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Everything posted by Marzan

  1. It might still be a while so I recommend patience. The last couple of shows that Satelight has released (Nobunaga the Fool and M3) have been disappointing and have had poor sales or like in the case of M3, have had to delay the BD releases in order to "improve product quality." They really, really need a hit with the upcoming Macross so taking their sweet time with developing a good story and characters might be a good idea.
  2. I'm liking it too. Reminds me a bit of Shiki. The second episode of Sword Art Online II was pretty decent. It seems they're taking their time developing their story this time around. It doesn't feel as hurried as the first episode was.
  3. I would so totally throw big money at that.
  4. It's bloody hilarious. And they're doing a sequel too!
  5. Izana and other characters like him/her are able to choose their sex. Having said that It's actually not been clarified yet if it's a one time deal or if they can do it more than once (up to volume 9 in the manga).
  6. Maybe. But it just shows that they're incapable of creating fresh ideas that might revive their franchise. They constantly have to go back to their past to come up with concepts.
  7. Anyone catch the first episode of the new season?
  8. Just found about this. Talk about late to the party :-) Half a million bucks from the fans to make a Robotech pilot based on an idea that's a quarter of a century old? LOL. I get the feeling that the people at the top level of Harmony Gold were laughing their pants off with this pitch. They must have absolutely no trust in them and then let them go ahead with their fundraising. I hope one of 2 things happens. 1) They get their money (up to almost 63,000 today) and then we get to, (respectfully and without gloating of course), get to watch half a decade of development hell, production delays, personnel changes and other assorted CF's, until finally we get a pilot episode that will of course not result in a new series. 2) They fall well short of their target and the Argama guy decides to cut costs and puts the whole film/animation division on sale. He then get's a call from Mr. Funimation who makes a deal he can't refuse for the rights HG has on the Macross name overseas.
  9. I came late to the DYRL party compared to some of you guys. I'd heard about it in hushed tones by some guys who sold bootleg VHS in Mexico City in the mid 90's, but the first time I watched it was around '99 when in London I got my hands on the VHS release by Kiseki for about 5 quid. Mercifully it's subbed so I didn't have endure the legendary "Clash of the Bionoids" debacle. BTW, looking it up once I fuond out that I could sell that tape for about 10 times the amount I bought it for today (not that I'm goin to though!) Still one of the most beautiful anime movies ever made. Whenever I get to share my japanese BD with anime newbies who make funof what they call "dated animation", I get a kick in seeing their faces of awe when they see in the opening SDF sho,t how luxurious and detailed hand drawn stuff can be.
  10. The translations that Netflix used are different from those of the manga where the term "placenta" is used instead of "ena". I don't know if it's a better translation from japanese, but I wouldn't be surprised if Netflix being a broad audience website might have decided to avoid the minefield of using the word "placenta" About the bear (abundant spoilers from the manga if you so wish )
  11. As someone who's read the manga, let me just say that it's not only the first episode that will be pretty brutal. Expect 24 episodes of the old "ultra violence"
  12. I'm surprised that Netflix didn't do a bigger PR effort for what it their first foray into anime co-production. You have to know what you're looking for to find it. I'm surprised how close they stayed to the manga. I would have thought they would have dialled down the "weirdness" factor a bit, but they kept it intact. The second season is going to be amazing.
  13. Sidonia was a total blast. Loved it. Old school mecha with Nihei's crazy designs and weird settings.. Anyone check out Aldnoah Zero? It's a Gundam clone series that was written by Urobuchi (the dude that did Madoka, Psycho Pass and Gargantia). The first episode was pretty decent, with really high production values. Sword Art Online, Space Dandy 2 and Akame ga Kill are out too. It's going to be a good season it seems.
  14. Watched the first episode of Argenvollen yesterday without any expectations whatsowever. It was actually pretty decent. A mecha show centered on combat and without any kind of "magical" or supernatural element to it so far. The characters are pretty meh, but it's only been an episode out of 24 so far. It felt kind of like a more generic low budget version of the 8th MS Team.
  15. I've read in the CR forums that it's been postponed to the Fall 14 season. Don't know if the person posting was legit or what his source was.
  16. LOL, yeah Lalah, that character's called. It's a nod to a character in Biomega called Kozlov (a scientist who transfers his body into a bears to avoid being infected with a virus). Why Nihei decided to include another bear in Sidonia is a big mistery to me though.
  17. It's an adaption of the manga by Tsutomi Nihei who's done stuff like Biomega and Blame!. He has a very distinctive style (has influences from for example Enki Bilal and H.R Gieger) and all his stories have a sci-fi/cyberpunk theme. Knights of Sidonia is by far his most accessible work and is ongoing. It's basically his take on the classic shounen mecha hero story, but with a lot more hard sci-fi angle. I'd definitely, definitely recommend it to fans of Macross in general. It has a lot of similarities in content (while not in style). The first season of Sidonia did well enough in Japan to get a second season and I'm really interested in seeing what kind of response the first season gets on Netflix.
  18. I don't think there is such a thing as a lack of original thinking in manga/anime, but if there is, one cannot really say that it's a problem exclusive to Japan. Please see our very own "Remake" thread on this forum. Hollywood keeps churning out the same stuff year after year. IN any case, Sidonia is a story by a great mangaka called Tsutomu Nihei. He's written some awesome cyberpunk style stories like Blame! and Biomega. Really cool stuff if you're into sci-fi. While the plot of Knights of Sidonia might not be something we haven't seen before 10 times, I'm sure the treatment, look and specially the feel of it will be very different than in similarly themed series.
  19. He he, had my little homage to him in the music section. Great actor a a fabulous guy from what I've been reading. Did a lot theatre too. Tuco is one of the most quotable characters in cinema history. From the legendary "when you have to shoot, shoot, don't talk" to my favorite insult ever, "You're the son of a thousand fathers...all bast*rds like you. And your mother?...I'd rather not talk...I don't want to offend anybody". But my favorite scene is still when he talks to his brother in the monastery. I still tear up sometimes when I see that scene.
  20. I finally caught up with the last episodes of Nobunaga the Fool and must say that I thought it was pretty mediocre. The premise was good, and so is the art and the use of CG, but I thought the plot was unnecessarily contrived and the characterizations are far from stellar. I think this anime was a bad case of trying too much, to mix too many elements together and failing to deliver good solid storytelling. Just my .02.
  21. Kind of tangential to this thread, but the memorable Eli Wallach died and I cannot help but wanting to hear Morricone's memorable "Ecstasy of Gold" from the Good, the Bad and the Ugly. So long Tuco!
  22. I'm actually enjoying this series because it's soooo bad that it's brilliant. The MC is so flawless that you get the feeling that he could cure cancer, discover how to do cold fusion, beat Chuck Norris in a fight and impregnate every female in the room by just breathing the same air as them. The term Gary Stu was created for this guy. At some point I'm assuming that the guys who wrote the series might want to introduce some kind of tension into the show, but I won't hold my breath. It's hard to believe that Madhouse was behind this show.
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