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Everything posted by Marzan

  1. So I finally watched Gundam Seed and was surprised to find that it wasn't quite as terrible as some reviews had suggested. The first half is basically a redo of MSG and the climax in the middle (all the bit around leaving Orb) was actually decent. The last quarter of the series is pretty poor though and I suppose that has something to do with the shows infamy in some quarters. the show does have some insanely irritating characters I must admit. So is Destiny more of the same? Or do things get worse? Another quick one. Someone is offering to sell me Gundam 00 pretty cheap. Is it any good?
  2. I think this series has been way too popular for that to happen. Manga, BD-sets all selling very well in Japan. And I think this will be a big success overseas too. They just need more chapters of the manga to make another 2 cour season possible and are probably milking all they can out this first season. I just checked Funimations website and it seems that their dub will be premiered at Anime Boston in march and there will be a release of the show in the summer.
  3. Which is turn based on the novel of the same name by Henryk Sienkiewicz. A pretty good read too.
  4. Wow! Talk about a rare cel right there. That's from the film version of Macross Plus, right? Lucy McMillan waking up with Isamu.
  5. The Titans have no chance against her. The cuteness will just stop them in their tracks and the rest of the Survey Corps can move in for the kill... Has there been any word when this this will be licensed? I needed my Attack on Titan BD set yesterday.
  6. I've only ever watched the OVA's and I loved them, but never came round to watch the TV series because it didn't seem as well made. When you've watched a sizeable amount of episodes please let us know your thoughts on whether it's worth watching. The latest episode of Space Dandy was some of the funniest stuff I've seen in years.
  7. ^ Ok. Interesting. Thanks Renato.
  8. Lego considering a Macross set provided fan interest is there? http://blog.lego.cuusoo.com/2014/01/06/winter-review-qualifiers-new-review-schedule/ I suppose that they're not aware of all the legal difficulties surrounding Macross outside of Japan?
  9. I was talking about the previous one ep 17. The strange looking mecha that the Nudist Beach guy was riding seemed to me to be very reminiscent to Zentran officer battle pods, but judging by the reaction of fellow MW'ers it might all be in my imagination You've been taking a dump on this series since it started. If it's so terribly bad, why do you insist on torturing yourself watching it? I don't get that. Just drop it already and watch something more to your taste.
  10. The circle is now complete. Great bit of news. It'd be even better if it came with english subs!
  11. Eureka 7 is a great series. It was done with a lot of "love" if you know what I mean. And the OST is just memorable. The latest chapter of Kill la Kill. Took my breath away. And that twist....
  12. They're rebooting Legend of the Galactic Heroes. A new anime based on the novels. Not a remake of the series directed by Noboru Ishiguro. I'm not sure how I feel about this. I love LOGH and somehow feel that they really cannot top that adaption with it's use of classical soundtrack and the voice talent it assembled. http://www.animenewsnetwork.com/news/2014-02-12/legend-of-the-galactic-heroes-novels-get-anime
  13. I'm afraid I missed that one.
  14. With all due respect, don't buy bootlegs. You're just encouraging piracy. Have you tried checking the "For sale" section in this site? Every now and again someone sells a set there Someone was selling the brilliant Australian Madman release of Macross a couple of weeks ago.
  15. I really enjoyed Ergo Proxy, although my favorite in that genre is probably Texhnolyze. Ergo Proxy has some of the weirdest, stand alone episodes I've seen though. For anyone watching Kill la Kill, the latest episode has a little Macross reference. See if you can spot it...
  16. Daisuki is streaming Gundam Seed remastered so I'm taking the dip. It's the first non UC Gundam I watch with the exception of Turn A Gundam. I know I'm like a decade late to the party and that 3/4 of the people here have already seen it. So far, it's remarkably like MSG and Zeta in it's story. Almost feels like a remake.
  17. Is there plans for more than one film?
  18. The last ep. was the best one yet. A little bit of seriousness and the soundtrack just made it all the much better.
  19. Man, I can't believe it. He was only 46! It's such a shame. Such great performances in films like Magnolia, Capote, Happiness, The Master etc.. Heck he even made a piece of garbage like Along Came Polly watchable thanks to his role in it. R.I.P.
  20. Finished Sword Art Online. I enjoyed it, but cannot help wondering if it could have been so much more. A very good premise and setting is let down by some pacing issues in the first half and a rather cliched, less gripping second half. I wish they had split it up in 2 seasons. Still, I'm rather curious about the upcoming SPA series.
  21. LOL, Loved it! It also made me feel my age. I can actually remember the Love Boat re-runs from when I was a kid!
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