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Everything posted by Marzan

  1. I salute you sir. Said comment forced the hot coffee out of my mouth and nostrils and all over my keyboard. No harm done, yet.
  2. LOL- They didn't get the 'less is more' memo.
  3. The most interesting thing for me as an AGK manga reader, is that the anime's story has finally diverted significantly from the manga, which means we might get an anime original ending (since the manga is still ongoing and still some ways before finishing). I look forward to see how they do this. Only thing for sure is that the casualty rate will be high. I started watching No Game, No Life to see what all the fuss was about. The first episode is certainly interesting, with some nice art too.
  4. Damnnn Nordic Netflix doesn't have 'Shakma'! It's a crime. From you description it sounds like an absolute classic
  5. I'm telling ya' it's the Miss Macross competition all over again!
  6. This must be the first discussion I've ever seen on Cross Ange where people are not complaining about the 'fanservice'. Kudos to you guys!
  7. Well this thread escalated quickly. Those walls of text were..impressive. 2 points I want to make that won’t take up 10 paragraphs. Pretty much 90% of anime TV series subscribe now to the 1cour (12-13 episodes) or 2 cour (24/25-26 episodes) run. This allows networks to program their schedule much more efficiently. So I don’t think we’ll see a number of episodes that doesn’t fit this model. Gubaba is spot on when he says that people should look at the reasons for Frontier’s success. It’s the idols that made the difference. And viewer preferences have not changed since then,. Just google the sales figures for a show like “Love Live”. It’s massive. Yeah something like Gundam Unicorn sold a bucketload too, but that was more the exception to the rule. The Mecha genre is simply not selling the way it once did. I absolutely love Macross Plus. Love it. But I think that people that are expecting something like it, with adult main characters and a more ‘gritty’ tone are setting themselves up for future disappointment.
  8. Looking massively forward to this. It’s hard to believe it’s all coming to an end. On second thought you never know. Jackson and WETA might get the itch again in some years and might adapt parts of The Silmarillion. Feanor makes for a pretty appealing MC.
  9. That's definitely more in tune with the character designs from the TV series. But I suppose volutuous sells more
  10. Heroic Age is one of those shows that didn't get great reviews or high scores anywhere for some reason. I really enjoyed it. I suppose the big 'space opera' fans that almost all we Macross fans are means we see more appeal in it than others. Is anyone else here watching Parasyte? If not, I really recommend it. I read the manga some years ago and Madhouse is doing a stellar job adapting it (ok minus the dubstep music they use sometimes). Few shows out there this season do as good a job treating the relevant characters as genuine human beings. They absorb, process, react, and develop to/from whatever transpires around them. Real good stuff. I'm also watching Rage of Bahamut which is a really enjoyable old school fantasy. I don't know who licensed it in the States though.
  11. I think those proportions are closer to Super Sonico than the Yurisha we saw in the series, but dammnn it looks enticing. 9000 yen, right?
  12. From what I've understood from the show, there has been some kind of ban/religious prohibition of some kinds of technology that can be used for warfare. There have also been some hints of a massive conflict in the past that have had a serious impact on the Earth. I would not be surprised if there's some kind of TurnAGundam kind of the past was mroe technologically advanced than the future kind of deal.
  13. It's exciting to imagine what Kawamori might have in store for us this time. Who would have thought that after the zaniness of Macross 7 he would have followed up with Zero's old school dogfighting? And Frontier after that? I say let's prepare to be surprised. Having said that, looking at BD sales (and god knows Satelight needs a big hit) and the news that they were casting for singers, I'm pretty confident that there will be a lot of emphasis on the idol/singing side of the Macross triangle. That's what sells and draws the most in Japan.
  14. I think the pacing is fine. It's more the way characters interact with each other that I find ver, very different and sometimes downright odd. But then again it's a reflection of how Tomino must be as a person. He must be the least soft spoken Japanese guy on record :-)
  15. I know they're expensive, but if Voyager doesn't release more BD's you can always purchase the Japanese BD's. They're subtitled (and the subtitles are very competent). It's such a shame that such a fanstastic franchise is caught in another licensing dead end. I hope what Keith mentions is right and the rights are being bought by soomeone else.
  16. I've mentioned it a bit in the Anime watching thread since I guessed there wasn't going to be a lot of people watching since it's not licensed in most parts of Europe and the Americas. It's a wonderfully retro show in the way the action and dialogue is presented, and the plot and characters are so totally Tomino. But sometimes to be honest I wonder If i*m not enjoying it mostly because of the nostalgia factor.
  17. Exactly. It's all about how the show is delivered. If you have good characters and good art/animation, you can get away with doing the same story again and again.
  18. Well to be honest the English journalist and author Christopher Booker in his book "The Seven basic Plots" argues that there typically only are well...seven basic plots and that most of mankinds stories written over the past 5000 years cover. So I'm not surprised if all sports anime has the same story ad nauseam. You could argue that 90% of all mecha anime has the same storyline.
  19. You could argue that Frontier already has covered the civil war angle with the Galaxy conspiracy.
  20. I know, right? It's like they have left over models and designs from Gundam Seed and they're just putting them in there. Even the new male MC-kun looks like Jesus Kira.
  21. BTW for 24 hours only, Terra Formars is uncensored on Crunchyroll. Just in case you need to see massive blood spatter and exploding heads.
  22. have some time on my hands right now so on top of the seasons simulcasts, I'm gonna have a crack at Blue Gender. I've read some good reviews on it so I hope it delivers.
  23. A totally bald Captain Gamlin Kizaki in charge of Battle Delta.
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