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Everything posted by Marzan

  1. I'm assuming that Shirobako takes a somewhat realistic look (well they have to add a bit of drama too) at the behind the scenes of developing a series. In that context, I was surprised to see the episode where the director rolls back an entire episode in order to get the voice acting/expressions to match what the director envisioned the character’s personality and emotional palette. He described an backstory for her and wanted it to be able to convey to the rest of the staff how she should talk, cry, behave etc… I feel that such detail and care for making a 'whole' character is perhaps not always present in some series, and I particularly feel that many male characters are missing that kind of characterization. My question (a bit tongue in cheek I suppose) was more of a point I was trying to make, that perhaps with female characters being the main selling points of many a series, production staff feel they require more depth to them? I don’t understand why they made the second season 10 episodes instead of the normal 12 or 13 (a TV network decision perhaps?). I think the events of the last episode could have been spread out over two. Still, they managed to tie things up well enough. We can look forward to the OVA now.
  2. I think it won't be a problemMadhouse has a good record making manga adaptations as far as I can tell, hey've covered 28 chapters out of the manga's 64, and are at episode 11 out of 24 so they're right on schedule.
  3. I'm very curious about the direction Reconguista is taking. There are lot of hints that it could be the most The art&colour palette is striking and the 'artistic' looking mecha work for me. Having said that some of the voice acting and directing is pretty poor though, no question about that.
  4. What Keith said is on the money. And do not watch Akame Ga Kill. The show was doing ok when it was following the manga, but as soon as it went anime original route the wheels came off. The last episode was dreadful. Thanks for the Shirobako recommendation. Really enjoying a series which is about people at work and a look at the anime industry. My only question at this point is: If they really put that much thought into characters personality and motivations...how the hell do they explain 2/3 of male MC's? Or does the attention to detail only apply to female characters?
  5. While I was watching Interstellar I also kept on being reminded of Sunshine (hugely underrated film in my book). Lot's of similarities but Sunshine definitely had the bleaker tone.
  6. Finally got to watch this. Pretty good movie, although it's not quite the game changer that 2001 or Solaris were back in the day. I thought Matt Damon played his role quite well. I hated him, but kind of understood how he had gone through something that few humans in history ever had.
  7. Not as good as the first season. IMO. Still a good watch though.
  8. Watch out for when you buy it that it's the original made in Japan Victor company release. There's an extremely good taiwanese bootlet out there that fooled me back in the day. Basically the price gives it away. If it costs less than 50 US, it's probably the bootleg
  9. Cool. After reading these rave reviews I'll be sure to give it a go.
  10. It's the one about the anime production club, right? I watched the first ten minutes and didn't get much into it, but so many people whose taste I respect are raving about it that I've put it on my to do list again.
  11. Well now that we seem to be in request mode, I want a cameo by Veffidas were she appears as a studio drummer. It'd be easy. She doesn't even need to talk.
  12. Ooh, that's nice. I like my Yamato Nadeshiko's and she fits the bill twice over. But I'm struggling to remember her. Is she one of the bridge operations staff? At some point 'chubby girl' might just get her very own 1/8 figure
  13. I meant of course that music doesn't work for either side...Do not think that will be the case, but you never know...
  14. Preview for the new season coming up. And it's going to include an adaption of Blame! as a show-within-a show kind of deal. Good times. http://www.crunchyroll.com/anime-news/2014/11/23-1/video-knights-of-sidonia-battle-for-planet-nine-preview
  15. Akame ga Kill seems to be heading for the anime original ending, so these last episodes should be pretty interesting IMO. I hope they come up with something good to end it. On other matters, anyone else here a fan of the manga Blame! Well it's getting an anime adaption in a way that Kawamori would applaud. It's going to be a show-within the second season of Knights of Sidonia (Blame! and Sidonia are by the same mangaka). It's not a new idea, but it's kinda neat since I don't think Blame! would sell by itself too well in this anime market to be honest. http://www.crunchyroll.com/anime-news/2014/11/23/video-blame-the-ancient-terminal-city-anime-preview
  16. Yes, it might not be new. But you cannot deny that it's become a lot more widespread in the last 5 years or so
  17. I think the moment most of the Earth's surface was blasted away by Golg Boddole Zer, the concept of nationalities pretty much flew out of the window to be honest.
  18. Loved reading this. Maybe music for the first time in Macross doesn't work at all? LOL.
  19. I keep telling contemporary anime fans that 20 years from now people are going to look at all the sibling love/imouto stuff released in the last 5,6 years or so and ask "What the hell where people thinking in those days?"
  20. I must admit I looke forward to it each week much more than I do with SAO or Fate. Strange that. I finished No Game No Life and was pretty underwhelmed after I'd read about it. Nice art and interesting premise, but it unfortunately suffers from the Gary Stu/Mary Sue syndrome that's popping up more often in todays anime market.
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