nothing more than plot devices. But the biggest difference with E7 IMHO, is that it simply lacks the heart (cannot really describe it any better) that the original series had. But try it out if you can s. The production values, animation/designs are pretty decent and I've heard from others that they don't believe it's that bad.
  21. I needed some mecha in my system and despite the bad reviews, I picked up Majestic Prince and am up to episode 9. It's nowhere near as bad as the critics suggest. Yeah, the character designs are horrible and the plot is pretty generic, but it really picks up after episode 6, and there's some sweet battle scenes and hardware for the mecha minded.
  22. Really? I thought saleswise it was doing pretty good? I read on another forum that each BD was selling in excess of 25,000 copies which was pretty decent. Of course maybe Yamato 2199 cost a lot more than your standard anime series.
  23. It looks like it's going to be a pretty interesting arc
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