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Everything posted by Marzan

  1. IS is on Hulu for North America as far as I can tell. Attack on Titan is quite a ride. Just make sure you avoid all the darn spoilers out there on the web. Don't google anything on it.
  2. Can highly recommend Pale Cocoon. A gem of a short 23 minute sci-fi OVA done in the same style as some of Makoto Shinkai's work. Really thought provoking stuff.
  3. LOL. That guy was probably the intellectual father of the guy who designed the Bagger 288 open mine excavator.
  4. Otorimonogatari has been one impressive arc from this franchise. It took a very under-developed character (and one might say rather boring character as opposed to some of the other haremettes) and gave her a very thorough characterization that used her existing traits as a foil for her true nature, making it a compelling and thrilling ride.
  5. Good idea. Let's keep this discussion and others like it here then http://www.macrossworld.com/mwf/index.php?showtopic=40096
  6. There's enough interest from some in this site on the ongoing Monogatari series for it to have it's own thread and thereby keep it from monopolizing other threads. Let's keep it all here, TV series, films, novels and those fine looking 1/8 Senjougahara PVC figures too.
  7. Monogatari Second
  8. They're comparable for sure. The tone, art, setting and even the character designs are rather similar. The biggest difference would be that Ergo Proxy has more dialogue and exposition, the characters are more approachable, whereas Texhnolyze is really a "show, don't tell" kind of series and the characters are much harder to read and like. But I'm thinking that Texhnolyze maybe the better series, although I cannot really put my finger why. The first episode of Texhnolyze is really tough and WTF to get through though. The story gets easier. I've read somewhere that the director wanted to in that way dispose of the "casual viewer". I don't know if this is true or not, but if it is, I wonder how the producer felt about that.
  9. I'm watching Texhnolyxe. Really and i mean really good dark, dystopian sci-fi with bleak landscapes, a subdued color palette and some disturbing themes/scenes. If you need a break from moe, this is it. It's by the same guy who did Lain and Haibane Renmei too.
  10. She is, isn't she? Got mine in the post too and for some reason didn't have to pay custom charges this time which made it twice as sweet. I'm thinking of getting a Yuki now for balance sake.
  11. I think more than anything it's been made pretty clear both in the manga and the anime that Eren Jaeger isn't going to win any "Sharpest mind inside the Walls Award" He needs some pointing in the right direction for many things.
  12. The theories are now all over the place due to this latest happening. And the question that has been asked since the first volume/first episode booms louder than ever "What the hell is in that basement?!!!"
  13. This episode will create a new meme, "The bangs came off!" And that was some cliffhanger. Did you also get the impression that
  14. Not too mention Teri Hatcher's (Stallone's sister in the film) finest moment as an actress dancing to Yazoo's early 80's classic "Don't Go" at the club.
  15. Guys, you do know we have a Gundam thread, right? All things Gundam are covered from "UC versus Correct Century" to the "Is Katz Kobayashi the most annoying fictional character in any medium?" http://www.macrossworld.com/mwf/index.php?showtopic=18457&page=31&hl=%2Bgundam+%2Bthread#entry873775 Anyway, back to subject. I really recommend you check out "Kill la KIll" It's by the guys who did Gurren Lagann and has the same sense of style and over the topness. It's being streamed almost worldwide for free on either Daisuki or CR.
  16. I like what I see. They seem to go much further in the stories timeline than I thought they would.
  17. LOL. Why am I not surprised?! I'm far behind the times.
  18. Don't forget that there's Stella C3 which is "airsoft moe" There'll soon be "airplane moe". I can just imagine the refined British girl piloting a Spitfire and the busty American blonde in her Mustang (they have to fulfill the stereotypes you see). The German girl will of course be a tsundere in her Messernschmidt. The plucky Japanese hero will of course pilot her Zero to victory.
  19. It's only a matter of time I think. Other series that have been far, far less succesful get a second season. I think they might be waiting simply for there to be more material to make it. So far the anime has adapted 33 out of 49 chapters. Maybe they'll wait a year to have another 30 or so chapters to adapt. I don't think the hype this anime has created will die down so soon, specially because it's style and subject matter isn't really being covered by many shows out there.
  20. Google is your friend. http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Pyrrhic_victory
  21. Yeah, I'd read about it being a remake itself. Let's see how the 21st century version fares.
  22. The director of Harry Potter doing a remake of Scarface? And who is going to be able to play a character as memorable as Tony Montana? Not saying it's not possible. BUt sometimes I just wish Hollywood tried to be more creative and try to find new creative avenues instead of all these remakes that rarely match the original's quality.
  23. They are which is why I ordered mine yesterday on CD Japan (just a tad cheaper than AmiAmi). I'm extremely pleased. I think a lot of people must have canceled their pre-order. Now I'm patiently waiting for my "your order has shipped" email.
  24. It is. Get ready for more mecha/multinational harem action.
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