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Everything posted by Marzan

  1. I don't know if this was posted already, but it seems Yamato 2199 will have it's American release starting in February with subs in both spanish and english, and I would assume a more affordable price. http://www.animenewsnetwork.com/news/2013-12-01/star-blazers/yamato-2199-dvd/blu-rays-offered-with-english/spanish-subtitles
  2. Latest episode was great. I'm just loving having Kaiki as narrator. He brings something completely different to the table with his cynicism and self preservation instincts.
  3. ^ That's one sweet looking book with a lot of material in it.
  4. Samurai Flamenco has officially "jumped the shark" as they say in the US. Unless there's big plot twist soon, I think I might drop it.
  5. Yes!! Gahara is back! Hilarious episode too.
  6. This anime certainly gives "shipping" a whole new context. And instead of having a harem, the MC has a fleet...As you said, Oh Japan!
  7. Whether it's T or A, brown hair, red hair, white hair, blonde hair...the Yamato Girls Collection has every angle covered.
  8. The latest episode of Monogatari was pretty moving. It was also very unexpected. They really threw a curveball. I thought it was going to be all about
  9. ^ The concept, the music..everything..it was just...a guilty pleasure indeed.
  10. At least the poor cosplayer wasn't arrested. Satsuki's outfit will probably cause riots on the streets.
  11. Indeed. She's done some wicked stuff for Raxhephon too and a personal favorite, Kiseki no Umi from Record of Lodoss War. It seems she's been around forever, huh?
  12. Thanks Duke Togo. No worries. I'm not squeamish at all
  13. Mistery solved. I would have wanted a more detailed answer though.
  14. I've read in a couple of places that Maaya Sakamoto refuses to do character songs (in general, not just for this series), hence the lack of one. I suppose she's one of the few seeiyu's that can pull off a power play like that.
  15. I still want to know how those three seashells are supposed to work.
  16. It is indeed very funny. Are you watching the TV series or the OVA?
  17. Latest episode taking Nisioisin's favorite fetish to new heights
  18. DG. It's fine that you don't like KLK. Everyone is entitled to their opinions, whatever their reasoning. But, PLEEAASEE, could you learn to use the spoiler tag. Some people might you know...actually want to watch this later on. Or catch up? Just on a finishing note on the chapter you are mentioning now
  19. DG2099 dislikes what is generally considered to be a popular series? No way...no way.... what are the odds?
  20. I'll check it out for sure when it comes out. The premise is...interesting to say the least. Only downside I see is that any hypothetical new Macross project just got pushed out further into the future.
  21. Chapter 51 is out. Nothing too earthshattering here, but it confirms some of the notions we had about the Titans.
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