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Everything posted by Marzan

  1. MAL was hacked (I've heard that a lot of fansub sites were targeted as well) so a lot of shows have quirky results. The worst is that as far as I understand, they might not be able to recuperate all that was lost. Having said that, while MAL's ranking system views can be a useful tool to find out what to watch/not too watch, exercise a bit of caution too. MAL's main demographic/users is a young, mainly fansub oriented set. Which means that more 'serious' films or shows don't make it high in their rankings. None of Satoshi Kon's or MIyazaki's films for example are in the top 20 which is a bit ludicrous IMO. On top of that, anything that's more than 20 years old has by default a bad score. Anime basically started with Evangelion in the MAL worldview. Old stuff is immediately labeled as 'dated' except by the few old timers that hang around the site. And mecha is always judged a bit harshly too. No Macross show makes the top 300 for example and the original Gundam has a lower score than SEED. They do love, and I mean love their 'slice of life' shows in MAL though. My rule of thumb when consulting scores there is to add half a point if the show has mecha, add a full point if it's more than 20 years old
  2. They were both made by the same guy, Shinichiro Watanabe, who also co-directed Macross Plus by the way. If you like his stuff, he has 2 series being streamed right now. Terror in Resonance and Space Dandy. They're very different, specially storywise, but both are superbly directed and have great soundtracks ( no surprises there).
  3. Is it just me, or is the timespan between original and reboot getting shorter and shorter?
  4. LOL
  5. It seems that USAF has been keeping things from us. I can't wait to see some Gerwalk action in the next Superbowl flyover.
  6. it seems that Tomino didn't like the design of the Turn a Gundam too much. http://www.crunchyroll.com/anime-news/2014/08/28/gundam-creator-critical-of-new-voice-actors-and-veteran-mecha-designer Come on Tomino...the Moustache is love!
  7. I've read spoilers for Owarimonogatari and it sounds like it has the potential to be the best of the whole lot. Cannot wait to see it animated. Zokuowari (final novel) comes out September the 19th, so hopefully they can get to work on the next full season soon!
  8. Real interesting stuff guys. I've always thought that Miria was saying "Beau..tiful?" not knowing what the word meant, but I also had the doubt that maybe she was complimenting Max on his looks. He is a genius after all
  9. Watched at a double screening Macross Plus/Ghost in the Shell in my university back in...must have been 95 or 96 ( I feel old yping this). Macross Plus just blew me away (so did GITS but in a different way) and got me back into watching anime.
  10. RIP. He'll be mostly remembered as a director, I’ll always remember him as Bartlett in The Great Escape for some reason.
  11. This show should change it's name to *Slaine Can't Catch a Break'
  12. Is it just me or are figures just getting more 'ero' by the day? not that I mind of course.
  13. Full series out on Daisuki now. I don't know about North America though. Aniplex has the weirdest licensing procedures sometimes. I loved this arc. Now starts the long wait for the next delivery of the series. I've kind of given up on Kizumono being shown anytime soon.
  14. That gives "pimp my ride" a whole new meaning.
  15. I love "A View To a Kill". Excellent theme for a Bond movie and just a bloody great song to boot. I still think the most quintessential Bond theme though is "Goldfinger"
  16. Watched on my ipad which I then airplayed on my TV screen. I should probably add that I'm currently living in Copenhagen, so while it's rare that Netflix doesn't have the english subs on offer, it's also not out of the question. Unfortunately only Danish, Swedish, Norwegian and Finnish were on offer!
  17. Just caught on Netflix. Unfortunately they had no english subs on offer so I had to friggin' watch it with danish subs based on what I presume was the english dub script, so already with my very, very basic knowledge of Japanese I could tell that somethings were slightly off other than the names. So it's hard for me to comment on the plot. I'll wait for the BD's to come out to watch it with proper subs. I have to say that least I though that visually it was marvellous. Real ambitious and great looking stuff. Using Jupiter as a energy source for a cannon was as cool a weapon design as I've seen.
  18. Just watched the first episode (unfortunately the service that's streaming it here, is going to break it up into the 5 episodes an do one a week, unlike in Japan when they screened all 5 in a single showing. It was also really hard to stop the stream on time to read those small Gatari text flashes!). Having said that, it was pretty interesting stuff and very Gatari in it's dialogue and presentation. I was a bit surprised by the lack of headtilting though....Shaft, what's going on?!
  19. If by Samurai X you mean Rurouni Kenshin: Trust & Betrayal, it's really good. Much better quality (story, animation, art) than the series. I can really recommend it. About the only negative with it, is that I think the dub team made too liberal a translation of the script. Stick to the subs.
  20. LOL. You guys know how much I love Japanese animation. I love the designs, the stories, crazy worlds they come up with. But if there's one thing that I've never understood is how they manage their budgets. Their project coordination leaves much to be desired. The way the quality can fluctuate like that is cringe worthy. Still nothing beats our very own Max vs Miria fight in SDFM! The last episode of Space Dandy was absolutely marvellous. It had references to the Sex Pistols, Jojo Stardust Crusaders and featured and honest to goodness Guncannon too boot.
  21. Read on a forum that we can expect it to be on on saturday... The wait is killing me. I really like Kanbaru as a character (she really puts Araragi in his place sometimes) and the interest shown by Kaiki and some of the other 'adults' in her makes me think she has a central role to play in the future of this series.
  22. The casualty rate exceeds that of other similar manga to be sure :-) I think they're doing a good job adapting it. I'm looking enormously forward to this upcoming arc.
  23. The meme "Not sure if serious" was made thinking of that article.
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