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Everything posted by Marzan

  1. Got to watch the short films for the Daicon III and IV that the guys that went on to become Gainax made. Amazing animation. Just astounding that a bunch of students did that by hand. I can now understand why they got so much money to make Honneammise. The talent is evident already here. BTW, Crunchyroll will be streaming Kawamori's upcoming show, Nobunaga The Fool which might be of interest for all us Macross fans.
  2. A great finale to a very rewarding series for Monogatari fans. Miles better than Nisemono! Agree with all that been said so far and have just a little glimmer of suspicion that Cannot wait for Hana and Kizumono.
  3. But is it being shown tomorrow? All other anime I watch that haven't finished are on a break! I cannot take waiting another week for Monogatari!
  4. That's what I was thinking too. It's just something that's meant to
  5. Finished watching Galilei Donna (I don't why I endured this!) and it's safe to say that it sucked. Big time. It's a shame really, the first episode showed a lot of promise but the whole thing was let down by bad writing and characterizations.
  6. ^ In the worst way possible too!
  7. Thanks for the tip. Preordered. Yeah! Just a tad worried that no shipping costs were added at this date. I hope they don't come with some insane price come May.
  8. For anyone still watching Samurai Flamenco despite the the strange turn of events of the past weeks, here's a new character from the official website. May I point your attention to the character description to what is surely one of the most unfortunate L/R mixups I've seen...Or was it on purpose? http://www.samuraiflamenco.com/character/#13
  9. So if I understand this correctly, the first 2 discs contain the films in BD format, but the third disc with the "Historia" and "Movie Special Play View" can only be seen if one has a PS3?
  10. YES! YES! YES! I have them already but will support the new release with english subs. I beseech any fellow MW's with a bit of extra cash to spare to purchase this. Let's try to make the "subtitling" efforts worth their while for Bandai Namco.
  11. RIP Mr. O' Toole. An acting legend to be sure.
  12. The remake madness never stops. Now it's The Naked Gun. http://variety.com/2013/film/news/ed-helms-firing-up-the-naked-gun-reboot-for-paramount-exclusive-1200950237/ Never mind Leslie Nielsen. The question that's on everyone's lips is who's going to replace the unforgettable O.J Simpson as Nordberg.
  13. Have you found yourself suddenly blurting out things like: "Look, the East is burning red!"or "This hand of mine glows with an awesome power! It's burning grip tells me to defeat you! Take this! My love, my anger, and all of my sorrow!". It had that effect on me...
  14. Kaiki is a great MC and an even better narrator. Loving him in this role.
  15. I was under the impression that if
  16. ^ That retro OP was alone worth the price of admission. I love the retro style...
  17. Last episode of Kill la Kill has a double whammy of Itano circus and the use of music as a weapon which I think should interest Macross fans. Best use of Franz von Suppe's Light Cavalry I've seen in a long time.
  18. I started watching Shigurui (Death Frenzy). Brilliant stuff, very cinematic and with the high production level expected of Madhouse. But damnnn, it's graphic and violent.
  19. Agh, Netflix has no anime at all here in Scandinavia...Bucketload of Hollywood stuff though.
  20. I think that Tomino's missing the point a bit. Isayama is actually just not a very gifted artist if you compare him to most mangaka. I think he just took what was a weakness and turned into a strength: the sketchy, brash character and Titan designs are very effective. He's a very good storyteller too, and that's were AoT's strength lies.
  21. A bit surprising IMO. I thought singing gave a much better income than standard voice acting work did in Japan. Maybe she's in a serious relationship or something and no longer wants to dedicate much time to singing? With the reaction of some fans in Japan, I wouldn't be surprised if many a seeiyu had to keep personal relationships a secret.
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