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Everything posted by Marzan

  1. There might be a repeat character a la Max and Miria in Macross 7? My money is on Luca, all grown up, finally wearing trousers instead of shorts.
  2. Indeed.I like how they’re doing it. They better strike while the iron is hot and keep those big sales figures coming in. There’s so many franchises out there that never got the entirety of their storyline adapted due to people losing interest after some years (something different always comes along). With Kizumono, I get the feeling that they will release it last. Why they’ve squatted on it all these years is a mistery to me.
  3. Most probably the latter to be honest. Or it's the name of an idol academy. "DELTA Idol Academy: Where legends are born"
  4. Brilliant way to start the new year!
  5. Hell yeah!! The new Macross project is rolling. 2015 is going to be a good year.
  6. Finally got around to the 4th Arise movie. Finally I got that proper GITS feel from it. There were a lot of scenes that seemed like a direct homage to the classic 95 film (Motoko lifting the hatch of the tank for example). So what's next for Arise? Another film in 15', right?
  7. Tochiro: With your knowledge of the Japanese market , does the availability of the Shudista boxset indicate that sales were lower than expected? I’m just under the impression that these kinds of editions disappear from retail rather quickly
  8. The Cowboy Bebop releases...drool...Are those capitalist ba*tards trying to make double dip?? I already own the European edition, and it resembles the Amazon release most, so I might have to shop the Funimation release then.
  9. They're probably going to cost a pretty penny if it's a Sunrise release through Righstuf as distributor only. But having MSG, Zeta and TurnA in BD quality is a no brainer for me, despite the wallet destroying effect it might have.
  10. No Matt LeBlanc in a lead role? I'm boycotting this!
  11. The soundtrack is fantastic too. All those songs in bad German are amazing
  12. Anyone caught Psycho Pass 2 yesterday? Pretty decent sequel so far.
  13. Madhouse has once again delivered a quality adaption with Parasyte (Kiseeiju). Real good stuff and uncensored for once (thank you Madhouse). They updated the character designs and technology in the story a bit, and changed some thing chronologically, but the story follows the manga pretty closely. And it's a 2 cour so there'll be 24 episodes of goodness. Shingeki No Bahamut had a pretty interesting first episode. Story is set in a fantasy world with dragon, demons and mercenaries, with gorgeous animation and some pretty ballsy character designs. In an era where MC’s look almost all alike, it’s refreshing to have a guy in his 20’s with a ginger afro as the protagonist.
  14. Cross Ange really has got the internet on fire with THAT final scene. I really didn't expect to see that. And yeah, the amount this series takes from SEED is astounding. There's bits from the credits that are almost identical! My only issue with Terraformars is the censoring. While I understand why they do it, making 3/4 of a screen black for the purpose of censoring is a bit too much. At one point I felt like was listening to Terraformars and not watching it.
  15. I'm not sure I understood anything you wrote here ( I should probably mention I'm not into VN's) but I'll take your word that I shouldn't fear and let Archer entertain me
  16. The evolution of Mikimoto's style is amazing. I wish he would get hired to do more character designs for anime
  17. Watched first episode of the new Fate series. It's allright, but not as awesome as the franchise fanboys make it to be. It's definitely better to have Rin as protagonist than Shirou "People die if they are killed" Emiya. But the highlight of my weekend was Gundam Reconguista... It was awesome and terrible in equal measure. Tomino just completely does things his own way and as a result the series is completely retro and like nothing done today. From the breakneck pacing, weirdly named characters, good ole machismo, to the Bright-slapping and early character deaths...it's all there. Classic Gundam. I'm loving it. All that's missing now is a antagonist with a mask that's much more charismatic than the MC. I'm sure it will come soon.
  18. Makes sense. I hope we get a version like the one you describe at some point in the future. GITS is worth it.
  19. The relationship would have to be clearly platonic. Otherwise the logistics of it all would be cumbersome and dangerous to say the least.
  20. It's funny to read your post because yesterday I got and watched my GiTS anniversary bluray and was just a tiny, tiny bit disappointed with the picture quality. I'm not a "video" geek like some guys here so I cannot put a finger on it, but I probably expected more sharpness, more richness. I didn't feel like I was seeing a quantum leap in quality from my DVD. I guess 5,6 years from now they will take my money again with the remastered 'ultimate edition' or something like that.
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