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Everything posted by Marzan

  1. Not too interested in getting goodies signed by Ms. Macek to be honest. I'm surprised that the grammar on the Spanish text is really bad. Considering the importance of the Spanish speaking market for Robotech in general, I would have expected a bit more attention to detail from HG. I mean how hard is it to get a native spanish speaker to go through a short text when you're based in L.A?
  2. I'm a fan of both Sidonia and KLK som my bias says yes. Having said that, I'd recommend checking them out (both available for streaming) before taking the plunge. In the case of KLK, Aniplex is continuing with it's Japanese style pricing model so it's 50 bucks for 4 episodes (i'm assuming you're based in the States) on DVD. I think the price for BD's is around 65. So it's really catered for fans. As for Sidonia, I'm assuming that Netflix will let it sit exclusively on their system for while before a hard copy is made avalaible. This is their first anime co-production so I don't know what to expect from them pricewise.
  3. Miami Guns? I'm intrigued. I was sure it would be an 80's title with that name but a quick google search threw out that it was actually made in 2002. Any Don Johnson lookalikes running around?
  4. I love Tarantino and the premise for the film sounds really interesting. It's got some old Tarantino favorites like Tim Roth, Michael Madsen in there besides Kurt Russell and Samuel L. Jackson.
  5. I'm by no means an expert, but I believe that in order to make those they would need to get a hold of the original material that Big West used to make their gorgeous SDFM release in BD. So there's no milking to be done there.
  6. Then please don't listen to the ending of Witch Craft Works. The series itself is pretty dire but the ending theme is ridiculously catchy. Months have passed and I still find myself singing 'witchy, witchy' without the slightest provocation
  7. I'm not abig figure purchaser (except them Yamato 2199 glas) but I just pre-ordered a Satsuki from Kill la Kill. nendoroid. Too darn cute to resist. Mmh, I don't know why, but my computer won't let me upload a picture of it, so I'll just link to it. http://www.crunchyroll.com/anime-news/2014/07/08-1/good-smile-company-launches-kill-la-kill-nendoroid-satsuki-kiryuin-preorders
  8. I really wonder what the big boss Frank Agrama in HG thinks about this? If he wouldn't back the Robotech Academy project with his own coin and now the kickstarter fails... I just don't see any serious monetary value in Robotech anymore. You cannot keep living of nostalgia and they cannot develop anything new of consequence. There's more money in real estate anyway.
  9. I agree with you EXO. I just believe that there's nothing left for them to 'milk' from the Macross trademark with the exception of SDFM which they can continue to re-release ad-nauseam. At some point I hope, that someone in that building is going to realize that there's no value for them in having the international copyrights to Macross, if there's nothing Macross being released outside Japan. How much money did HG make out of Zero or a big success like Frontier? Not a penny I gather? And that's the way it's going to continue to be. There's much more value for them as a company IMO to sell those rights (minus SDFM) to someone who can actually do something with them. They can even use that money to fund their new Robotech project which can then be fully Mospeada based (designs, appearances and so on).
  10. Plus I don't think we can expect any kind of "handing back" of any Macross rights nor do I expect Big West/Studio Nue to deal with them at this point. The only way forward I can envsion is a sale of those copyrights to another actor who can then have a fresh start with Big West.
  11. Looks as impressive as is to be expected for the end of the Hobbit. The boys at Weta have been working hard I see. I really like the song they used as soundtrack for this. Correct me if I’m wrong, but isn’t it the same song that Pippin sings to Denethor in The Return of the King?
  12. I've been thinking that one way to circumvent HG's grip on the Macross name internationally would be for Big West to stream from Japan (for example on Daisuki) and then just remove the name Macross from the show and call it something else internationally (and every time the name is mentioned just translate it as something else). I only mention this after watching the Jojo's Bizarre Adventure stream. There's a series of characters called after Western artists (Steely Dan, J. Geil for examples) yet in the Crunchyroll translation, they're called something else (Dan of Steel, Centerfold). It's a bit confusing to hear the japanese voice actor say one name and the translated subs something else, but it doesn't really detract from one's enjoyment. I've read that they changed the name in the subs precisely to avoid copyrights issues.
  13. I have to say that I really dig the combat sequences (minus the 'epic' music). They're well thought out and choreographed. Now if they only give the MC some background story so we can understand why he's so darn smart and talented.
  14. I skipped over most of the video (if you want people to listen to your rant, keep it short) and then got to the end. That basement will haunt my dreams for years to come.
  15. The only problem with Jojo is that I suddenly find myself blurting out "OH NOOOOO!!" when something goes wrong at work. Can be very embarrassing with co-workers. Not all of them understand the greatness of Joseph Joestar.
  16. After seeing and hearing what they have in mind, I must say I was wrong and EXO has been right all along....I hope this get's greenlit...The entertainment possibilities are endless. Bring out the popcorn
  17. Good post Nekko with some very valid points. As for the second season, I think it will be a mixed bag for most (provided they stick to the manga). There will be some very interesting new developments and plot but also
  18. I didn't even know we had a JoJo thread here in MW. Discovered the Bizarra Adventure series about a year ago and loved it. It's so delightfully camp and over the top. And I'm currently enjoying Stardust Crusaders as well. Polnareff's ongoing troubles with the sanitary facilities of South Asia bring out the childish 'toilet humor' in me.
  19. It's good to read that Kawamori has given a lot of thought to 'how' the music part the Macross triangle will be included. At the sake of becoming repetitive, I'd rather they take their sweet time and come up with a good concept and a solid script. If they can do that (and I think they suceeded with Frontier) then the show will be a hit. And development of new audiences with 'contemporary content' is a must if we want more Macross in the future. Nostalgia will only get you so far.
  20. Only 166,545 with 17 days to go? I really think these guys are going to fall short of their target. I hope they get their money back.
  21. Nice podcast guys. It gave a good overview of what the game has to offer. and the technical stuff was in order. If you hadn't mentioned that Andrew wasn't there, I wouldn't have noticed the skype-cast. Listening to your thoughts on the story and the characters, reminds me why stuff like "time travel" is a bit of a mess topic to introduce in a saga like Macross. Fine for game I think, but I hope that they steer well away from it in the forthcoming TV series. Let the characters stay in their respective time/sphere. And about Sidonia, well I guess it's understandable that not everyone can bear the Bear.
  22. It's been pretty good so far. I like stories where the enemy has the superior technology and weaponry and the protagonists have to compensate with tactics and numbers. Aldnoah has exactly that. The mecha have a nice weighty feel to them which has been missing from other similar series in the past years. The only thing I'm not too crazy about is the MC. He seems a bit too cool and in control of things considering his age, but well , this is anime and if they're not 'young', they don't sell.
  23. So, 21st of july today...If we are to believe jvmacross' poster, DYRL opened exactly 30 years ago. Happy 30th anniversary!
  24. Watanabe's new show, Terror in Resonance, is a pretty good thriller/action series. Good story, good writing and OST by Yoko Kanno. 2 episodes in, I can warmly recommend it.
  25. Indeed. Does Netflix ever release viewing figures or statistics? It's be interesting to hear how this is doing. I'd love to see a big player like Netflix co-produce some more anime that might otherwise have a hard time getting green-lit.
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