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Everything posted by Marzan

  1. The latest Kill la Kill chapter was pretty good. Besides some awesome combat scenes, we get some idea that the plot might have some more complexity to it than we previously thought. Some characters get interesting development too. Oh, and the soundtrack is great too.
  2. Has it come out yet? Maybe you're mistaking it with the sidestory manga "Before the Fall" which is about the
  3. I absolutely loved the art and how the animation flowed from one to another instead of in shots. Shaft really has some talented artists working on this series.
  4. I'd be running away too if they were blasting Britney Spears on them speakers..
  5. I'd be so funny if her figure included a potato option
  6. Got the "The Woman Called Fujiko Mine" BD set and I'm currently enjoying it. Love the old school, very sexy yet artistic look and feel of it all. And Miyuki Sawashiro is a delight playing Fujiko Mine. Lupin III feels a bit different than from what I remember him, but then again, I've seen very little of the original Lupin III stuff to make an informed opinion.
  7. Hi guys Cool podcast. Very enjoyable and informative. BTW, you really nailed the sound this time, could hear you all loud and clear.
  8. Wholeheartedly agree with your points, specially no.3 and 4! So, whose inbox do I have to bombard demanding those sequels??!!
  9. Absolutely stunning. The definitive set for sure. I hope someone licenses it so we can get BD quality with decent subs (don't expect the box art to be as nice though!).
  10. FInally was able to see the last episodes (Thanks FedEx) and boy, what an amazing series and great retelling this has been. Please spread the word and when it starts coming out in the West spread the word so that more people can see this wonderful show. Manly tear moments
  11. The great Lou Reed passed away. From the Velvet Underground to some of his early 70's stuff, he was one amazing songwriter and wrote a couple of my favorite songs.
  12. ^ I laughed for hours at ARE YOU ITALIAN?!!
  13. I think you missed posting a link or image.
  14. I find it really hard to believe this is for real. A studio is doing it for lulz, right?
  15. "Take your haaands of EEREENN!" seems to be the name of that particular model.
  16. I thought Stella was allright, nothing special but ok. I think Gainax wanted to develop a MC with a lot more character development that is the norm for these kinds of shows but it kinda backfired on them. I've read that it's been a colossal flop back in Japan with dismal sales. With all the talent Gainax has been bleeding to Trigger and Studio Khara, things are not looking too good for them lately.
  17. You know a show is big hit when random stuff like this appears on the internet. Cats perfectly timed with Attack on Titan.
  18. ^ So that's how I put the jacket on her arm. Thanks for posting.
  19. Although I'm slightly irritated by the presence of so many recap episode in a relative short series, this recap did refresh me with the events of Nisemonogatari which I haven't seen as many times as Bake. I'd nearly forgotten about the bit at then end of the
  20. They actually found a solid plot/ideological foundation to support the fanservice so it'll be even more present from now on. Satsuki-sama reminds me SOOO much of Haman Karn from that it's not funny. Good. I really like them both for strange reasons I cannot explain.
  21. I really wouldn't know. It's the first time I see one these Medicom ones in this scale. It will cost the bucketload of 23.600 yen, so it better be state of the art stuff.
  22. When EoE gets a proper BD release I'll give my vote on this.
  23. A 1/6 Mikasa Ackermann in full 3-D gear, with scarf and all. No word on if it will be possible to contemplate the abs underneath the shirt LOL LOL http://ameblo.jp/medicomtoyblog/entry-11620819009.html
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