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Everything posted by Marzan

  1. This. I've never understood the point of remaking something that was already brilliant to begin with. The remake of Hitchcock's Psycho being the biggest headscratcher of all.
  2. I'd just retcon that anime original ending and go from there. Having said that, I have no idea if Claymore ever did well saleswise in Japan.
  3. I have to say that it was always a possibility considering what we knew about Having said this, I'd love it if we could get a sequel to the anime now that the manga is close to finishing.
  4. Care to translate for us antibiotictab?
  5. It really does promise "TRANSFORMATION!" doesn't it?
  6. That sounds so ominous. I hope it isn't what my paranoid mind is imagining. Subs were really good I thought, so this translation of MM Jenius to "follow me" is intriguing.
  7. Just watched both and I think it's the only difference. But that very last scene at the end of the credits is very telling if it is what I think it is
  8. Do enjoy! I must rewatch it too soon. Been ages and I want to have it fresh before the new LOGH TV series comes out.
  9. Without a single second of footage we already have a "lively" debate on the new series I can just imagine when it finally does come out..
  10. Now that I've unpacked it, I have to say it doesn't feel expensive at all. You get 2 books, a game BD with extras and the two films in a nice big box. The whole thing feels well done. I saw the first 20 minutes of the first film and the subs seemed pretty fair too. One question, though, on the Sayonara no Tsubasa disc there's 2 options in the menu. The 2nd option is the Shudista version with the new ending, right? In that case, why doesn't the first film BD have a 2nd option with the new intro? Or am I misunderstanding something?
  11. Just picked it up from the post office. That's one large box...
  12. You're in for quite a ride. The anime is one of the most faithful adaptions from a manga ever and that's one of the best manga ever made IMO. There's even talk of Guillermo del Toro making a pitch to HBO about making a live action version of this.
  13. So in conclusion, the Zeta movie trilogy is not canon. Just an alternative retelling of a happier Tomino. And yeah, I didnt like them too much either or thought that ending was any good (the series ending is hard to beat for emotional impact by almost anything). I just thought considering how so many people feel about ZZ that the temptation to retcon might have been too great for Sunrise. But seeing what I'm seeing in Unicorn, it's clearly not the case.
  14. Mine is in customs since Friday (that's why I don't like EMS, it's guaranteed to be customs-checked whereas the SAL stuff has a 50/50 chance of coming through without charge). So now I have to add 25% vat, plus 12% customs plus a 30 dollar service fee. Aghhh. Macross is an expensive mistress to maintain from afar. But the moment I pop that BD in I'm sure it will have been worth every bit of it.
  15. I'm watching Gundam Unicorn as I wrote in the Gundam thread. Rarely does a show live up to the hype. This one does. Big time. But if we're talking masterpieces, I finally got to see Cipher (the OVA). Rarely has a work of art captured the zeitgeist of it's time with such audacity and exuberance. I'm still mesmerized. And never has Phil Collins been used to such devastating effect. Breathtaking.
  16. Nice looking website. I think Origin is going to be really good. After doing 00 I've now picked up Unicorn (only UC I haven't watched). Awesome visuals and animation and I love all the little references to past Gundams. Is it just me or is there a small Macross homage there too?
  17. Went through the entire Gundam 00 over the course of the past months. Thanks for the recommendation from all who contributed. Nice looking mecha and animation, beautiful character designs and the angst turned down a couple of notches. Might definitely be my favorite non-UC Gundam after TurnA. The only thing that threw me off a bit was the film. I mean I knew that it was supposed to come but
  18. RIP Mr. Giger. I hope that wherever you are resting, none of your creations pop up and disturb your rest.
  19. While I don't think that HG will ever relinquish their claims on anything Macross when physical media is inolved, I'm hoping that the possibilities offered by streaming might make some kind of deal possible. Heck, a new Macross series could stream straight from Japan on Daisuki like M3 (another Satelight show) or Kill la Kill. I hope Crunchy at least tries to swing a deal. It'd be huge if they could and a lot of people would be really curious I think. Unfortunately for Kawamori, Nobunaga the Fool seems to have been poorly received in Japan. The first BD sold less than 900 copies from what I can gather.
  20. Meanwhile Stateside, Attack on Titan continues with it's success. Granted I don't know much about American tv ratings, but almost a million and a half viewers doesn't sound too bad? Please correct me if I'm wrong. http://toonamifaithful.com/toonami-ratings-for-may-10th-2014/
  21. Me too man, they didn't even allow me the option of the cheaper shipping fee. Basically the difference in price to CD Japan was offset by the much higher shipping costs. I don't really care if it takes 3 days or a day. Paying that much for shipping is pretty off putting. Rant over. I'm so happy that it's on it's way.
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